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Dethroning Moment / Western Animation A To J

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    The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius 
Boy, for a self-proclaimed genius, Jimmy really made some serious mistakes over the years.
  • MadMan400096: For one of the biggest, stupidest Idiot Balls in cartoon history, look no further than the episode "Stranded". While the opening can be considered stupid (an argument between Jimmy and Cindy whether the equator can be seen, even though most kids their age know that it's a theoretical point of reference), what did it for me was the ending, where they argue over their next problem: Cindy says that Australia is a continent, but Jimmy says it's not. What was that about Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius again?
  • CJ Croen 1393: In The Movie, it was ten times worse when they have a debate about dinosaurs. First things first, Cindy's report is about how female dinosaurs are stronger than male dinosaurs. Ok so far, there is evidence of this being truenote . Then, she claims that the dinosaur skeleton she constructed is a Plesiosaurus. Barring the fact that Plesiosauruses aren't even dinosaurs to begin with, the... thing she constructed looks nothing like a Plesiosaurus. A Plesiosaurus is well known to have a barrel shaped body, flippers, a long neck, a small head, and are purely aquatic sea creatures (or, in layman's terms, say the word "Plesiosaurus" and try not to picture the Loch Ness Monster—hint hint, it's impossible). This skeleton is more or less a Velociraptor with a Parasaurolophus crest. Jimmy responds by pointing out that the model is inaccurate... by telling the class that the crest belongs to a Megalosaurus. No such crest even remotely exists on Megalosaurus.
  • Skarmory Silver: Speaking of paleontology, I give you "Sorry, Wrong Era." Wrong indeed on so many levels, but special mention goes to the goddamn Pteranodon. Pteranodons were neither scaly nor leathery-winged, they could not and did not pick up things with their feet, they did not fly anywhere inland, they did not live at the same time as T-Rex, they did not grow that big, and their babies were absolutely not the size of ten-year-old boys. Between this... atrocity and the shitload of Anachronism Stew throughout the episode (and mind you, this was supposed to be in the Cretaceous period), this has to be my inner paleontology nerd's least favorite episode of any Western cartoon (seriously, they should have hired a paleontologist as a consultant for the show in general). About the only mitigating factor, from my POV at least, was that they didn't consider throwing in a 300-foot-long, T-rex-gobbling Spinosaurus.
  • Austin DR: For me, it's the episode "Send in the Clones". The premise is alright: Jimmy creates clones of himself to avoid his chores, and chaos ensues. The reason why this episode sucks is because no one noticed Jimmy's different hairstyles and voices. I mean, if they know anything about Jimmy, surely they would know that he wears his hair in a ice cream like whip, and surely they could distinguish his voice. One clone even had a frickin' mustache for Christ's sake!
    • Tyler FG: Not to mention how they end the episode. Jimmy is confronted by an angry mob, and they chase him away for it, and it's pretty obvious they're going to kick his ass. And they just end it there. This angry mob also included his best friends Carl and Sheen, and his own grandmother. Gee, what understanding friends and family!
    • Tropers/Matitya: Also, I’m almost definitely thinking too hard about this but does icing those clones count as killing them? Since it seems that there’s some Fridge Horror to that as it seems that each clone was its own person with his own distinct personality and none of them did anything to deserve something like that. The Evil Jimmy clone does try to destroy the Earth in his next appearance but within this episode he seems to be little more than the prankster. So one Designated Villain who survives and a bunch of other clones who just get murdered. I know I’m overthinking it but it’s kind of disturbing
  • Shadow 200: "The Tomorrow Boys". The episode where Jimmy, Sheen, and Carl go to the Bad Future where Libby rules over all thanks to Jimmy's invention. Jimmy Moron, what may I ask got you the bright idea to create something that turns whoever uses it into a dictator? I'm starting to doubt the genius in him after that and other idiotic inventions he made.
  • BronyOftheOctaves: "Normal Boy", in so many spades. The episode was basically in a huge sense of Idiot Plot had it not been for everyone's rather crude attitude towards Jimmy just because the kid is super smart. What boggles my mind is why was this such a big deal in this episode if Jimmy has done stuff like this before? And yet here we have Judy, Jimmy's own mom saying she wished he was normal, and then everyone in the class giving him smart just because of his intelligence impressed Miss Fowl and Willougby. And then just throw in the idea of Jimmy being "stupid" because of his invention and Carl and Sheen take a huge drop of intelligence and assume him being 'stupid' is normal. What a "great" episode huh?
  • IAmNotAFunguy: I never really liked Cindy as a character because I thought she was bossy, arrogant, and materialistic (even though she's definitely had her positive moments), but the episode that really pushed me over was "The Science Fair Affair". In this episode Cindy successfully pushes to get Jimmy banned from the School Science Fair because he's beaten her (and everyone) every year in the past. On the day of the science fair everyone has inventions that are rather useless, including Cindy. Jimmy has designed a machine that grinds up garbage into a clean oil substitute which his father submits for a Nobel Prize. It all looks well for Jimmy until another kid messes up his machine and it nearly kills the science fair judges. Jimmy and Cindy instruct the others how to team up and destroy the machine and the judges decide to split First Prize among everybody whose invention helped stop Jimmy's machine, not Cindy whose invention was not used. Jimmy reminds her that by giving the group positive direction and making sure they all help out, she can feel the reward of personal satisfaction because she knows how to get a group to work together. Needless to say she doesn't take it well because some silly lesson like that was not the shiny gold medal she wanted. After all of that the kid who messed up Jimmy's machine in the first place is never in trouble. Also what was Cindy's invention? A machine that recycles rotten old gym socks into new sweaters, because who doesn't want a machine that can do that?
  • CapriciousSalmon: I know one complaint the show gets is Jimmy can be an immature, stuck up know-it-all (sodium chloride comes to mind). Rewatching the show as an adult, I never got that sense. Yeah, Jimmy can be arrogant, but he at least learns from his mistakes and fixes them, or at worst, it's a case of Jimmy still being an Innocently Insensitive child. That can't be said for "Substitute Creature" where he grabs the Jerkass Ball and spends the episode acting like a spoiled asshole just because the class didn't give him enough attention, causes a huge mess and gets away with no consequences. For the episode, Ms. Fowl's class has to bring in a plant for show and tell. Jimmy brings in cloned spinach which smells because, well it's cloned from a million year old piece of spinach. Everybody fawns over Cindy's pretty flower instead, and like usual, Jimmy gets super jealous/competitive and uses his inventions to enhance the plant. Unfortunately this causes a chain of events ending with Ms. Fowl being turned into a delirious fifty-foot monster which terrorizes Retroville. In a normal episode, Jimmy would feel remorse for his actions and go about trying to fix them, or skip to the latter. Instead, he hides away in a bathroom stall and deflects any blame when Cindy goes to justifiably call him out. Maybe she isn't totally blameless, but she made a good point that it was Jimmy's fault Ms. Fowl is in that state, all because he couldn't let Cindy have the spotlight for two seconds. And when it comes time for him to inevitably save the town, Jimmy has Goddard put on town saving music. Jimmy saves the town on a regular basis, and he didn't need "town saving music" at any of those other points. It's super arrogant of Jimmy, and what's worse is Jimmy basically gets off scot free after Carl gets turned himself.
  • cartoonnetworkfan: I find myself to be a huge Jimmy apologist throughout the series despite being kind of a hardass in some episodes and the episode that truly proves that is "Lights, Camera, Danger". All Jimmy wanted to do was prove that he had more talent than just being a boy genius. Unfortunately, his other classmates turn against him and blame Jimmy constantly for them almost getting killed by Professor Calamitous. Cindy and Libby, I might understand considering that they rarely show any sympathy towards him throughout the series, but Carl and Sheen too? The same Carl and Sheen who made Jimmy feel better for his invention failing during show-and-tell in the movie? Was making a movie really that more important than sticking up for one of your friends? And if that wasn't bad enough, they don't accept Jimmy's apology at the end and instead make their own movie without him. And these are the people we're supposed to agree with? Just be thankful he tried saving your lives because I am pretty sure you would've been killed without his involvement.
  • Princess Togezo: Judy grabbing the Jerkass Ball in "Men at Work" and changing Hugh's lunch plans on him at the last minute after Jimmy's revision of McSpanky's became a literal overnight success. All Hugh wanted to do was eat at Taco Shack, which he had been looking forward to since at least the previous day, and there was no clear reason why they couldn't have eaten at McSpanky's later. Instead, Judy just insists that they eat at McSpanky's to support Jimmy, and when Hugh makes it clear that he doesn't want to be there, the restaurant's AI goes berserk and starts destroying not just Taco Shack, but other restaurants as well. In the end, Judy ended up indirectly destroying four restaurants (one of which being McSpanky's itself when it flies into the sun) because she couldn't compromise, and the episode never calls her out on this.

