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Fanfic / Drifting

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Drifting is a Naruto fic written by AlphaDelta1001.

The story's summary is 'Naruto is many things; troublesome, wild, unpredictable, adventurous, untamable, unique. But there's a benefit to being wild and unpredictable; no one has the faintest idea what you're going to do next.' Naruto is a LOT more adventurous when he's younger and the decisions he makes changes the story in huge ways.

List of tropes appearing in Drifting

  • Accidental Pervert: Naruto is surprised when Haku doesn't attack him for walking in on her getting changed, as she recognizes it was just an accident
    • Later on, Samui is similarly sane; she only attacked Naruto because he surprised her and was a potential enemy, not because he walked in on her taking a shower
    • Walking in on people when they're in the shower is apparently a common event at his place....
  • Action Girl: Most of the Kunoichi and also the female OC, Misora Amaya, she's good enough to be considered for a spot in the Akatsuki.
  • Action Pet: Swift-chan, Naruto's sparring partner, is a bird world renowned for their speed and agility.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Tayuya calls Naruto "shithead"
  • Artistic License – Physics: During the Chunin exam, it's mentioned that the hot climate of the area prevents lift, keeping them from rigging up a glider. As one technique of gliding is moving from thermal to thermal to keep aloft, this is the exact opposite of how it works in reality.
  • Ascended Extra: Virtually all of the filler/movie villains are working together and are given much more significance in the plot.
  • Badass Boast
    Naruto (to Yukie): I've been fighting against assholes like Doto ever since I was kicked out of the orphanage. I've beaten up entire street gangs with my bare fists, fought against whole armies of mercenaries, defeated a girl who was practically a walking slab of metal and one who could literally turn herself into lighting, rescued two countries from a fucker named Gato, and killed an S-Rank nuke nin who wouldn't die no matter how many times you stabbed him in the face. (...) The point is that there's not a single creature on this beautiful ball of water and dirt, living or dead, that I can't beat. Fact.
  • Badass Normal: The first major opponent that Naruto faces is Crow, a muggle assassin. He manages to evade the authorities and earn a unusually high bounty for someone without any ninja skills in a world where breathing fire from your mouth is common.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Don't harm the ones Naruto cares about. You will regret it.
    • Don't break Crow's mask.
  • Bishōnen Line: Moryu's final form is mostly human-looking
  • Blow You Away: Much of Naruto's fighting style incorporates his Wind element and special mention goes to his Signature Move "Jet Hand", which at maximum power can send opponents flying across the continent with just a single touch.
  • Body Sled: Naruto rides Nadare down a mountain which ends up killing the latter
    "SURF'S UP! WOOO!"
  • Chick Magnet: Naruto has many girls who are attracted to him, usually with him rescuing them.
    "Stuff like this just happens when I go places."
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Naruto doesn't have a clue about his many admirers for the longest time.
  • Confusion Fu: Naruto's specialty and main strength.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Gato has destroyed the livelihood of entire countries just because he felt like it.
  • Covert Pervert: Isaribi is the one to suggest competing about "bedding" Naruto first
  • Crazy-Prepared: Tenten carries around scrolls with all sorts of things sealed into them, including a huge mass of water.
  • Dance Battler: Some of Naruto's moves make it look like he's dancing.
  • Dead Fic: Hasn't been updated since February 2018.
  • Deadly Prank: Most of Naruto's pranks are meant for fun and enjoyment. He never really tries to hurt or harm anyone. Occasionally, however, he uses his pranks as a form of combat.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: Naruto is the only genin to have ever defeated Tsubaki, although Samui came pretty close to doing it.
  • Delayed Reaction: it takes Naruto some time to register that Shion's death predictions are said to be 100% accurate
  • Determinator: Crow should have died a long time ago. The facts that he had vital injuries and took a knife to the throat and still managed to keep fighting is a credit to his will.
  • Door Stopper: This story has over a million words as of April 2014.
  • The Dragon: Crow is this to Gato. He is the first major opponent Naruto faces.
  • Dramatic Wind: Naruto's "Eiyuu Kaze" (Hero Wind) jutsu is a joke technique he made to make himself look more badass before a fight. It's later weaponized as he uses this technique to No-Sell all of Tsubaki's lightning attacks.
  • Enemy Mine: Kakuzu and Misora and Naruto vs Moryu. Helps that the fate of the entire world was literally on the line.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: Zabuza's water attack didn't miss, it washed away Hidan's blood circle
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Gato says this word for word to Naruto when he meets him for the first time.
  • Expy: Many of the OCs are these:
    • Misora Amaya's looks and abilities are based on Uzumi from Sekirei.
