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Encounters / Natter Monster

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This is an encounter for the editing game we're putting together. Visit this forum thread to join the fun.


You come upon a giant sleeping dog. On its neck is a sign that reads "NATTER MONSTER: DO NOT FEED."


Tropédex says:

Natter Monster. When awakened, this beast will bark until you have lost all your sanity. Its method is to face one way and bark, then turn and face the other way and bark. It repeats this without end, never tiring.

Narrative: You come across a desolated page. Looking closely, you see fragments of natter, as well as a giant sleeping dog, which appears to be the source of this catastrophe.

Do you:

    Feed the Natter Monster. 
"Bah, what could the harm be in giving this thing one little bite to eat?" You take a cookie out of your backpack and toss it on the ground by the monster.

...oops. Turns out your Tropédex wasn't kidding. In seconds, the Natter Monster has doubled in size, and then spawned ten copies of itself!

You can't even move as the barking surrounds and overwhelms you.


    Ignore the Natter Monster. 
"Hmm. I better steer clear of this guy." you think to yourself, briefly considering leaving it alone for someone more experienced to handle.

Mission Incomplete...

(Go back to the choice screen. This choice is removed, replaced with a note saying "I can't just let him lie around like this...".)

    Kill the Natter Monster. 
"Natter Monster?! That sounds terrible!" Taking out your editing scalpel, you mercilessly strike down the monster. Whew, you think to yourself, that's one flame war averted.

Mission Complete!
