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Fanfic / June's Diary

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June's Diary is a Malory Towers fanfiction by sabiangelrox. It appears to be a Dead Fic.

June's Diary provides examples of:

  • Chick Magnet: Peter is described by June as "the cutest boy in the village", and two girls glare at Alicia when she asks him out. Even the Guys Want Him, as Jeremy flirts with him.
  • Clashing Cousins: Alicia and June regularly prank and torment each other, though it's mostly Alicia doing so to June. June often tries to get revenge on her, most of the time not succeeding.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Betty towards Sam, especially when Moira is involved.
  • Creepy Child: June’s brother Tommy, an eight-year-old whose favorite games include “dying”, “zombies”, “arguments”, and “Squelch the Man”.
  • Death Glare: Moira gives Jeremy the "Hitler Girl" glare.
    No one insists on the Hitler Girl glare. No one.
  • Denied Food as Punishment: Aunt May tries to only give June milk and bread for tea as punishment when she gets tricked by Betty into falsely accusing Alicia of cheating on a test, but Alicia sneaks a full tea up to her.
  • Disappeared Dad: Moira and Bridget's father shot himself in the head when they were little and their mother remarried, giving them a stepfather. This seems to be a factor in the arguing between the two of them, as Bridget accuses Moira of "taking it out on her", followed by Moira telling Bridget she wished she would shoot herself, and then being horrified, as this brings up memories of their father's death.
  • Drama Queen: June. So much June.
  • Driven to Suicide: Moira and Bridget's father.
  • Emo Teen: Basically June's defining characteristic.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Moira and Bridget. The former is more serious, studious and reserved, and the latter is fun and cheerful, but also rather slow on the uptake.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Moira is serious and study-oriented, and rather unpopular at school. Her sister Bridget is fun and easy-going and has two boys who like her, but isn’t too smart. They regularly argue.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • June, after following and spying on her brother John:
      Bree was surprised to say the least, and demanded to know what was going on. She is so nosey. Why is everyone butting into other people's business nowadays? People have just no respect for other people's privacy nowadays. And so hypocritical!
    • And shortly after, when her uncle demands to know why she's speaking in French:
      People can be so nosey and interfering. And exasperating. And idiotic. And hypocritical. And...I'll shut up now.
    She'll also have to beg forgiveness for having a friend before me. I would never do that to her. All this reminds me, I really need to call Jenn sometime. Remember my best friend out of school?
  • Love Triangle: Downplayed. Bridget is in a relationship with Matt, but Roger also likes her. Matt and Roger get into a fight over her, but Bridget seems oblivious about Roger's crush on her and doesn't show any feelings for him, and just keeps dating Matt.
  • Metaphorgotten:
    Moira looked as though she felt as guilty as an, erm, murderer. Because...murderers feel guilty. Some of them. Not she did feel guilty. So she was like that some of them. Yeah. Even though she didn't murder anyone...whatever! She looked as though she felt guilty, ok?!
    Aunt was trying to be all welcoming and make her feel at home, but Ramona kept getting more nervous than a nervous, um, nervous thing.
    Jeremy battes his eyelashes like a... I don't know, an eyelash-batter.
  • The Nicknamer: June calls Alicia "The Devil Incarnate", Moira "Hitler Girl", Betty "Ugly Betty" and "The Buffoon", and Darrell "Macho Girl". Jeremy also gives everyone a nickname ending with 'S'.
  • No Sense of Humor: Moira. At one point June says that's she's "physically unable to laugh, OR smile".
  • The Noodle Incident:
    So much for Aunt's promise to be "discreet". She's about as "discreet" as Caroline Meyer when she told everyone about my... anyway, that's another story.
    I do not want bad rumors spreading out again. Like the one where I (quite understandably) got mad at them, and they invented that I, apparently, got drunk one night. They even had eye witnesses of me throwing up, but nobody would listen that I only seemed drunk because I was dizzy after the bloody ride at the bloody amusement park! But that's another story.
    Especially after what happened three years ago. God, it's scary when those two fight. You have to side with one of them. Worst thing is, to try to be friendly with both so they wont take out their anger on you, but if you are then they BOTH get offended with you and they BOTH publish stuff about you. Which is simply dreadful. I should know...but that's another story. I'm trying to tell you Hitler Girl's secret, not mine.
  • Only Sane Man: Sam seems to be this, due to being the oldest child in his family.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: June gives these to Sam to get him to forgive her. He caves in and asks why her puppy dog eyes have such an effect on him.
  • Running Gag: "she/he must die, she/he must die" and "I ask you".
  • Trickster Twins: Jeremy and Abigail Adams, twins who run a newspaper recording all the gossip in town.
  • Unfortunate Name: June's brother John, whose last name is Johns.
    hahahhahaha! Just realized how unfortunate his name sounds! So THAT'S why he always insists on us saying his middle name when we say his surname! I thought it was just because he was a pretentious brat and liked being "John Bartholomew Johns".
  • Verbal Tic: Abigail emphasises words a lot, much to June's irritation.
