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Drinking Game / Kamen Rider Decade

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  • Take a shot whenever Tsukasa takes a poor photograph.
  • Take a shot whenever Natsumi uses her Laughing Point.
  • Take a shot whenever Decade is called the "Destroyer of Worlds".
  • Take a shot whenever Narutaki warns someone about Decade.
  • Take a shot whenever Narutaki tells "ONORE DICKEIDO!"
  • Take a shot whenever Tsukasa says that he is "Just a passing through Kamen Rider, remember that."
  • Take a shot whenever a new Rider appears.
  • During the World of Kuuga arc, take two shots whenever Yusuke transforms into Kuuga.
  • After the World of Kuuga arc, down the whole drink whenever Yusuke transforms into Kuuga.
  • Take a shot whenever sea cucumbers are mentioned.
