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Drinking Game / Star Wars Legends

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  • In The Thrawn Trilogy, take a drink whenever Thrawn anticipates the enemy.
    • Whenever Thrawn makes one of his seemingly-impossible deductions, take a drink. Finish your drink if his conclusion is wrong.
    • Take a drink when a Noghri sneaks up on someone. Two drinks if the person knows the Noghri is there, and gets snuck up on anyway.
    • Take a drink every time Joruus C'baoth flips from lucid to bonkers or back again.
  • Take a sip every time Mara Jade says something snarky. Not because it's rare, but because any more than a sip, and you'll wake up a Force Ghost yourself.
    • Likewise, take a very, very small sip every time someone is "sardonic."
  • Take a drink whenever Talon Karrde says he won't take part (or is bipartisan) in the War.
  • Take a sip every time a character references a line from one of the movies. Two if it's a direct quote.
  • Take a sip (and wince) whenever a Yuuzhan Vong biot's painfulness is mentioned.
  • When playing Knights of the Old Republic, take a drink every time Carth whines or brings up his trust issues. Thankfully, there is plenty of gameplay time between each conversation to have those 5+ drinks wear off a little before the next one.
