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Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu / Webcomics

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  • In 8-Bit Theater, Red Mage cut open the head of a being capable of boiling the atmosphere. They would have achieved this again towards the end, but Sarda was beefed up from the orbs and had his power further amplified by Black Mage's super evil.
  • The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: Dr. McNinja PUNCHED OUT DEATH.
    • So it was a slow work day for him, then?
  • Angel Moxie: Shortly after freeing the evil Vashi, Tristan punches her out of the window of her tower fortress. Vashi eventually lands in China.
  • Awful Hospital: Did you just destroy the gateway to the Burgrr Zone and put the entire Zone temporarily out of commission...with a sticky note?
  • Bram, of Bram & Vlad, was able to free his friend from Eldritch Abomination Zalgo's hold by being really angry.
  • In the opening of Far to the North Kelu, a girl with no martial training or supernatural abilities, attacks a dragon, one of the mystical fire-breathing progenitors of the entire goblin race, with her bare hands. It doesn't end well for the dragon.
    "Upon the end of my blade is a god, what side this being is on is the question. Is it the monster I see bleeding before me, or is it through the eyes of the monster of which I am in?" William
    "Dude, that's deep..." Blonde replacement
    "Deep? I was being Literal."
    — Useless Dumb Fucks redo [1]
  • In Gene Catlow, Crendall does this to the Leader of the quite insane Ancient Animen rather effectively, despite said Leader being considerably more powerful than him. Also counts as a Talk to the Fist.
  • Gunnerkrigg Court:
    • Kat punched the psychopomp Muut in the abs after finding out what Muut and the psychopomps had done to tick off her best friend Annie. It didn't do anything to Muut, but more importantly, nothing happened to Kat, who basically attacked (a) Death with her bare hands. As the author said, "Do you have a friend that would do the same for you?" A link for your amusement.
    • Annie spanking Coyote.
      The Headmaster: Do you realize how many people could slap a creature like Coyote on the rump and live to tell about it?
    • Jack forcefully tearing Reynardine from his assumed body in "Spring Heeled".
  • Homestuck: The Black King of the Troll's session also counts. Twelve prototypings, one of which was an Eldritch Abomination, made it monstrously powerful, but they all still managed to lay the smack down and beat the game, making the denial of their ultimate prize for beating it all the more tragic.
    • In [S] Wake, Aradia, albeit temporarily, manages to timestop Bec Noir.
    • Jack Noir, wearer of the ring of the Black Queen, powerful enough to slaughter two armies by gesturing and armed to the teeth with prototyping powers has his ass handed to him not once but twice by Bro Strider, Lil Cal and eventually Davesprite- a kernelsprite that isn't supposed to take out enemies above level 2, a guy who films ironic puppet porn and one of his most popular ventriloquist acts.
    • After interrupting the [S] 3x showdown combo, Kanaya crotch-kicked Gamzee off a cliff and literally punched out god-tier Vriska.
    • Jade pulls this on Jack English. She teleported him three hours worth of flight away like it was no big deal. Admittably, Jade's pretty powerful herself, so it's a bit like Cthulu being punched out by Dagon.
    • Also in [S] Collide, Yaldabaoth, the most dangerous of all denizens, is beaten to death by an adolescent cherub with a crowbar.
  • Irregular Webcomic! features a crocodile hunter named Steve who has wrestled with Cthulhu on more than one occasion, and has yet to lose once. He also wrestled the Death of Being Wrestled to Death by Steve to death. Twice. Try not to think about that one.
    • The time a salt-water croc ate Cthulhu.
    • Steve also successfully wrestles a balrog, despite Terry's claims that it is impossible, to death in this strip.
  • In the antepenultimatenote  storyline of minus., the green-haired girl tries to snap the title character out of her head-trauma-induced daze (which made her even more of a Cloud Cuckoo Lander than usual), by hitting her in the head with a rock. minus shatters.
  • In Mortifer, it was "Did you just shoot Lucifer in the face?" Of course, it only stuns him... which is why Joey went to the precaution of having his girlfriend kidnapped. When we cut back to them a chapter later, Joey walks out of the room covered in blood, and asks his henchmen to deal with the body. Also, a flashback reveals that the reason that Joey became one of the fallen was because he killed a god and, it's implied, several angels as well. It seems that he's making a habit of doing this...which is not a good thing.
  • In Panthera, Onca deals the surprise deathblow to Oosterhuis/Ari.
  • Problem Sleuth: Close, but it was actually Fluthlu.
  • In Rusty and Co., an elder god is summoned by an amplified artificat, so Rusty eats the amplifier, and accidentally dismisses it.
  • The Seven Deadly Sins beat Death to death as well. Considering that the Sins aren't as powerful as you might think, this makes it more epic. Or would, if a certain Virtue didn't come in and make the finishing blow.
  • Sluggy Freelance (mind the spoilers for each story):
    • Chapter 10, "K'Z'K": Riff and Torg have just released the über-demon K'Z'K who is supposed to end the world. Then, they hit him with the time blaster, freezing him in place. But then he gets sent back in time to conquer the past.
    • "The Storm Breaker Saga": K'Z'K is about to squash Torg and Zoë personally to keep them from preventing him from conquering the past, and swipes away the Book of Güd that they were about to use against him from Zoë's hands when she says she can't read it. The power of the pictures in the book reduces him into a bug-like creature, and Zoë steps on him.
    • When the cast gets teleported into The Never along with Kesandru's House, an Eldritch Abomination latches onto the house and attacks them. Riff dismisses Gwynn's attempt at Heroic Sacrifice and proceeds to get the monster to release them by firing his 100-vampire stakes gatling gun.
    • "That Which Redeems": The Talking Weapon Chaz, which, when powered with the blood of the innocent, can kill pretty much anything, suggests that Torg use it to destroy the Demon King. He doesn't actually follow through on this plan, but during their escape, the Demon King intercepts them and strikes down at them with a sword formed out of his own darkness. Torg parries with Chaz, and just that is enough to throw the Demon King off and scar him.
  • In Chapter 2 of Sonic vs. Goku, Sonic delivers two blows to Super Saiyan Goku that actually hurts him, the last of which even makes him bleed from the mouth. Keep in mind that Goku is wearing his End of Z gi, has god ki, and is using his forms and abilities from Dragon Ball Super, yet Sonic still gives the fight to him without turning into Super Sonic until the end of the chapter after Goku turns Super Saiyan 2 and combines it with Ultra Instinct to completely dominate him.
  • One Two Lumps story arc featured a Cthuloid being that disguised itself as a mop to get into the house. Eben dealt with it in traditional feline fashion.
  • Unsounded: Duane and Lemuel managed to seriously injure Lowing Shaensigin, the major god of the Inak religion, forcing her to drop Will and retreat. Her Inak beg her to just leave with them to the cold lands...because the spider-paws' greed will kill make them each other anyway.
  • In an issue of The Word Weary, Jason comes face-to-face with the Goddess Queen of the Sun while passed out drunk and opens a bottle of beer on her teeth. The trope is played with in that the sun goddess, while strange and hideous, seems kind and compassionate.
  • xkcd #521: "Where did you get this Christmas tree?" "Nowhere." "Did you cut down the Yggdrasil?" "...Maybe."
