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Drinking Game / The King of Fighters

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This is the Drinking Game for SNK's The King of Fighters series. It is currently a WIP.


Take a drink:

  • Every time Kyo and Iori face off.
    • Two if someone tries to break it up.
    • Three if it's Shingo or Chizuru.
  • Every time Benimaru flirts with a female character.
    • If it's with Kula, finish the bottle so you can forget.
  • Every time Kensou declares his love for Athena.
    • Two if she outright rejects him.
      • Three if she changes the subject.
      • Four if she fails to notice at all.
  • Every time Ash gets on someone's nerves.
  • Every time K', Iori, Kukri, Krohnen/K9999, or Gato are dicks to someone.
  • Every time the tournament gets hijacked by the arc villain.
    • Down your bottle if that plot gets hijacked by Rugal.
    • Down a new one if it gets hijacked by Orochi.
  • Every time Ramon gets googly eyes for Vanessa.
  • Every time Mai teases Andy. Be it with babies or with marriage.
  • Every time someone speaks in Engrish. Make sure to have an ambulance on standby.
  • Down the bottle in victory if you manage to beat a boss. You earned it.
    • If you're playing AS a boss, take a drink before every match. If in a team match, take one drink per round you win with a boss character.
    • Alternatively, take a shot of despair every time you die against a boss, two if you get KO'd by their signature special attacks and any of their supers.
    • Three shots if it's against Omega Rugal in 2002 UM.
      • Down the entire bottle if you're doing the Boss Challenge in KOF XV.
    • Another three if it's against Magaki in XI.
    • Four more for Otoma=Raga in XV. How are you still alive?!
  • Every time someone laughs evilly.
  • Every time you miss a jump-in confirm because you hit too high.
  • Every time you get rag-dolled by a grappler.
  • Every time someone throws out a projectile.
    • If they throw it back at you, spit out your shot.
    • If they roll past it, take another shot.
    • If you try to jump in as they throw it out only for them to punish you with a DP, take two more shots.
  • Every time your Super Special Move gets interrupted.
  • Every time someone throws out an EX Move in KOF XIII or XV.
  • In XIV and XV, every time someone cancels into MAX Mode (Quick) after a light confirm.
  • Every time someone online (be it on This Very Wiki or anywhere else on the Internet) complains about the matchmaking issue in KOF XV.

Character-Specific (Only do if you're playing as or fighting against the character)

Take a drink:

  • Every time Ash throws out a Ventose.
    • For every fireball that Dark Ash throws out, take two shots instead. Likewise, do the same if it's the EX version in XIII' or XV.
    • If it's a Genie in XIII and XV, then take two more shots.
    • If it's a Thermidor, take three shots.
  • Every time Billy hits you with his... Kanenote .
    • If he lights it on fire, that's another shot. Preferably spearmint-laced (or just a sip from a mojito).
  • For every hit from B. Jenet's Harrier Bee, take a shot.
    • If she just uses her jumping Strong Punch, take two shots in quick succession.
      • If she follows up on that with close Strong Kick, well, that's two more shots down the hatch.
  • Every time Chin drinks, you drink.
  • Every time Chris hits decks you in the face with his airborne Blowback.
  • Every time Elisabeth smacks you in the face with her horse whip in XI. Or every time she hits you with her Etincelles in any of her other appearances.
  • Whenever Gato jumps (be it Wind Fang or Backdraft Fang).
    • If he flies in with Swift Fang, that's one shot.
    • If he counters your anti-air with Counterattack Fang, that's two shots.
    • If he throws you with Cipher Fang, that's yet another shot.
    • If he fakes you out with Fang of Darkness, spit out your shot.
    • If he throws out a Vortex Fang, take a shot.
    • If he hits you air-to-air with a Whirling Fang, then you jump yourself *and then* take a shot.
      • Alternatively, if he whiffs, then claim your free punish with any anti-air of your choice and space your drink with a glass of water.
    • If he flies in with an Arrow Fang, take two shots.
    • If he slides into the action with Sliding Fang, sit down (on the floor) and down the shot.
  • Every time Geese catches you with a Raging Storm.
  • Every time Geese says "PREDICTABO!" as he counters.
  • Every time you see someone bring out their pocket Iori, get some ice-cold scotch.
    • If he crosses you up with the Taco (aka, the Yuriori), that's one shot.
    • For every hit from his Aoihana (the rekka) take a shot and time them to each hit.
    • If he cancels into the Maiden Masher (aka, Kin 1211 Shiki: Yaotome), take a swig from the bottle.
      • If he goes into the Ura 316 Shiki: Saika follow-up, that's another swig.
    • If he pulls out the Kuzukaze (aka, the Scum Gale - his side-switching command grab), turn around and take a swig.
    • If he jumps at you with the 311 Shiki: Tsumakushi, then that's one shot.
      • If he cancels it into anything else after (e.g., Oniyaki or Aoihana), that's another one.
  • Every time Isla hits you with her spray can. Or if Amandanote  hits you instead.
  • Every time K' nullifies your projectile with his Ein Trigger.
    • Take two if he reflects it with Second Whip in KOF XV.
    • If he whiff punishes you with Second Knuckle instead, down the whole bottle.
  • Every time Krohnen snuffs you out of the air with Heat Shield. You're gonna have one helluva hangover.
    • If he cancels into Infernal Prominence immediately after, take another two shots.
    • Or if he gets you with Fusion Blaster, time your own shots to his. Your liver will hate you.
      • If it's the charged version, down the entire bottle.
    • If he hits you on the ground with Calamity Overdrive, down the entire bottle.
  • Every time Kula freezes you solid. You poor, poor sap.
  • Every time Kyo hits you with a Bodega (aka, the Aragami). Body ga...amee ze!
  • Every time Luong hits you with a Geki.
    • If she goes high, then it's a regular sip.
    • If she goes mid, then crouch down and then drink.
    • If she goes low, sit on the floor and drink up.
  • Down half of the entire bottle if you manage a hit with Ralf's Galactica Phantom (the fully charged version if you're playing XIV or XV). Down the rest of the bottle if it wins you the round.
  • Every time Ramón performs Tiger Road.
  • Every time Rock confirms into EX Hard Edge in KOF XV, take a shot.
    • If he follows it up with EX Overhead Kick, take another one after.
      • And if the resulting combo destroys at least half your health bar, then down half of the entire bottle.
  • Every time Rugal hits you with Genocide Cutter. WARNING: This rule may get you hospitalized.
  • Every time Ryo parries your attack or assaults you with a well-placed Zanretsuken.
  • Every time Shermie grabs you. This is gonna be a long night...
    • If it's a Suplex, down one shot.
      • For Shermie Carnival, take a shot for every Suplex she lands on the opponent.
    • If she runs at you with Shermie Shoot, that's a shot.
    • If she snatches you out of the air with Shermie Clutch that's a shot.
      • One more for good measure if she does the Shermie Cute follow-up.
    • Every time she goes through your projectile with Accel Spin Kick, that's another shot.
  • Every time Shingo gets a critical hit.
    • Down two if there's flames.
    • Down three if there's a Face Fault.
  • Every time Shun'ei dashes in the air like he came straight out of Guilty Gear.
  • Every time Terry flies in with a Burning Knuckle.
  • Every time Yamazaki uses his right hand.
  • Every time Yuri smacks her ass or hits you with it.
    • Take two if it's her taunt.