    • Kiyoko's Kekkei Genkai is based on Greed's powers.
    • Tsubaki appears to be a bit of a mishmash of various characters from One Piece. Her general appearance is based on Nami, while her Kekkei Genkai is based on Eneru's Logia powers. Lastly, some of her move set taken from Admiral Kizaru.
  • Eye Colour Change: Kajiki's eyes turn yellow and slitted when "possessed" by Orochimaru
  • Eye Scream: Sasuke has an eye taken in chapter 32.
  • Eyepatch of Power: After recovering from losing an eye, Sasuke wears one of these
  • Face Doodling: Kiba suffers this after a party
    "There's a dick on my face, isn't there?"
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck!: Kaede is fond of "mother-hubbard".
  • Hair-Trigger Avalanche: one of these buries Hidan after he yells for help while dismembered and embedded in a mountain
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Hiruko is respected and feared for his power, treats his followers fairly, and promises to reward them; the first and third reasons are why Dosu joins him
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Kakuzu and Misora after the fight with Moryu.
  • Impossible Theft: Early on when Naruto faced a trio of incompetent female Chunin who had infiltrated the village, he managed to steal all their underwear without taking off or damaging their clothes, or even them noticing until he showed them his "loot".
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Naruto is capable of understanding everything Swift-chan says, even though she's a bird.
  • Ironic Echo: "Hide and clap. Try and find me." Naruto to Tsubaki
  • Lady Swears-a-Lot: Tayuya, just like in canon, has a swear word in every sentence.
  • Large Ham: Moryu, once he starts feeling threatened.
    "Your insolence just cost you this world! I'll blow it all to pieces... AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP MEEEEEEEEEE!"
  • Lethal Chef: Kaede's cooking looks and smells delicious; it just happens to be inedible. He's really sensitive about it too.
  • Mad Scientist Laboratory: Naruto has one in order to create his many bombs, fireworks, and paintball pellets he uses for his pranks.
  • Professional Killer: Crow is an assassin by trade.
  • Punched Across the Room: A common effect of Naruto's Jet Hand.
  • Right Man in the Wrong Place: Naruto becomes this in the third chapter when he saves an entire country from Gato's tyranny after getting accidentally knocked out and sent out of the village.
  • Rule of Cool: Many of the things Naruto does, he does precisely because it would look, sound, or seem cool in some way.
  • Shirtless Scene: in the second part of the Exams, both Naruto and Sasuke end up taking off their shirts due to the heat. Sakura is... appreciative.
  • Shock and Awe: Tsubaki. Just don't assume that her lightning powers are her only strength.
  • Shout-Out: Chapter 33, "You have my permission to die."
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: denied by the author, with the Moryu fight
    "...the order doesn't necessarily have to be that every villain the hero fights next is stronger than the last. That's bullshit. Sometimes one of the stronger opponents shows up in the middle and wrecks absolute hell."
  • Spanner in the Works: Naruto is this to Gato. Everything was working out fine for the businessman, until Naruto just happened upon the oppressed country and started screwing things up.
  • Spared by the Adaptation:
    • Tayuya came back with Naruto to Leaf, and never joined Orochimaru
    • Haku never fought against Kakashi, and was prevented from committing suicide by a dying Zabuza.
    • Kin left Sound after being severely injured in the Exams, and also came to Leaf with Naruto.
    • Everyone who would have died during the Invasion, because it never happened; this includes Hiruzen and the Fourth Kazekage.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Naruto, although we only hear his side of the conversation.
  • Spit Take: Onoki spits out his tea when he realizes who Naruto's father is.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Naruto's skilled at making bombs for demolition and other things.
  • Stunned Silence: the reaction Kakuzu gets from the other Akatsuki members after telling them where Hidan is: "Somewhere to the north. His opponent sent him packing with a technique that put him into low-level flight and sent him across the entire continent."
  • Super-Reflexes: A major part of Naruto's taijutsu style is his incredible speed and reflexes. They become so great that in the Chunin Exam, it culminates in Naruto dodging every single strike from Neji's 8 Trigrams 64 Palms at point blank.
  • Taken for Granite: Ishidate kills Gato by turning him to stone.
  • Taking You with Me: a dying Zabuza, to Kakuzu. It didn't kill him, but it did remove him from the situation.
  • Telephone Polearm: Naruto attacks Hidan by throwing a tree at him
  • Tournament Arc: The Chunin Exams naturally. Although with the difference being that all Five of the Great Shinobi Villages participate and the exams themselves take place in Yugakure instead of Konoha.
  • Tsundere: Tayuya. She gets better and more open about her feelings as time goes by.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: after the terrifying "ride" ending the second part of the Chunin Exam, Sasuke "puked off-camera".
  • Worthy Opponent: Crow to Naruto. "Good fight."