In addition to the laughs, the awesome moments, the really scary moments, the heart-warming moments, and the moments that make the viewers cry, even a show starring three zany cartoon siblings from The Golden Age of Animation can cast out more than a couple of moments that needs to be locked in the studio water tower, never to be released!
  • legomaniac90: The episode "I Got Yer Can" from Animaniacs starts out like your normal Slappy Squirrel segment with Slappy getting annoyed by a cleanliness-obsessed chipmunk, but then takes a turn for the worse when Slappy proceeds to ruin the poor chipmunk's health and sanity. The reason? Said chipmunk asked her to put a can in her trash receptacle. And Slappy gets away with it! So remember kids, if someone asks you to do something that you don't like, feel free to turn them into insane wrecks for the heck of it!
  • newborncolt: You think that's bad? For me, Slappy Squirrel's big low point was the episode "Rest In Pieces". Long story short, Slappy's nemesis Walter Wolf sinks to the ultimate low in his near-century-long wave of schemes to get rid of her by faking his own death in order to make everybody start hating her for doing everything she ever did to him, including her nephew! Are you fucking kidding me?! Never mind the fact that considering Skippy's age, he was naïve enough to buy this story, but the way he was so quick to accuse her of being a "murderer" nearly made me lose all sympathy for the kid! Not to mention the fact that this reaction is coming from somebody who has admired and looked up to his awesome aunt and seen all her old cartoons long enough so sooner or later, he'd have to look past her nemeses' schemes! I can understand everybody else, especially those attending Walter's "funeral", being this hateful towards Slappy when Walter pulls such a stunt, but coming from her own nephew, the one who has little to no reason to doubt her through her years of experience, that is just terrible on so many levels! That entire reason alone is why I hate this episode with a passion! And I don't care that Walter got found out and chased away at the end; it does not save this episode from being this cruel to poor Slappy!
  • Shadow 200: In the short episode "Fake" Dr. Scratchansniff takes the Warners to a Wrestling match and is enjoying it, however Yakko, Wakko, and Dot get into an argument with him complaining that it's fake and they don't want to be here while heckling the wrestlers while he tries to get them to behave. Naturally the Wrestlers overhear them and believe that it was poor Scratchansniff who was calling them fake and drag him into the ring and beat the stuffing out of him whilst The Warner Siblings are now interested and enjoying watching an old men get pounded on. Seriously, what happened to them saying that they love him and while tease him never want to see him get hurt?
  • Captain Tedium: In general, I was always annoyed by the constant Take Thats towards Disney and their works made by the comedy-oriented Warner Bros. cartoons of the 90's because their digs frequently came off as mean-spirited and petty, but for me, their absolute lowest dig at Disney was the Animaniacs short "Jokahontas", which parodied Pocahontas and featured a musical number accusing Disney of rehashing the same old story in every movie they made with a female protagonist. The thing is that the same episode had a short called "Wakko at the Bat", which was basically an imitation of the Tiny Toon Adventures short "Buster at the Bat" in that it was a retelling of the poem Casey at the Bat with the Twist Ending of the story avoiding the original poem's Downer Ending, so their accusations of Disney recycling the same old stories come off as rather hypocritical.
  • PCNNM: For me, my Dethroning Moment would be in “Bumbie’s Mom.” I think it’s kinda mean-spirited that they were poking fun at a Skippy crying over a genuinely heart-breaking scene from a parody of Bambi. Many kids including myself were quite disturbed by that scene in the real movie. Yes, it’s a just a movie like Slappy said. But Skippy is just a kid, when you are a kid you get disturbed more easily.
  • Dong Dong Never Die: The ending of the 2020 reboot. Just the end of the reboot. Never mind Breaking the Fourth Wall or the End-of-Series Awareness, but to go the dick move and have an "Everybody Dies" Ending by having our characters all blown up by a meteorite? This is an example of Torch the Franchise and Run at its worst.
    • Almighty King Prawn: What really bugs me about this - and I would otherwise be forgiving of the fact that this ending was apparently rushed due to the show's cancelation being very unexpected and sudden - is the fact that earlier in the same episode, there is the song "Some of Humanity's Wins". It's a very optimistic song about the rare times the world didn't suck, and they should have ended with a modified version of that - the Warners save earth from the aliens by proving our worth before going "boingy, boingy, boingy!" into the horizon, And the Adventure Continues. Instead, everything that made for such a happy song is now pointless because everyone died anyways. Way to go for my morale, Animaniacs! My heart was broken by the show getting cancelled alone, and you didn't have to rub it in. Heck, I can even find a way to improve this ending compared to what happened: it would have been significantly funnier if they revealed this is the fault of a botched attempt to take over the world by Pinky and the Brain, who sit in the wasteland they created with silent, shell-shocked facial expressions that read "oops..."

    Aqua Teen Hunger Force 
"Gentlemen... BEHOLD! I have created a list of every moment when this show... HAS FAILED! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"
  • Crazyrabbits: Season 4's "Party All The Time", where Frylock discovers he has melanoma (cancer) on his face. His condition grows worse, until his skin is pale, his face is severely scarred and all of the fries are gone from his head, while Master Shake and Meatwad attempt to cheer him up with a bunch of one-note tricks (including Shake shoving his hand into a bee hive and the group organizing a surprise performance by Andrew W.K.). The episode marked a severe shift from absurdest humor to dark and depressing. Also, after the numerous times death has been played for laughs in the series (Carl, Shake, and Meatwad have each died more than once over the course of the series in absurd ways), saddling the mentor of the group with a disease and playing it straight doesn't have the same impact. A note to the writers: cancer is not funny. Ever.
  • Animeking 1108: As a cat lover, "Reedickyoulus" officially killed ATHF for me. It opened with Shake microwaving a cat, and how is he punished? By sleeping outside. No, a smart person would call the cops, especially considering that it was shown that he murdered pets all the time. Not only does Master Shake cross the Moral Event Horizon in doing this, but it makes me think that the writers hate cats enough to see them get murdered (Shake decapitating another cat with a saw and Meatwad crushing one with robot arms). Is it any coincidence why I stopped watching the show from there?
    • Ecclytennysmithylove: I agree. At least all of Meatwad's pets Shake killed finally got their vengeance on him in the end, thanks to Carl's golden radioactive turds.
    • SoulCross: My problem with that episode is how Shake really didn't get his comeuppance. In fact it ended pretty well for him given that he willingly became a zombie through sex with a zombie gorilla and leaving on a gay zombie gorilla party bus. Out of all the ATHF episodes this is the one that he deserved a gruesome death himself and didn't get it.
  • Drcynic24: For me, it had to be "Global Grilling". This may have been the only episode that made me physically ill. Frankly, hocking up loogies isn't all that funny, and it's also disgusting. That was the whole episode. The worst of it all was that It Was All Just A Dream. In general, season 4 was about the time that the general decline in story quality began (as with the episode mentioned above) and others such as "Boost Mobile". The show really Jumped the Shark to me with this one though.

