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Drinking Game / Grand Theft Auto

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Drinking game for Grand Theft Auto:

  • WITH FRIENDS: The player has 30 seconds upon picking up the controller to earn a wanted star. Every time they earn a star, all spectators drink. Every time they lose a star, they drink. If they lose pursuit entirely, they take a number of drinks equal to the number of stars evaded, and have 30 seconds to acquire a star again. If the player is arrested, killed, or exceeds their 30 second time limit, they finish their drink and pass their controller to the next player.

  • SOLO 1: Drink whenever a person opens fire at you for no explicable reason, you complete a mission, or make progress towards 100% Completion. Finish your drink when you get taken out.
  • SOLO 2: Load up San Andreas and have the drink of your choice beside you (bring a lot.) Drink every time the F bomb is dropped and whole glass\shot when the N word is used. Drink every time Ryder calls CJ a busta'.
