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Fanfic / My Dream Is Yours

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My Dream Is Yours is an Odd Squad Fan Fic written by Flying Saucers.

After Olympia and Otis accidentally fall asleep at the local park while awaiting the arrival of Jamie Jam and realize that they haven't been having their usual dreams, Dr. O diagnoses with them with Dream-Transfer-itis, an odd illness that causes dreams of various victims to be swapped. While Ohlm takes their place in waiting for Jamie Jam, Olympia and Otis must work to cure the second epidemic of the illness in Precinct 13579's history.

Don't confuse this with the 1949 Doris Day musical of the same name, which is remembered for its dream sequence cameo by Bugs Bunny and Tweety.

This fanfic contains examples of:

  • Acting Unnatural: Oren has a Catapult Nightmare and stumbles out of the Pillow Room with a panicked look on his face, but when he spots Olympia and Otis, he tries to revert to his usual Jerkass personality. It fails when Otis tells him that he had an odd dream, and he clutches the rookie agent's lapels as he tells all.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: In regards to Dream-Transfer-itis, touching foreheads is how dreams are transferred from one victim to another. Olympia and Otis touch foreheads to have the former transfer the latter's dream back to him, and they do so in a pretty awkward manner.
  • Answer Cut: At the end of the story, Olympia asks who could still have Dream-Transfer-itis since she and Otis have asked most everyone in headquarters. The scene then shifts to Orchid, asleep in the Pillow Room and having Orson's dream, then it shifts to Ozric attempting to calm a crying Orson as he says that he's been cranky ever since waking up from his afternoon nap.
  • Assurance Backfire: Ohlm tells Olympia and Otis that he can take their place and wait for Jamie Jam while they solve the Dream-Transfer-itis outbreak. Olympia isn't convinced, but decides to leave with Otis (and Dr. O) anyway.
    Olympia: Oh, wait! We need to meet that villain first!
    Ohlm: It's okay, guys! I got this.
    Olympia: [wincing] Why am I not reassured?
  • Big "WHAT?!": Otis has this reaction when Olympia tells Ohlm that she's been having weird dreams.
  • Busman's Holiday: It's implied that Oona's preferred vacations don't vastly differ from what she does when she's at work. If she's on a vacation where she can't do the same things she does at work, then it's not a good vacation to her.
  • Catapult Nightmare: O'Malley wakes up like this in Chapter 2 after nodding off while on tube operator duty.
    • As does Oren in Chapter 3.
  • Character Tics: Octavia switched dreams with Dr. O during the first epidemic of Dream-Transfer-itis, which caused her to develop a tic that made her avoid spaghetti for three months. It's never explained in detail, but it apparently has something to do with the gallbladder and how Dr. O doesn't know what one looks like.
  • Comical Nap Drool: Olympia finds some drool on her shoulder when she wakes up, but it's not made clear if she was the one drooling or if it was Otis.
  • Confusion Fu: As this is Ohlm's battle style, he uses this on Jamie Jam and her "Knock Knock" Joke. It works effectively to the point where she is in tears and decides to admit defeat before Olympia and Otis even have a chance to stop her.
    Ohlm: Piece a' cake. Call me if you need me again. Bye.
  • Correction Bait: The entire B-plot of the fanfic revolves around Ohlm consistently correcting Jamie Jam on what a "Knock Knock" Joke is when she tries to give one in order to give him a clue as to where she's attacking. It's not out of his character by any means — he's Obfuscating Stupidity — but his frequent corrections begin taking their mental toll on Jamie to the point where she actually begins crying.
  • Desert Island: Oona is tormented by dreams of her being on one of these islands, with nothing but a smoothie, a lawn chair, and soft music playing somewhere in the distance. Olympia doesn't think the dream is bad at all, but Oona, already suffering from Sleep Deprivation, snaps at her, saying that she can't take a Busman's Holiday that way.
  • Don't Ask: Otis's response to Olympia asking him what weird dreams he's having.