    Beavis and Butt-Head 
These moments suck. Uh huh huh huh

  • Animeking 1108: The Beavis and Butt-Head episode "Wet Behind The Rears" has officially replaced "The Young, Gifted, and Crude" for the worst episode because of the massive character derailment of Principle McVicker. The episode was about Coach Buzzcut trying to get the boys to take a shower after gym class, but then the fire alarm goes off, leaving them to go outside in their underwear. Then it reveals that it was all a plan for Buzzcut and McVicker to humiliate the boys. I expected this sort of thing out of Buzzcut, considering that in my previous entry, he ordered his class to beat up a new student. However, this is inexcusable on McVicker, who is usually a Jerkass Woobie. Yeah, he wasn't the nicest guy, but he was like that because of the boys. In this episode, they didn't even do anything to provoke them. Add to it that it was implied that Buzzcut even planned for Beavis's hand to get pierced by the javelin to cover them in blood, it makes you wonder why Highland High School wasn't sued for this blatant abuse towards students.
  • travisbob: My dethroning moment comes from the episode "Drones." Disclaimer: I have nothing but respect for Mike Judge as an artist, I love Beavis & Butthead, and the revival season produced some of the funniest episodes of the show's run, including this episode. My dethroning moment is from the deadmau5 music video segment of this episode, though. During the music video segment, Beavis describes his encounter with a grief counselor who raped him. Nothing is described graphically, but the fairly realistic way he recounted his story in the way an actual rape victim would was shocking: Beavis was "invited over to have spaghetti" by his grief counselor, who invited him into his van and gave him drugged lemonade. Beavis states that he doesn't remember what happened, but that he woke up under a bridge, adding that the counselor "must have been psychic, because he said my butt would be sore the next day." Beavis even says that the counselor told him that if he told anyone else, no one would believe him. The kicker? Even Butthead is visibly unnerved by this whole story, and states that it's "really weird." As much as I love this show, this was a massive dethroning moment for me. Beavis has usually been portrayed as the "nicer" and more "innocent" of the two; not to mention, the protagonists of the show are both fifteen years old. It was just an incredibly disturbing, nauseating, and saddening moment from an otherwise really funny episode. As someone who was molested at the same age as this character was, I felt like I was going to vomit. Whenever I re-watch this episode, I have to fast-forward through the music video segment. The idea of a 15-year-old child getting raped by a school counselor isn't funny to me, it's just... incredibly horrific and sad, even if that 15-year-old is Beavis. I really want this show to come back, but I hope that Mike Judge never makes a joke about this sort of thing again. Even by the standards of the show, it kind of crossed the line of good taste.

    Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 
Scooby-Dooby-Doo, what happened to you?
  • Captain Tedium: It is my understanding that Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! is one of the less-liked incarnations of the Scooby-Doo franchise. I understand why it gets so much hate, but I find the series to be average for the most part. The only episode that made me angry, however, would be "Scroogey Doo", where they do their own version of A Christmas Carol by having it turn out that Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come were all part of a "Scooby-Doo" Hoax orchestrated by Scrooge's doctor, and the gang's efforts in solving the mystery have apparently made it so that Ebenezer Scrooge never saw the error of his ways and continued being a stingy miser. Even if A Christmas Carol wasn't my favorite Christmas story of all time (which it is) I would still be pissed off about how this episode ended. Just because the story has been done to death doesn't mean that this version had to piss on a beloved holiday classic by ending the story on such a cynical and mean-spirited note. I was able to give the remaining episodes of the series a chance, and they weren't nearly as bad as this middle finger to A Christmas Carol was, but that won't make the sting of this horrible episode's horrible ending go away any sooner.
  • eirigfi: While far from great, I would be lying if I said I hated this show outright but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to dig into "Some Fred Time" where they make the already jerkass Fred and make him fully unlikeable. While solving an mystery, the gang is trying to keep Fred away from the mystery because they believe he needs some time away from mystery solving. My personal moment of suck came when Fred reveals a list of suspects (He knows the gang are solving a mystery without him.) and barely bats an eye as he puts his friends on the list. Yes you heard me right, Fred Jones just put his friends on a suspects list because they (Quite rightfully.) won't let him on one mystery. It doesn't help that it's Fred who saves the day and the others apologize and welcome him back with open arms. So on top of making the worse Fred Jones ever,we also get an lesson on how it's ok to be paranoid of what your friends even if you are in the wrong. If there is any episode to see why people don't like this show, this is one of them.

    Ben 10 
Even Serena and Bellicus can agree on these moments being horrible!
  • Galaxithea: In my opinion, Ben 10: Omniverse didn't deserve as much hate as it did, as it did have some serious moments in spite of the cartoonier animation such as Earth successfully being conquered and turned into an apocalyptic wasteland in the span of a month and the whole Rooters arc. However, the end of The Most Dangerous Game Show, where Ben leaves Esther for Kai based on an impulse decision forced on him by a game show run by an evil Emotion Eater none of them agreed to in the first place, was pretty much the worst instance of red-string strangling I ever saw, especially considering that Esther had far more in common with Ben than Kai, and Kai only loved Ben because she wanted to research and tame his Blitzwolfer form in the first place. And why the hell did Kai even move from Arizona to Bellwood in the first place???
  • Loekman 3: The ending of the "Hijacked" short in Ben 10 made me want to punch both Max and Gwen in the face. Basically, two criminals attempt to carjack the car and Ben, being Ben saves the day only for Gwen and Max later to chastise him for using the Rust Bucket against his grandpa's instructions without letting Ben explain what really happened. At least in other shorts most of Ben's Butt-Monkey can be attributed to his own owndoings but here, Ben pretty much saves the Rust Bucket & subsequently the whole summer vacation and yet he doesn't get acknowledged for it? This isn't funny at all, it just felt mean-spirited on Ben for all the good deeds he had done.
  • Manwiththeplan: The first season finale to Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. After building up that dark and serious storyline, all the angst (and Wangst), all the promise that Ben's world would never be the same... everything is set to normal with the literal push of a button in the last two minutes. Kevin gets back with Gwen despite energy-raping her and he and Ben rush a shared apology for trying to kill one another, then they go out for smoothies as if nothing happened. Not to mention the 5 aliens Aggregor killed being inexplicably resurrected and Darkstar hitting the depths of Villain Decay. What a freaking "Shaggy Dog" Story! Some say Ben 10 Jumped the Shark when it become Alien Force; others when Vilgax came in Alien Force's third season. But for me, this is when Ben 10 officially Jumped the Shark.
    • fluffything: For me, it was even earlier than that when Kevin mutates into a monster once again after absorbing the Omnitrix's powers. Now, you'd think the writers would have Kevin struggling once again with being a mutation and trying to live a somewhat normal life while being a monster or maybe trying to control his new-found powers and keep himself from turning evil again. But, nope, instead he just instantly turns insane and Ben now has to fight him once again. And, to make matters worse, the explanation as to why Kevin went insane again? Because it's what his species does when they absorb certain types of energy. That's right. The writers completely tossed aside the fact that Kevin was a sociopath from the start and gave him a crappy "It's in my DNA so it's not my fault" Freudian Excuse to explain his Heel–Face Turn and his Face–Heel Turn. No, just... god, no.
  • Loekman 3: Out of all the flaws from Ben 10: Omniverse that I hate the most, reducing threatening villains into a complete joke one of my most hated moments, Special Delivery, is the epitome of this. Previously, each of the villains (Fisttrick, Sunder, Looma, Trumbipulor) that made up of Psyphon's gangs are capable of putting Ben and Rook to their limits. But here, when they all gang up on Ben himself, he just swats them aside as if they are mere canon fodders, even Psyphon himself, despite having the power of a dwarf star. And he did it while still retaining his obnoxious personality to the point that I would rather root for Vilgax to steal his Omnitrix and blast him into the Null Void chamber.
    • Kenya Starflight: While I acknowledge that Ben 10: Omniverse is flawed, I was willing to look the other way and enjoy the show regardless despite them. The kicker for me came during the Rooters of All Evil story arc, which terribly and sloppily retcons not only Kevin Levin's past, but the pasts of the Amalgam Kids as well. (For those unfamiliar with the episode, Kevin's race, Osmosians, are no longer Human Aliens but just a genetic mutation, and the Amalgam Kids are no longer alien hybrids but ordinary humans infused with alien powers.) Worst of all, the retcon not only implies that dozens, if not hundreds, of high-ranking Plumbers have had their memories tampered with, but it completely erases Kevin's father from existence! I can forgive a retcon when it fixes a continuity error or problem with the world-building, but Omniverse's handling of it was awful.
  • Benthelame: A big dethroning moment for the Ben 10 franchise as a whole comes in the form of the episode entitled "All That Glitters" . It was enough that they'd already did a sloppy retcon of Gwen's having magical abilities and the idea that magic existed alongside aliens but this one episode put the nail in the coffin for me. Michael is the embodiment of Narm and it's never quite explained why he only drains power from teenage school girls leaving those odd shaped star marks on their arms. The whole thing comes off like a seriously bad western attempt at Japanese Anime without all the Animesque animation. I guess one might say that the episode served the purpose of creating a love triangle of sorts with Gwen, Kevin and Michael; after all both Kevin and Michael have powers based on absorption, one is from a family that is implied to be very well off, the other has a Dark and Troubled Past and there's some room to argue that they're both a kind of Osmosian. Still, if that was what the writers were aiming for, they failed miserably in my opinion. There isn't any mystery to who the villain is in this episode. Just a little while in and some zombified girl with star shaped marks on her arms just desperately needs to see Michael Morningstar. We never meet the guy's parents or learn where he came from. There's nothing to endear him to viewers and inspire them to scream "Die for our ship!".
  • Supreme-X15: Rules of Engagement from Omniverse has the be the dumbest thing to come out of the Ben 10 franchise. A flashback in the episode revealed that Ben and Julie, whom I adored as a couple up to that point, broke up because of a video game. More specifically, because of Ben's idiocy. They may have had their ups and downs in the past, but they managed to patch things up before like perfectly mature teenagers. So how can you break up with your girlfriend and not know it? Especially, while playing a video game? Logic would dictate you pause the game you're playing so you can talk with your girlfriend over the phone, but no, Ben decided to keep playing, starts yelling at the screen, and somehow made Julie believe they were breaking up, and he never had a clue until she pointed it out to him SOME time later. Now that I think about it, Ben wasn't the only one who was stupid in this episode. Julie was too. She should've realized that Ben was playing a game and would never say hurtful things to her to make her think they were breaking up. Does she talk it out with him? No. Julie just finds a new boyfriend, some nobody named Hervé, doesn't even talk to Ben over the misunderstanding, and even after everything was cleared up (along with the situation with Princess Looma and Ester being resolved), they don't get back together, and Julie disappears from the show almost entirely with her nobody boyfriend, all so they can make way for Ben and Kai. This is just insulting on a cosmic level. I don't know about anyone else, but I really liked Julie. I liked Ben and Julie as a couple. To treat her like this is inexcusable. Were the writers trying to be funny with this "break up"? Given the direction this series was going for, I assume so, and that just makes it worse. Were they trying to appeal to the people who didn't like her? Probably, and somehow, even I doubt they found it humorous or satisfying, because of how flimsy and forced it was. This episode turned me off from Omniverse permanently, and I've not watched an episode of Ben 10 since. If Julie ever makes a return in the reboot series in the future, please give her far better treatment here than in the abominable Omniverse. Also, don't bring back Kai, because if you want my opinion, Ben had no reason to be attracted to her beyond his hormones kicking in at age 10, and she is a complete bitch, and from what I've read, she only got worse in Omniverse. Also, the Unwanted Harem drama was completely unnecessary, and a stupid idea for an action series like this one. Ben 10: Omniverse is the worst in a lot of ways, and this episode cements why.
  • Andariel: I'm deleting my previous entry because I have finally decided to give Omniverse another try and nothing in this entire franchise is or ever will be worse than A New Dawn and the fucking Contemelia as Mr. Smoothy. To clarify: Contemelia are fifth-dimensional beings that look different for everyone who sees them. More specifically, they look, and I quote, as "the thing that holds most sway in [the viewer's] heart". And Ben sees them as Mr. Smoothy. What. So let me get this straight: our protagonist cares more about his stupid fucking drink than he does about his friends, family, girlfriend, partner, the entire planet Earth, and every other being in the multiverse?! Our hero, ladies and gentlemen! When given a choice between staying serious and going for a stupid joke, Omniverse already had a habit of going for a stupid joke every damn time, but I never thought the writers would sink so low. This was just plain offensive. And it was the season finale and the last episode of the series to boot. Wow.
  • Wingnut: If you want to see the prime example of terrible parents, look no further than the Ben 10: Alien Force episode "Grounded". Basically, Ben's parents find out about Ben's secret: that he turns into aliens with the Omnitrix to save the world. So, what do they do? Well, I think the title of the episode can answer that question. I get that they would be upset that Ben lied to them, and that they would be concerned for his safety... but that doesn't excuse them from forcing him to cut off all ties with his friends while they're fighting these world-threatening Highbreed, all while Ben was clearly trying to explain the severity of the situation and the danger his friends are in... all because he's on punishment. This is straight-up parental abuse, right down to Sandra threatening to beat Ben if he doesn't go along with it. If anything, they should be proud of him. I mean, the moment Ben was discovered, he was fighting off that one alien pretty good, black eye notwithstanding. Oh, but they're proud of him at the end of the episode. Uh... a little too late for that, guys. I'm not buying this change of heart, them going on and on about how heroic and brave Ben was being when they spent the whole episode getting on his case for putting himself in harm's way, especially without an apology. Honestly, they can destroy all the evil aliens in the world and it still wouldn't be enough to redeem them in my eyes. You two might as well hand your child over to CPS now, because you have officially failed as parents.

