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Drinking Game / Help! I'm a Fish

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Drinking game for Help! I'm a Fish: (Non-Alcoholic version)

  • Take a sip every time a character uses the word "die" (or any variation of that word).
    • Take two sips if a more specific term (such as "drown") is used.
  • Take a sip every time the word "fish" is used.
  • Take a sip every time someone exclaims "Help!"
  • Take a sip every time a character yells or screams.
  • Take a sip every time Chuck complains about something.
  • Take a sip every time Fly harasses Chuck.
  • Take a sip every time a catchy pop song plays in the background.
  • Take a sip every time something bizarre, disturbing, and/or frightening happens.