    Otis: [face going red] I...don't want to talk about it.
    Olympia: But how can we...
    Otis: I said I don't want to talk about it.
    Olympia: Okay, okay...
  • Dope Slap: Otis transfers Orchid's dream back to her by touching foreheads with her quickly and thank her. Her response is to sweetly give a "don't mention it" before headbutting him in return with as much force as she can muster.
  • Dream Episode: Natch, if the title didn't give it away.
  • Foreshadowing: Jamie Jam states that she got a copy of a book titled How to Work with Difficult People. Unbeknownst to her, though, Ohlm is about to be the "difficult people".
  • Enraged by Idiocy: When Jamie Jam isn't losing her absolute mind at Ohlm's simple-minded nature, she's losing her absolute mind at his ditziness and stupidity. By the time the story's done, she's reduced to a sobbing mess and gives up on attacking the town.
  • Garage Sale: Todd hosts one to get rid of all his odd possessions following his Heel–Face Turn. Jamie Jam buys his fish phone, smoke bombs, and a copy of How to Work with Difficult People.
  • Head Desk: Jamie Jam has this reaction when her demonstration of a "Knock Knock" Joke involving someone knocking at the door becomes lost on Ohlm.
    Ohlm: Um, ma'am? You're gonna hurt your head if you keep doing that... [chews and swallows a bite of his apple] Probably not doing the table much good either...
  • Hidden Depths: Like a majority of other agents, Oona enjoys Soundcheck. Unlike a majority of other agents, her love for the band goes beyond "I like their music" and straight into "I have a crush on one of the band members", as evidenced by her dream of being in Italy and serenaded by Danny T.
  • History Repeats: Olive, Otto, Oscar and Oprah were all previous victims of Dream-Transfer-itis back when the illness struck Precinct 13579 the first time. A year later, the disease affects Olympia, Otis and Oona (but not Oprah, due to automatic immunity if you contract it) and spreads all across the precinct a second time around.
  • I Am What I Am: Oona is well aware that she is a klutz who makes things fall apart, but she would rather be there to supervise things falling apart than have to miss out on it.
    Oona: Things always fall apart a lot better if I'm there in charge.
  • If I Do Not Return: As Otis leaves to swap his dreams for Orchid's, he gives Olympia some parting words.
    Otis: If I don't come back, you've been a great partner.
    Oren: [rolls his eyes] Yippee.
  • Insistent Terminology: Her name might state otherwise, but Jamie Jam is very particular about her weapons.
    Jamie Jam: Look, it's very simple. When I say "knock, knock", you're supposed to say "Who's there?". "Who's there". That's it. That's all there is to it. Just say "who's there".
    Ohlm: But why would I say "who's there"? You're right there! I know who you are! You're that villain who sprays jelly all over everything!
  • Jaw Drop: Olympia goes slack-jawed when Oren explains the dream he's been having, coming to the realization that it's her dream.
  • "Knock Knock" Joke: Jamie Jam hides a clue as to the location of where she's going to attack in one of these jokes. When she tries to tell it to Ohlm, however, he can't comprehend the joke itself nor the comedy of the joke, which eventually drives Jamie to hit her Rage Breaking Point and causes her to forget everything about the joke but the setup.
  • Large Ham: Jamie Jam is a bigger ham here than she is in canon. She introduces herself with smoke bombs, an Evil Laugh, and Added Alliterative Appeal with all of her self-appointed titles.
  • Laughing Mad: Oona goes on a brief spiel of this as a result of Sleep Deprivation when Otis asks her if she's been having strange dreams.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Dr. O explains that the reason Olympia, an Odd Squad historian, never heard of the Dream-Transfer-itis outbreak the year before was because Odd Squad couldn't find a way to work math into curing the illness.
  • The Immune: Downplayed. When someone catches Dream-Transfer-itis and recovers from it, it grants them complete immunity to it, and they can't catch it a second time. Dr. O, Olive, Otto, Oprah and Oscar are the only known agents of Precinct 13579 to be immune to Dream-Transfer-itis because of this, as they had it a year prior to the story.