    Big Mouth 
A show about puberty is bound to get a bit messy. Sometimes too messy.
  • Alex Andre: There's a scene in "The ASSes" where the cops come to arrest Jay because he's dealing Aderrall to the students, and Black character DeVon dons whiteface to disguise himself as Conan O'Brien. Seriously? In 2019, no less? What the hell were the creators thinking?
  • Mighty Mewtron: I love Big Mouth largely because, even at its filthiest, it usually serves to destigmatize sexual exploration and knows where to draw boundaries. So my DMOS is the sketch "The 400 Year Old Virgins" in the episode "A Very Big Mouth Christmas." In this sketch, one of Santa's elves walks in on him having sex with his wife. They tell the other elves, but none of them have any idea what sex is. They all start having sex and discover they like it, but it gets out of hand and Santa has to intervene. It felt like a bad porn instead of a Big Mouth scene, and despite being stated as centuries old, the elves are so childlike and innocent that it's extremely uncomfortable to watch them engage in graphic sex — yes, somehow even creepier than the scenes about the kids' sexual feelings, which are almost always tastefully censored and not dragged on for this long. Since it doesn't even include any of the main characters, it clearly only exists for the shock value given how often they hype up showing Santa's dick in the special. It represents what people who hate Big Mouth think Big Mouth is, and it turned the holiday special from just mediocre to being the only episode I have to skip on rewatch (since it's a plot-irrelevant clip show anyway, and much less funny than their previous one on Planned Parenthood), as this is the only scene I can't tolerate.

    BoJack Horseman 
Despite the tales in Hollywoo being mostly lauded for its grounding in reality, sometimes you will be reminded how much reality can suck with such moments listed.

    The Boondocks 
These are the moments that are definitely not gangsta.
  • Austin DR: For the most part, I have a love-hate relationship with The Boondocks, some episodes work, some don't do it for me. In my honest opinion, I hated the episode "The Trial of Robert Kelly". I couldn't believe how stupid the jury members were! They saw the video of Kelly urinating on the girl, heck, they even saw his face on the phone while he was committing the crime! Even with all that evidence to prove him guilty, he gets off scot-free! What the heck?! They just saw pretty good evidence that he committed the crime, and yet they let him go free?! When Huey has every right to disagree with the verdict, he gets shunned. This is an episode I will never watch again.
    • fluffything: Agreed. I'm not a fan of The Boondocks in general, but this episode is just horrible on so many levels. Yes, I know the show takes place in a Crapsack World of sorts. Yes, I know it's supposed to be a social satire on urban culture especially regarding African-American citizens. Yes, I know many characters in the show tend to hold the Idiot Ball for the sake of comedy or so someone else can provide social commentary. That doesn't excuse how utterly bad this episode was. I know there are fans of musicians that defend them no matter what horrible things said musicians have done (Chris Brown's fandom is a perfect example of this). But, there is no way any universe (not even one as fucked-up as the world portrayed in this cartoon) would have an entire (emphasis on "entire") jury declare a man innocent (despite blatant evidence to the contrary) just because he's a "good singer".
  • mkmlp: I'd like to add "Invasion Of The Katrinians". Just a very unpleasant episode, where a family escaping the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans that are distantly related to the Freemans takes advantage of their sympathy and help for an extended period of time, while making no meaningful attempts to improve their situation themselves or even help out around the house, while the patriarch of said family makes empty promises of paying Robert back once his FEMA check arrives. Then guilt trips Robert after his patience finally runs out and he demands at least the men of the family get jobs and ultimately, lies about being denied their FEMA money, devastating his own family in the process, so he can screw Robert out of the part of the money he promised him. And he gets away with it. I always hated Ed Wuncler I's karma houdini status, but I can at least understand that the writers did it in part to make a commentary of some kind. But here? Nope! The Freeman's (reluctantly) open their home to a family in need on the grounds that they are at least distantly related, even though they haven't actually seen or spoken to Robert since before Huey and Riley's time, only to get completely taken advantage of and screwed over for it.
  • Animeking 1108: The final episode (at least in broadcast order). What really ruined it for me was Grandad's Flanderization into a full-on abusive grandfather. The episode was about Riley getting in trouble for using gay as an insult. In order to quell the fire, Grandad (unintentionally) states that Riley has special needs, which makes everyone sympathize with him. So, what does Grandad do after realizing his mistake? He goes along with it, and just to really add insult to injury, calls Riley retarded out of spite.
  • Senor Cornholio: I'm adding an episode from season 4, and that's "Freedomland". Basically, the Freemans end up working at a slavery reenactment and realize they're being treated like slaves themselves. Are there upsides? Well, one; the fight scene at the end was pretty awesome. But everything else didn't quite work for me. The worst of it, however, has to be the Uncle Ruckus (no relation). In the previous seasons, Ruckus was a racist for sure, but he was also at least civil for the most part; even at the end of season 2 where he let the truck almost run over Huey and Riley, it's hinted that it wasn't out of malicious intent. He also had some good development episodes, especially in season 3, where he Took a Level in Kindness. Above all though, at least back then the Freemans could consider him a friend, or at least an ally. This episode, however, sees Ruckus not only running said slavery reenactment, but also willingly (and gleefully) allowing the idea of Huey getting his legs cut off so he doesn't escape. Something tells me that the Ruckus of old, racist as he was, would have drawn the line at the thought of a kid getting dismembered. And though the fight scene ensuing was awesome, Ruckus didn't even participate all that much. Didn't the other seasons paint him as a capable fighter in his own right, even managing to beat Huey with his own nunchaku? Wouldn't it be awesome to see a rematch between Huey and Ruckus, or in the case of pre-season 4 Ruckus, having a Back-to-Back Badasses moment? Either way, this episode partially destroyed Ruckus' character for me, and I say "partially" because as far as I'm aware, season 4 isn't canon.

