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Drinking Game / Sweet Valley High

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Take a drink anytime the following are mentioned or happen:

  • The twins are (sun-streaked) blondes, a perfect size 6note  and have blue-green eyes, perfect California tans, and dimples in their cheeks.
  • The identical lavalieres the twins both wear on a necklace, and the fact they got them for their 16th birthday.
  • The only ways to tell the twins apart are the facts that Elizabeth wears a watch (another drink if it's mentioned that Jessica believes "the party doesn't start until she arrives anyway") and has a birthmark on her shoulder, that Elizabeth usually wears her hair up while Jessica wears hers down, and that Elizabeth dresses conservatively while Jessica dresses wildly.
  • Elizabeth is four minutes older than Jessica (another drink when it's also mentioned "that it sometimes feels like four years to Elizabeth").
  • Jessica's room is a permanent gigantic mess. Another drink when she yet again borrows (usually without asking first) Elizabeth's clothes because she can't find her own, or doesn't keep up with her laundry.
  • Elizabeth poses as Jessica (mostly to get Jessica out of trouble) and/or vice-versa. Another drink if it's the twins' own parents whom she manages to fool.
  • Bruce's Porsche's Vanity License Plate is 1BRUCE1.
  • Jessica tries to ruin the life of another girl if she perceives them as a rival or threat to her reputation. Another drink if the rivalry is over a boy.
  • One of the twins falls instantly in love with a cute guy they just met, or a guy falls instantly in love with one of them.
  • Todd or Elizabeth cheat on each other.
  • Anyone is hospitalized. Another drink if their hospitalization somehow relates to an attempted murder.
  • There is a school dance.
  • A holiday takes place more than once during the same year.
  • Elizabeth puts her nose in other people's business, or meddles in other people's lives. Add a sip if her friends or boyfriend complain about her neglecting them because of her meddling.
  • Against her better judgment, Elizabeth lets Jessica convince her to do something she knows she shouldn't do and/or that is morally dubious.
  • One or both of the twins are stalked. Change to a sip if one or both of the twins are mistaken for another woman being stalked.
  • A character is judged for drinking, using drugs, having sex, or being fat.
  • One or both of the twins receive an extremely prestigious job or internship. Another drink if this takes them outside the country.
  • Someone dies. Another drink if that someone had been dating one of the twins.
  • A girl reminds Steven of Tricia Martin.

Take a sip anytime the following happen:

  • Jessica has a temper tantrum.
  • Jessica uses the number 37, 137, or other random number ending with the digits "37" as her way to say "tons of" (it's her Character Catchphrase).
  • Elizabeth is mentioned to love writing, to write for the school paper or freelance for the town newspaper, or to want to become a journalist. Make it a drink if we see a sample of her writing. Make it a long drink if it's a poem.
  • A male character's favorite sport is mentioned: basketball for Todd, tennis for Bruce Patman, football for Ken Matthews, surfing for Bill Chase. Make it a drink if they are currently engaged in this sport and competing against an individual or team from Palisades High School or Big Mesa High School.
  • A scene with Jessica takes place at cheerleading practice.
  • Ned, the twins' father, when making some point to his teenage daughters, is mentioned to make his case to them just like he does when he's defending a case as a lawyer—because he's a lawyer.
  • Alice, the twins' mother, looks exactly like them and is often taken for the twins' older sister.
  • A scene takes place at one of the following local eateries: the Dairi Burger, Casey's Place, Guido's Pizza Palace, or the Box Tree Café.
  • A scene takes place at the beach or a swimming pool. Make it a drink if someone gets pushed or knocked into the water.
  • A scene takes place at the mall. Make it a drink if Jessica and Lila are shopping together.
  • A teen character has a party at their parents' house without supervision. Make it a drink if underage drinking is going on too.
  • Lila or Bruce brags about something. Make it a drink if Lila explicitly mentions her father, or if Bruce is bragging about something related to his skill on the tennis court.
  • Jessica mentions her love of pineapple pizza.
  • Winston Egbert wears a wacky outfit.
  • Anything is described as "Spanish-tiled."
  • Todd's eyes are described as "coffee-colored."
  • Steven Wakefield unexpectedly comes home from college.
  • Anyone has a cooking-related mishap. Make it a drink if it's Todd.
  • Elizabeth goes out to see a classic movie.
  • Jessica describes a guy as the most attractive male she's ever seen.
  • Mr. Collins is compared to Robert Redford.
  • Elizabeth is attracted to a guy other than her steady boyfriend. Make it a drink if she or another character discounts the possibility that she would ever cheat on her steady boyfriend. Take a second drink if she actually does. Finish the drink if the guy and her steady boyfriend get into a physical fight over her.