  • Implausible Deniability: Otis asks Olympia how she knew Owen was having Oona's dreams, and Olympia responds aptly.
    Olympia: Oona...kinda has a major thing for Danny T.
    Oona: IT'S NOT MAJOR! IT'S NOT A MAJOR THING! [blushes] Okay, I admit it, he's really cute...
  • Little "No": Otis gives Olympia two of these in rapid succession when she asks him about his dreams in Chapter 3.
    Olympia: So who do they belong to? Maybe if you'd tell us about them...
    Otis: No.
    Olympia: I won't tell anyone! Look, have I ever embarrassed you before?
    [pause as Otis looks at her]
    Olympia: I mean on purpose? [whispers] It's...not duck-related, is it?
    Otis: No.
  • Nervous Wreck: Ocean becomes one as a result of having O'Malley's dreams of riding a racecar, which doesn't help him considering he's the complete opposite of a nervous wreck.
  • No Ending: The Dream-Transfer-itis epidemic doesn't get resolved by the end of the story, as Oren, Orchid and Orson are all still affected by the illness.
  • Noodle Incident: Whatever dream of Dr. O's that Octavia had isn't explored in detail, but it was apparently nausea-inducing enough to make her avoid eating spaghetti for three months.
  • Oblivious to Love: Owen's incorrect dream is that he's in Venice and riding a gondola while being serenaded by Soundcheck's very own Danny T. In a fluster, he asks what it means, proving that any romantic implications the dream has are completely lost on him.
    "You...don't get out much, do you?"
  • Oh, Crap!: Otis's reaction to finding out that he has Orchid's dream and has to touch foreheads with her.
    Otis: Oh would have to be her.
  • Overworked Sleep: In Chapter 2, O'Malley, the tube operator on duty, can't fight his Sleep Deprivation any longer and falls asleep.
  • Pet the Dog: Olympia and Otis decide to answer Jamie Jam's request by asking her "Who's there?" Her response is to cry and hug them in relief as she thanks them for continuing the "Knock Knock" Joke that she had been trying to convey to Ohlm for the entire story. It doesn't last long, however, as she goes right back into a rage of forgetting the joke itself and the punchline.
  • Piss-Take Rap: Jamie Jam resorts to doing this by Chapter 4 in order to get the concept of a "Knock Knock" Joke across to Ohlm. All she gets in response is a Jaw Drop from Ohlm, which causes her to lose it.
  • The Plague: Downplayed as it's not lethal in nature, but Dream-Transfer-itis is known to affect offices and other widespread areas where people mingle close together. As such, Odd Squad precincts are hotspots for it to spread. Although it only seems to cause Sleep Deprivation at worst, considering Odd Squad is known to be a Dangerous Workplace, sleep deprivation isn't necessarily a good thing.
  • Precocious Crush: Olympia and Oona, who are both in the 10-12 age range, both have respective crushes on Tony D. and Danny T. of Soundcheck, who are adults. Needless to say, this is something they don't share in common with Otto as presented in canon, whose love for them is completely platonic.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Jamie Jam hits hers in Chapter 4 after trying and failing to explain the concept of a "Knock Knock" Joke to Ohlm. The only thing that snaps out of her rage is Olympia and Otis giving her two simple words, "Who's there?"
  • Real Dreams are Weirder: The dreams of most of those affected by Dream-Transfer-itis are pretty mundane. Orchid's, however, is the most bizarre dream of them all, consisting of things like giant twirling lollipops, samba-dancing bunnies, and of course, singing and dancing toy dinosaurs. Otis is affected by this dream, and it's such a nightmare to him that he attempts to purge it from his brain for days after he first has it.
    • To say nothing of Orson's dream, which involves him riding a giant radioactive komodo dragon through a post-apocalyptic wasteland and killing zombies. Unlike Otis having Orchid's dream, however, Orchid doesn't think of Orson's dream as a nightmare.