    Camp Lazlo 
These episodes will get you kicked out of Camp Kidney.
  • Woddor: I think Camp Lazlo is one of the better shows to come out of CN's Audience-Alienating Era in the mid 2000s, but one episode that I will never defend is "Meatman". This was an episode that deliberately wanted the viewers to have nightmares. Lazlo and friends annoy the chef, so his response is to give them "mystery meat". After a few go-nowhere jokes, the meat comes alive, attacks the campers, KILLS Chef McMusely, and almost eats Lazlo when it is revealed that the entire thing was a campfire story. Except not, because then Lazlo's nose is made of meat in real life. So kids, your favorite characters are now dead! Happy?
  • Dghcrh: That one episode that has nothing enjoyable in it is "Samson Needs A Hug". From Samson being too shy to tell Lazlo through the radio who he is and lying that his name is Edward, to Lazo becoming a creep who is obsessed with hugging, to Samson being the only one who doesn't get a hug while everybody else is hugged against their will, to Lazlo being oblivious that he is the serial hugger even after it's made more and more clear, anything about this episode is frustrating.
  • justakawaiigirl: "Valentine's Day". Commander Hoo-Ha beating up all the male campers and then forcing Patsy to beat them up simply because he thinks she has a crush on one of them goes beyond Boyfriend-Blocking Dad and straight into Incest Subtext territory. Even at six I was absolutely disgusted that anyone, even in a cartoon, would treat their child like that.

    Cat Dog 
Alone in the world of these little sucky moments
  • Princess Togezo: CatDog was one of the shows I grew up with, and I still like to watch it every now and then. But one moment I find hard to justify is in the episode "CatDog Catcher". In this episode, Rancid Rabbit (a dogcatcher in this episode) wants some more money, so he goes around arresting everyone who doesn't have a license. Cat happens to be the only character who has a license, and the rest of Nearburg (including Cat's brother Dog) ends up in jail. So Cat goes to save his brother, his friends, and the rest of Nearburg from being wrongfully imprisoned, right...? Yeah, no. Instead, he just lounges outside of the jail with a drink, enjoying his alone time. Look, I enjoy having time to myself as much as the next person, but if a relative of mine (or heck, anyone I was close to) was unfairly put in jail, I would not be happy about it at all, and I would try to find a way to get them out as soon as possible. Cat, on the other hand, has to be persuaded into saving the citizens of Nearburg. Even though, while jerks like the Greasers happen to be imprisoned, so are Cat's friends (like Mervis and Dunglap) and his own brother! Even Hey Arnold!'s Helga Pataki knows that when your sibling's in trouble, you have to do something about it, regardless of whether or not you like them; when you're making her look like a saint, something is very wrong here.
    • Candycane 14: I always felt that Cat did this because of how Nearburg and Dog always treated Cat like shit, so I didn't blame him. At least Olga tries to think of Helga's feelings which is why Helga helped her. Dog on the other hand is a selfish prick who dosen't care about his own brother. One example is "Trespassing" where Dog cared more about his stupid fire hydrant then his brother! All Cat wanted to do was watch a TV event at home that he paid for. Dog physically forces him to stay by a fire hydrant because another dog marked it. The end result is not only Cat missing his TV event, but his house and everything he owns in the world being burned to the ground. When their house is burning down and Cat calls the fire department, Dog refuses to let them use it to save their house, even when Cat begs him in tears that if he values Cat in any way he'll let them use the hydrant. He doesn't. We learn that Dog doesn't value his own brother! It's episodes like this, that makes me want to punch that selfish, close-minded mutt! Dog gives other dogs (characters outside this show, dogs in real life) a bad name!

    Classic Disney Shorts 
  • Big Jimbo: While most of the Classic Disney Shorts are quite charming, some of the first ones featuring Huey, Dewey and Louie are a mixed bag, especially "Soup's On". Its plot is that Donald Duck has cooked dinner and his nephews try to get out of washing their hands before eating (which one could infer is just to mess with Donald for no reason whatsoever), and Donald gets angry and sends them to their room without dinner. However, the nephews pretend to cry to make Donald feel bad for them, and go steal the food. My Dethroning Moment here is that this sequence culminates in the three making Donald think that he died after being crushed by a rock. Needless to say, I find this excessively mean-spirited, since Donald ended up in this situation through no fault of his own, and he only wanted to feed the children he's in custody of, who could've gotten dinner fair and square if they washed their hands normally rather than doing what arguably amounts to tormenting their parent figure for their amusement. While the three get their karma when Donald comes back and chases them, it's still very jarring, especially for a Disney cartoon. While "Donald's Nephews" was a bit annoying, at least the nephews were just playing majorly harmless jokes on Donald, but here their actions go from pranking to petty spite. All I can say is, this short makes it easier to appreciate the change of their characterization later on.
  • Bolt_DMC: The classic Disney short cartoons are rightly esteemed as some of the best examples of the genre, and one of the most iconic is "Three Little Pigs." Its original version, however, contains one scene which nowadays is cringeworthy in the extreme. Here, The Big Bad Wolf is trying to gain access to the pigs' house, and in doing so dons a disguise. He pretends to be a Jewish peddlar, complete with beard, goggle glasses, huge nose, outstretched hand as if trying to extort money, and Alter Kocker voice. Definitely not Fair for Its Day, and doubly so given that the cartoon is strongly reminiscent of Nazi Germany anti-Semitic propaganda posters that followed not long after. To the company's credit, the offending scene was changed to the wolf posing as a Fuller Brush salesman 15 years later, though it took several more years yet again for Disney to redub the stereotypic voice accent. The original is jarring in the extreme, however.

