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Fanfic / My Name Is Molly

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My Name is Molly by Gummysaur is an Animal Crossing fanfic with a horror twist.

Molly Hills was a normal little girl until she was forced, like all other kids, to take "the Operation". Now Molly can't remember her parents, her last name, or anything about her past. Molly is shoved onto a train and transported to her new home, Solaris. All Molly knows now is her first name and that she's a duck.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • After the End: Humanity was at risk due to a plague, so governments created a solution that allowed the youngest generation to survive.
  • Body Horror: Human children are drugged and given surgery to turn them into Funny Animals.
  • Dark Fic: All the villagers are children who had their memories repressed and were forcibly changed into anthropomorphic animals.
  • Death of a Child: It's mentioned that some children weren't evacuated because they were already sick with The Plague. These kids were left to die with the adults.
  • Fantastic Racism: Some alligators make fun of Molly for being a duck.
  • Furry Reminder: Molly doesn't have the best hearing because she's a duck. She also notes that humans have blurrier vision than ducks.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: All the villagers are forced to be happy and saccharine using medical procedures.
  • Interspecies Romance: Defied. Despite their close friendship, Liam and Molly are only Childhood Friends. The writer outright mentions in a note that they think it's weird for an anthropomorphic duck and human to be together.
  • Only One Name: The idea of having a surname is foreign to animals. They don't understand when Liam introduces himself by his full name.
  • Teenage Wasteland: All adults have died due to The Plague.
  • Token Human: Liam is the only human left in existence. He escaped the bombings by jumping onto a train.
  • Vague Age: Only children were given The Operation (or so it initially seems), yet some of the villagers display mature characteristics such as having facial hair and liking alcohol. It's unclear how old the villagers view themselves. It's also unclear how old the children are since they curse and generally act mature for their ages.
  • Zombie Infectee: Liam wasn't given The Operation because he was infected with The Plague already. He ends up falling ill in the epilogue, but is cured.