  • Recurring Dreams: Kind of. Most agents have a specific dream that often recurs, but when affected with Dream-Transfer-itis, they begin having a different recurring dream that isn't their own, which severely affects their sleep. To put it simply, the trope is played straight, but any agent who keeps having recurring dreams that are not their own becomes a clear-cut case of O.O.C. Is Serious Business.
  • Running Gag: Otis explains how he often dreams about toast, as "it's like bread, only crunchier". Of course, given his origins, it makes sense that he would enjoy eating it.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After forgetting the second half of the "Knock Knock" Joke she was going to tell, Jamie Jam decides to not go through with her attack and leaves the agents in utter defeat.
  • Shout-Out: To see if they have Dream-Transfer-itis, Dr. O asks Olympia if she knows who Edna May Oliver is. Olympia responds aptly by saying that she played the role of Betsey Trotwood in the 1935 film version of David Copperfield.
    • Olympia and Otis ask a painting of a pirate named O'Painty if it's had any odd dreams, to which it replies that it's just a painting as a head. The painting might serve as a reference to the opening of SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • Sleep Cute: The story opens with Ohlm coming across Otis and Olympia asleep together on a bench at a local park.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Both Otis and Olympia suffer from this as a result of their mixed-up dreams, as does everyone else who has fallen victim to Dream-Transfer-itis. Oona especially gets hit with this hard, as sleep deprivation doesn't mix well with her Cute and Psycho personality.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: As is typical of her usual abilities, Dr. O does this when Otis and Olympia talk to Ohlm about having had weird dreams.
  • Synchronization: It's implied that Ocean's emotions are shared by the creatures that he takes care of. Hence, when he's nervous and jittery, so are his creatures.
  • Take That!: Oksana tells Olympia and Otis that she has no dreams since she works in food service, which is in reference to how draining working in the food industry in most careers can be.
  • The Tell: Most agents have been around Oona long enough to know that scaring her will end with a myriad of broken things if she's holding stuff. Thus, when Olympia rushes over to the Lab with Otis and the other Dream-Transfer-itis victims and calls her name, they're quick to lunge for all the gadgets the Lab Director sends flying before they can hit the ground and break. They manage to catch all but one that fires and hits O'Duffy, who shrinks and begins yelling at Oona while he makes his way down the stairs to the bullpen.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Oren's reaction to realizing that he has to touch foreheads with Orchid to transfer dreams.
  • Too Smart for Strangers: Ohlm may be stupid, but he's definitely not stupid enough to converse with strangers (which makes sense, considering what he turns out to be by the end of Season 2).
    Jamie Jam: Fine. But let's say your mother isn't home. And someone knocks on the door. [imitates knocking] Knock, knock. What do you say?
    Ohlm: [shrugs] I don't say anything. [takes a bite of his apple] I'm not supposed to answer the door when Mom isn't home in case it's a homicidal maniac.
  • The Un-Reveal: The dreams that Olive, Otto, Oprah and Oscar had while sick with Dream-Transfer-itis are never revealed. Oscar's correct dream, however, has something to do with "The Gamesters of Triskelion".
  • Workaholic: Olympia, natch, to such an extent that her recurring dream is her doing endless amounts of paperwork. It's a sheer nightmare for anyone else, but absolute heavenly bliss for her.
    Olympia: I love doing paperwork!
    Oren: You're sick, you know that?
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: When Dr. O explains that she, Olympia and Otis need to return to Headquarters and figure out who's having who's dreams, Otis has to complain about why the cures for odd illnesses are never simple. Although the story was written well before his true origins were revealed, his time spent training under Oprah should clue him in to the fact that odd illnesses in this World of Weirdness are usually complicated, both in nature and in how they can be cured.
  • Your Little Dismissive Diminutive: Jamie Jam delves into this in Chapter 4 using the name of the agent that tormented her.
    Otis: [nodding] His name's Ohlm.