    Code Lyoko 
These are the moments that make people want to return to the past, now so they can be undone.
  • I Am Not Beast: The first episode of Code Lyoko, "Teddygozilla". Instead of starting at the beginning, the show just jumps into the middle of the story without any explanation. Why is there a girl trapped in a computer? How can a computer program manipulate reality? How did the main characters find out about Lyoko to begin with? If the main heroes can travel back and forth from the game world, why can't they free the trapped girl using the same device? Who is this "Xana" they keep mentioning? What is Xana's motivation? Why is there a computer world? Why do the characters look different in the computer world? Why did time reset at the end? These are all questions that were running through my head when first viewing "Teddygozilla". I can only imagine how it was received back in 2003 when it premiered. Back then, there was no "Rise of XANA" two-parter, so there was no explanation for any of the things that happen in the first episode. The worst part of "Teddygozilla" was probably the lack of focus on the main characters. Instead, the episode focuses on some random girl with a teddy bear. In the first episode of the whole series. Then at the halfway point, the episode suddenly started putting more focus on what had essentially been background characters.
  • Retloclive: "Triple Trouble" from Season 3 pissed me off to no end back in the day, and it all centers around the fact that Jeremy created a Teleportation ability that no one bothered to ever try to take advantage of. Sure, it was bugged in the episode creating 3 separate Odd entities that made his life unstable, but Jeremy quite literally says near the end of the episode that the problems with the ability has been fixed. But in the end, Odd chooses to turn it down because he's decided that he likes being the way he is. Ok, so you sort of got a legitimate reason for why Odd doesn't want to use it, but what about the rest of the Lyoko crew? What about Ulrich teleporting around while stabbing things with his sword? What about Yumi teleporting around with her fan weapons? What about freaking Aelita who could have desperately used a Teleportation skill to get herself away from Xana given that it's always been trying to capture her throughout Seasons 2 and 3? My point is, you got this glorious ability just sitting there waiting for someone to put to good use that would solve almost any problem they come across from here on out, and it just gets thrown away and forgotten about.
  • Levitator: "Replika" had one of the worst moments in the whole show, nearly enough to make me stop watching. CL fans know what I'm talking about: Odd and Aelita making out in the eleavtor. Yes, I'm a hardline Jerlita shipper, but this scene is a lot worse than that. This is a more intimate kiss than Jeremy and Aelita ever got, and is the only lip kiss Aelita gets this season (she kisses Jeremy on the cheek in "Crash Course"). Apparently, the writers just forgot that Aelita and Odd are posing as cousins. There was no good reason why a kiss between those two had to be the distracion — they could have done any number of things to resolve the plot of this episode. The cherry on the shit sundae is that rather than reassure Jeremy, her virtual boyfriend, Aelita makes fun of him! Come on, Aelita, are you really gonna show him No Sympathy after that? This episode shows the worst qualities of Code Lyoko season 4: Odd being a disgusting jerk, Aelita being wildly OOC, and Jeremy being The Chew Toy in a very unfunny way. The fact that Oddlita shippers now use this as the cornerstone for their awuful fanfics just cements it as the worst moment of Code Lyoko. The season managed to redeem itself, but iI still skip "Replika" on rewatches.

    Codename: Kids Next Door 
Operation: D.E.T.H.R.O.N.I.N.G.: Diligent Excellent Tropers Hate Really Offensive Nasty Incidents Not Great
  • fluffything: Codename: Kids Next Door: There is one moment I feel a good portion of the fandom would agree was the biggest WTF moment of the series. That of course being when they reveal that Heinrich, Numbah 5's main rival for several episodes is really a girl named "Henrietta". Let that sink in for a moment. Esentially, the episode "Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L." that shows this reveal centers around magical caramels that require someone to sacrifice a part of themselves to make them delicious (IE: Talent, personality, etc.). Heinrich, we are told, gave up beauty to make said caramels and blamed Numbah 5 for it ever since. Not only was it, apart from the vague "was once beautiful" line, never stated beforehand that Heinrich was really a girl, but not once did Numbah 5 ever mention she had a friend named Henrietta. The whole reveal comes completely out of nowhere and is so utterly ridiculous that it feels more like something out of a bad fanfic than an actual episode.
  • Medic Tf 2: The one episode that I really did not like was "Operation F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E." For starters, it has the same amount of nausea you get when watching anthromorphic food be stuffed into children as the first Gramma Stuffum episode. However, this episode takes it one step further by having a giant sandwich devour the KND. To top it all off, the entire episode has heavy metal playing in the background, which I have zero-tolerance for.
  • Animeking 1108: Don't get me wrong: Operation G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. was a good episode. However, one moment near the end rubbed me the wrong way. After finding out that Tommy can't be let back in the KND, Numbuh Four threatens to quit the team. However, the rest of the team responds with complete indifference, like as if they don't care about him. I expected that sort of thing out of Numbuh Five at least, but even Numbuh Three didn't give a shit. Remember, this episode aired after Operation F.U.T.U.R.E., which was Numbuh Four's Crowning Moment of Awesome. You'd think they'd value him a little more.
  • bisonx: I've always hated the series. What finally caused me to snap at the series was Operation M.O.V.I.E., which to me, is a massive insult to movies in general. First off, movies that are rated R are not for adults only, they're for people aged 17 and up. There's a rating for adults only, and it's the X rating. Secondly, when did adult movies become secret meetings for evil adults? And finally, what really upset me was when Numbuh Four said that adult movies were overrated.
    • Regulas314: Between this and Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L., While the latter was worse? That was mainly because of the ending not thinking anything through. This episode was just flat-out lacking in every sense. Like, I understand Sector V went to the Rainbow Monkeys double feature to be nice to Numbuh 3, I can even see Numbuh 5 having some fun with this? But Numbuh 1 and 2? That just felt out of character for them (I will assume they only said it not to trigger Kuki's Hair-Trigger Temper). But they had to have a better idea for R-rated movies in this world than making them Supervillain meeting places. It just feels way too dull for a show like KND to do something so… substandard. I understand this is an attempt to do something like Kids Shouldn't Watch Horror Films and all, but maybe… I dunno, have the film be a trick to RECRUIT new supervillains by manipulating the audience? I dunno, and yes, Numbuh 4 saying adult movies are "Overrated" ticked me off.
  • Tropemaster849: I debated between two episodes, but in the end, I settled on "Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E.". As much as I hate the ending of "Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N.", it was just that: the ending was bad. Outside of that, I thought it was a really funny episode. Anyways, back to the actual episode. The reason I hate this episode boils down to the title character: Lizzie herself. At first, I thought she was fine. Numbuh 1 did act rather rude to her when trying to cover up to his friends what he was doing with her. But it's what she does later caused me to hate both this episode and Lizzie herself. Basically, she buys a Boyfriend Helmet and uses it to brainwash Numbuh 1! And the Boyfriend Helmet was clearly causing Numbuh 1 a lot of pain. But what truly caused me to pick it over C.A.N.Y.O.N. was, ironically enough, the ending. After Numbuh 1 narrowly avoids having the Boyfriend Helmet's effects becoming permanent and after Lizzie forced him to fight his best friends, how does he react? He takes Lizzie out for ice cream. Really? You're not going to break up with her after she literally brainwashed you!?

