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Fanfic / Legacy of the Red Sun

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Legacy of the Red Sun is a Superman/Star Wars crossover — with a twist.

It all starts when Luke Skywalker is four years old. He, Aunt Beru, and Uncle Owen out for a drive in a speeder. Suddenly, Owen loses control of the speeder, swerving it into a sand pillar.

Just like that, all three are dead. And Obi-Wan is forced to bury the body of the galaxy's last hope to defeat the Empire, as well as his aunt and uncle... And then, fate provides a new hero to fill in the gap, in the form of the last member of the citizens of Krypton. And things only get stranger from there. It's a lot better than it sounds.

Written by Darth Marrs and published on, this For Want Of A Nail trilogy has since been comprised into a single selection, which can be found here.


  • Death of a Child: Luke Skywalker dies at the age of four- and that's just the beginning of the fic (though no other children die).
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: After Darth Vader kills Obi-Wan, Kale punches him so hard he breaks his armor.
  • For Want Of A Nail:
    • Well, yeah. The subtraction of Luke Skywalker and addition of Kal-El cause huge changes in the galaxy, including the deaths of many characters and Vader and Leia's relationship being discovered much earlier.
    • In addition, Han Solo is now an Imperial pilot. He later defects, of course.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Small one. In a bit of dialogue, Han tells how he let a Wookie named Chewbacca free when he was told to skin him, but didn't go on the run with him. He later found Chewbacca had been killed in the street.
