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Drinking Game / World of Warships

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A drinking game for World of Warships. Warning: proceed at your own risk.

Damage, kills, and achievements:

  • Take a shot every time someone gets detonated.
    • Take another if they would have died from the damage anyway.
  • Take a shot every time someone gets a devastating strike.
    • Take two if you were the victim.
  • Have a sip every time you get a citadel.
    • take two when you get citadel damaged.
      • Add another if saw them coming and gave them a broadside anyway.
  • Take a shot everytime you take a torpedo hit. Depending on your skills, make it a sip to avoid alcohol poisoning.
    • Take a shot whenever someone fires deep-water torps at a target they will run under.
  • Take a shot every time a destroyer is torpedoed killed by one of their targets.
    • Finish the bottle the torpedo was fired by a battleship.
  • Take two shots if a carrier kills someone with their guns.
  • Take a shot if someone gets a Kraken
    • Raise the glass if it was you or a teammate
  • Chug a bottle if someone gets a Solo Warrior

Complaining and arguments.

  • Take a shot whenever someone complains about a ship type being overpowered.
    • Reduce to a sip if its about battleships or carriers.
      • After the CV rework you might want to make it every other time someone complains about carriers unless you have a death wish.
    • Take a sip of torpedoes or radar is mentioned.
    • increase to two shots if its about cruisers and doesn't involve radar.
  • Take a shot if someone complains about a weapon or consumable their own ship has the option to mount.
  • Take a shot whenever there is a fight about which country is better and nationalism. Reduce to a sip if playing on EU server.
  • Take a sip whenever Russian bias comes up.
    • And another if its followed by anti-X bias.
  • Take a shot if someone is complaining about premium ships.

Ship spotting:

  • Take a sip if you randomly encounter the following ships:
    • Belfast
    • Missouri
    • Mikhail Kutuzov
    • Hood
    • Kamikaze (or Kamikaze R or Fujin)
  • Take a shot if you randomly encounter the following ships:
    • Arkansas Beta
    • Iwaki Alpha
    • Imperator Nikolai I
    • Krasny Krym
    • Flint
    • Black
    • Stalingrad
    • Bourgogne
    • Alabama ST
  • Take a shot if you see someone using super premium camo on their premium ships.
  • Take a sip everytime someone uses non renewable camo that can only be purchased with gold.
  • Take a sip everytime you see someone tier V or lower using expensive camo or rare signals.
  • Take a sip everytime you see a ship in-game that is (at the time) still a work in progress and has not yet been released (i.e in Supertest)