    Courage the Cowardly Dog 
Courage the Cowardly Dog is often one of those shows most people think of when they bring up Cartoon Network's golden years, but even it tends to have a stinker now and again. We're all glad Courage is so... well, courageous; he has to be if he can stand being associated with these moments.
  • Wolf Man 16: The Courage the Cowardly Dog episode "Ball Of Revenge" portrays Eustace's Character Derailment so extreme that he's very much suffered Cartmanization. The episode has Eustace bringing in many of Courage's past rivals to kill him, all because Courage got a blanket that Eustace wanted! It also doesn't help that most of said villains have also tried to kill Eustace before. What's worse is that Eustace's strategy to lure Courage towards the villains is by using Muriel, his own wife, as bait! That's right, the same guy who, during earlier seasons, actually helped Courage with an incantation to exorcise a demon out of Muriel and suggested Muriel being used as bait for a sea serpent being extremely wrong, is doing these horrific acts. It actually makes this one of the most twisted episodes of the show.
    • fluffything: I hate the episode "Ball Of Revenge" (to the point where I'll change the channel if it comes on) as well. Not only was it the lowest point for Eustace, but it also involved him teaming up with several of Courage's past villains (many of which tried to kill/hurt Eustace themselves). But, that's not the DMOS for me. Oh, no. The absolute low point this already awful episode throws at is is the way Courage defeats this enemy team-up. How? He screams at them. Let me repeat that. Courage defeats his worst enemies by screaming at them causing the floor to collapse and them to fall into a hole! I'd like to remind everyone that one of Courage's traits is that, despite being a coward, he's rather clever and usually defeats his enemies by outwitting them (though he does use his compassionate nature at times as well). Oh and let's not forget the fact that he never. Gives. Up. Or did we forget how he defeated Mecha-Courage by sheer determination alone? Having Courage defeat his enemies by screaming at them not only undermines Courage's whole character, but it utterly ruins the threat the villains possessed in the first place. This isn't a Chekhov's Skill or even anything remotely similar. This the writers pulling utter bull out their respective bums and trying to pass it off as good writing.
    • lloyd22: Eustace was especially dislikable in that episode. After all the times Courage reluctantly saved his ungrateful ass, how does Eustace repay him? He hires a bunch of villains to actually kill Courage, and even used his own wife as bait, not even thinking about how his wife would feel if Courage were to die. What especially makes me angry about that episode is Eustace's punishment at the end. The man tried to kill an innocent dog and how does Muriel punish him? By letting him sleep on the floor with the blanket he wanted. Great punishment. Eustace should've been given a much worse punishment than what he got.
    • Senor Cornholio: Fourthed. Even though I don't hate this episode as much as most people (trust me, I'm very tolerable when it comes to TV episodes, for the most part), the entire episode definitely had problems up the wazoo. We've gone over Eustace's Character Derailment, his lack of a real punishment, and the Ass Pull of Courage's trademark scream being turned into the Unrelenting Force, but let's count another flaw this episode has: the fact that They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot. An episode with Courage having to go up against his worst foes? Sounds great! There's one problem though (out of many): all the villains are from season 1 only. We have only two recurring villains: Katz and Le Quack. The others were one-shot villains who are either natural predators to begin with (the Weremole and the Queen of the Black Puddle) or pretty much dead (the Cajun Fox and the Big Toe). What about Benton Tarantella and Errol van Volkheim? What about Ma Bagge? What about the Chicken from Outer Space? He's appeared once in spite of being cooked alive, so I don't see a reason why he can't come back. And how do they decide to deal with Courage? Challenge him to a game of dodgeball. Yeah, it's a callback to Courage's first encounter with Katz as he wanted to play "a little sport before dying", but it's just too silly to even take seriously in this context. This was supposed to be one of the big finales to the show, people! Speaking of Katz, the diabolical feline that's been one of the biggest monsters in the show? What does he do to torture Muriel into bringing Courage down to the basement to begin with? Mix Muriel's lights with the darks. Come on Katz, you're a classier villain than that! Lastly, the Duck Brothers' cameo: all they do is perform a halftime song and then disappear with Le Quack. The rest of Courage the Cowardly Dog is great, for the most part; it's just this one that's considered the silver turd in a cave of diamonds and I can definitely agree with that.
    • Shadoboy: Just to twist the knife further in with the lackluster villains, at the end of the episode they show for a brief moment Freaky Fred threathening Courage from the TV. Yes, they relegated one of Courage's most memorable enemies to a cameo.
  • Dghcrh: I understand the flaws of "Ball of Revenge", but I don't hate that episode. There are still a few episodes I dislike, but my most hated is "The Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Lovable Duckling", which is about a duckling that is anything but what the title says. Eustace is a jerk to Courage as always for bothering the duckling, even though the duckling is the bully and Courage is the victim, though of course he enjoys every torment Courage is going through. The fact that Muriel chooses to trust the duckling over Courage and is unaware the same duckling is trying to kill her is even worse.

    The Cuphead Show 
  • Eggy 0: I like the show lots. It's right up my alley. However, one episode that ended up frustrating me was "Cupstaged". Like many of the other episodes, I was happily enjoying it and how Cuphead and the Devil sabotage each other, preventing them for getting the lead role... up until the part where they team up to sabotage Mugman so that he doesn't get the role either. First off, Cuphead got upset when the Devil took Mugman away and was worried about him just two episodes ago - why would he now want to sabotage his beloved brother out of spite, even teaming up with the guy who kidnapped him, when Mugman didn't even do anything and was dreaming of having the role before Cuphead even considered claiming it for himself? And that's not even the worst part. What happens next is that they decide to sabotage Mugman by hitting him with swinging bags. He accidentally dodges at first, but then he gets hit anyway when the bags come back and is clearly injured. All of this happens on-stage, right in front of Sally, as he is rehearsing his lines. So how does Sally respond to this? She gets mad and kicks out the Devil and Cuphead... and Mugman too. Are you serious?! She even includes him in the description of being an insult and an abomination to the theater, his only "crime" being getting hit on the head by someone else. In essence Mugman gets basically no respect and is treated completely unfairly, and both Cuphead and Sally come across as being callous jerks to him. And in the end, absolutely no one even ends up getting either the lead role or the villain role as Sally does them by herself, rendering the entire audition and by extension Mugman's efforts a pointless waste of time for everyone.

    Danny Phantom 
Not even Danny Phantom can keep these moments in the Fenton Thermos forever.
  • terlwyth: Okay I love Danny Phantom so far, but the episode "The Fright Before Christmas" that should be in good cheer, was just terrible. I mean, firstly they treat Danny's hatred of Christmas with no sympathy. It's perfectly reasonable to hate such a time when all your parents do is squabble and let nothing get done, yet it's treated like Wangst. After that he goes off to blow of some steam in The Ghost World and he accidentally destroys Ghost Writer's book. But the only mean thing he did was not apologize and claim to hate Christmas. What does GW do? He trapped Danny in a book, had the town get destroyed, all the presents stolen, and turned everyone against him and didn't let one thing for the poor guy go right. And somehow it's Danny's fault entirely? Not to mention it implies Amity Park is nothing but materialistic. Even the rhymes don't help this time.
  • fluffything: For me, it was the Reset Button ending for the TV movie "Reality Trip". Long story short, Danny's parents say that they accept him for who he is and that they would never hunt down their own son when they find out he's half ghost. So, what does Danny do? Why, he uses the Reality Gauntlet to rewind time so that none of that ever happened. Umm... Danny? Just how stupid are you? Your parents just said that they accept your half-ghost status and would never try to hurt you, and your reaction is to essentially go back to the past and essentially erase that from history! At least "Phantom Planet" fixed that... somewhat, but it was still a really stupid thing for Danny to do.
    • ILikeCrows: Rewinding time made sense to me since his identity had been revealed to the whole world. That still leaves the question of why Danny, now that he knows his parents will accept him, still won't say he's half-ghost.
  • heartauthor: "Teacher of the Year", the episode where Danny has to deal with doing good on a test and stopping Technus from inside an online computer game, has a scene that's always rubbed me the wrong way. It's when Danny arrives home only to find that Mr. Lancer has told Danny's parents about his most recent flunked test. Danny's parents are understandably upset about the news. But then, the situation takes a sharp turn when Maddie declares that "[Danny is] a Fenton. And Fentons get A's" (except for Jack, who got B minuses); she then orders Danny to retake the test "and pass it with flying colors." It's also pretty clear that Jack agrees with Maddie. Now, don't get me wrong; if a kid's doing bad in school, parents have a right to be worried about it. But this scene seems to indicate that Maddie and Jack aren't just expecting Danny to do good in school; they're expecting him to be perfect, because having a son who isn't as intellectually gifted as the rest of his family is absolutely horrible. Making sure a kid isn't failing is one thing, but demanding them to do things perfectly so they don't disgrace the family name is quite another. Even notoriously serious Jazz (who knew Danny's secret at the time) had more sympathy for Danny than his parents did.
  • Emmz: Even though I find Danny Phantom to be a good show, there was one episode's ending that I found to be a major slap in the face, and that was “Pirate Radio”. Basically, the episode is about Ember teaming up with Youngblood and all the adults in Amity Park being kidnapped as part of their plan, and Danny having to stop them. Since Danny can't use his ghost powers due to a forcefield preventing him, he has to resort to gathering up all the teens at his school to team up, get on the ghost ship where Ember, Youngblood, and Youngblood's minions reside, and fight back against the villains. So how exactly is this episode a Dethroning Moment of Suck to me? Well, the battle ends with Danny falling off the ship, Sam disabling the forcefield, and Danny going ghost and saving the day. What does Danny get in return? Dash berating him for “bailing out” and everyone going back to ignoring him, completely forgetting the fact that he managed to assemble EVERY student at his school and fight against the ghosts without using his powers, proving Danny's leadership skills and to be efficient even when he’s not in his ghost form. To make matters worse, the episode ends with Danny getting in trouble with his parents for using the Ops Center and throwing a party (the latter not even being his fault), and him getting grounded for a month. Are you kidding me? I really liked the episode up until those scenes. It makes all the developement Danny went through seem pointless, and punishes him for absolutely no reason.
  • OmniscientTercel: I absolutely adore Danny Phantom now that I've gone back to it after so many years, but a recent viewing of a single episode was enough to make my adoration slightly falter: "Livin' Large". It's bad enough that Jack and Maddie gave up their precious lab and moved away from their house just because they got money shoved into their faces, but Danny takes it to the next level by not only ditching school and completely throwing away his superhero duties (it was established he wanted a break, but he wouldn't completely quit), but then proceeding to buy robot duplicates of Sam and Tucker and saying to their faces he thinks the robots are better than them. Even when he was in the phase of abusing his powers earlier in the series, it never got under my skin like it does here. He does apologize and try to make up for it at the end by saving the day, but it wasn't enough to save the episode for me.
  • Andariel: Oh boy, Phantom Planet. Most fans agree that season 3 was bad, but this episode really takes the cake. The one moment that stuck with me the most was Vlad Masters revealing himself as a half-ghost to the world... for cash. I'm sorry, but isn't Vlad already a billionare? Hasn't it been stated even in his very first appearance that he had used his powers to get as much money as he wanted and now he only cares about gaining things that money can't buy? Like, say, Maddie's love? You know, ghost hunter Maddie Fenton who hates ghosts and fought his ghost half before? Villain with Good Publicity is Vlad's entire shtick and being a half-ghost is his most closely guarded secret, so this was just a mind-bogglingly stupid Character Derailment in a season that was already suffering from bad writing.

    Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 
These moments are not beautiful days in Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
  • Flying Duck Man Genesis: Now, I like Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, but that doesn't mean that I like every episode of the series. My least favorite episode is "Won't You Sing Along With Me?", the special created following the COVID-19 pandemic. When I saw the promos for it, I expected something along the lines of similar specials like Sesame Street: Elmo's Virtual Playdate and The Loud House: Hangin' at Home With The Casagrandes. When I saw the actual special, it was a gigantic letdown. I have many issues with this special, from its bleak and depressing tone to two segments at the end that undermine the special's message and serve little purpose other than to pad it out, but the biggest issue I have is that the special focused far too much on Daniel and none of his friends got any proper screentime. Outside of Miss Elaina and Katerina, who appear in the aformentioned segments, they only ever get non-speaking cameos in the songs. This special also completely missed the mark of what both Elmo's Virtual Playdate and Hangin' at Home did so well; having the protagonist(s) interact virtually with their friends. Not once in the special did I see Daniel interact virtually with any of his friends. The intro and outro even show Daniel and his friends in separate screens, implying that they're going to interact with each other at some point, but it never happens in the special. I never want to see this sorry excuse for a special again, especially because Elmo's Virtual Playdate and Hangin' at Home are both far better specials.

  • Eegah: The Daria episode "Depth Takes a Holiday". This wonderfully honest depiction of high school life suddenly takes a hard turn into Family Guy territory as Daria has to get fugitive holidays back to their dimension. It's completely beyond me how anyone working on the show thought this was a good idea.
  • Hungerismygame: While Daria almost never resorts to crude humor, in "See Jane Run" when Jane's love interest of the episode asks if Daria has ever seen Jane "run like the wind," Daria asks if he's ever seen Jane break wind. Hilarity ensues.
  • Hyrin: The introduction of Tom Sloane. Before, the show was an interesting take on high school life told through the eyes of an outsider. After, it was a standard teen rom-com that descended into the cliched Love Triangle. If they had wanted to do that, they should have stuck with the original plan and used Mack instead.
  • Eedwardgrey3: "Fizzed" tried to criticize corporate sponsoring of schools: good. Then it got ridiculously Anvilicious, with the cheerleaders forced to dress in soda cans by the evil Coca Cola/Pepsi Expy and ended with an over the top scene of miss Li running around with an axe because of a sugar high. Glen Eichler apparently didn't get the negative reactions.

    Dragons: Riders of Berk 
  • fluffything: The 2013 season finale has one of the most annoying, pointless, utterly yank the audience's chain twists I have ever seen. For over a week, Cartoon Network kept showing us advertisements on Hiccup finding out hints of an island full of Night Furies. So, what happens? It turns out the whole thing was a fake and was a trap set by Alvin and Mildew. Seriously, just fuckin' seriously? Why use a major plot element regarding one of the main characters of the series just for a bloody cop-out involving two re-occuring villains that have worn out their welcome already? I looked forward to this episode hoping I'd see more Night Furies (or at least a big reveal as to what happened to them). Not the cliched "It's a trap!" scenario that we've seen a thousand times before.
  • Julia1984: The romantic B-plot of "To Heather or Not To Heather." Heather briefly mentioning Fishlegs is her type last season was amusing because of the irony (Hiccup also fits the description she gives perfectly, which neither girl comments on), but the two of them actually being attracted to each other seemed completely random, forced, and awkward to watch. And, yes, half of that is due to the beautiful, natural chemistry Heather had with Astrid in all her previous appearances and the conspicuous scene in her premiere two-parter where she hugs Astrid good-bye and completely ignores Hiccup's attempt to get the same. No, this isn't The Legend of Korra, but the way the show portrays Dagur's feelings for Hiccup, the plot of "Big Man on Berk," and how DreamWorks loved boasting about that "one other reason" line from the second film made it easy to believe Heather's door doesn't swing that way, and the writers were aware of and okay with that. The series must be really out of touch with its fanbase to think this is the turn fans who loved the interaction between Heather and Astrid or consider Hiccup, Astrid, and Heather their OT3 would want to see Heather's love life take.

    Ducktales (2017) 
Ducktales ... boo-oo!
  • Melancholy Utopia: I like Ducktales 2017, far more than the original series. There have yet to be an entire episode that pissed me off. The story is heartfelt, faithful to the original Carl Barks comics, I'm genuinely interested in the Duck family's history (especially the revelation of what happened to Della), The characters are well-developed and likable (I love Lena, Webby, Dewey and Donald for being more than just a hot headed mess, and also a real badass in the season finale) and it was wrapped up in a perfect season finale with Magica as an amazing, threatening villain. Well... almost perfect. The DMoS I have is incredibly small, but it rubbed me the wrong way and disappointed me. I, like many other fans, don't hold Louie in the highest regard, but I can tolerate him for the most part. I liked his character development a few episodes back, where he saved his family from getting sponged on by a con-artist posing as Bigfoot, and then genuinely caring about knowing the truth about his mother. That all crashed down, in my opinion, when a supposed, algae-covered monster steps onboard their boat (when they're about to go save Scrooge), Louie immediately shoves his brothers forward and screams "Take my brothers first!" Keep in mind, we didn't yet know the "monster" was Scrooge's ally. Louie was ready to sacrifice his own brothers to get away safely, and shows he truly only cares about himself in the long run. It was played as a joke. News flash, writers? It flushed Louie's Character Development down the crapper, for the sake of one of the oldest, unfunniest jokes in the book. It would have been much better had they glared at him, as he sheepishly added: "Well, take them first, and then me." As a twist, making it both funnier and less sociopathic. Alternatively, don't make a joke at all, as it can throw off the dramatic tension of the scene when not done correctly. Everyone in this episode had genuine Big Damn Heroes moments; Louie offering himself before his brothers would have been a neat moment for him. But no, we didn't get that. It was really disappointing. Luckily, the rest of the episode and the characters' heroic deeds were fantastic, so it didn't completely spoil the episode for me.
  • cookieman: I enjoy this reboot a lot, but if there's one thing that really bothered me, it's the side plot of "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!". Della and Huey are playing a virtual video game - and while Della's focused on the adventure aspect, Huey is more focused on protecting a garden. He has a bunch of accumulated EXP from just protecting the garden, and once he's convinced to leave the "comfort zone" (which would protect the garden from monsters) - a dragon destroys the garden, and he uses his accumulated EXP. Della's comments? Saying that his power level is " Over 9000" (shattering her scouter that she had as well) while Huey gets Super Saiyan powers to kill the dragon. For the first (and hopefully only) time, I groaned watching this series. If this was made in the late 2000s, it might have been something that I would've chuckled at, but this episode? 2019. Yeah, I felt like they could've chosen a better reference to go by instead of a meme that's been out of commission for almost a decade already. Fortunately, I haven't been bothered by the rest of the series, so it's been on good track otherwise.

    The Flintstones 
The Flintstones may have been the first prime time cartoon to have aired, causing a massive renaissance in its awakening, but sometimes older isn't always better. Whether it's a joke or entire episode that hasn't aged well or a steaming case of Seasonal Rot, these are the moments that we wish were converted into fossil fuels.
  • RAZ: The Flintstones had one episode entitled "The Tycoon" that I caught when I was pretty young and even today I still remember just how extraordinarily pissed I was after watching this crapfest. The premise involves a rich snob who looks exactly like Fred getting tired of work and bailing on the job, and after his assistants panic they get Fred to fill in for him until he's found. Wilma, Betty, and Barney encounter the rich guy and confuse him for Fred, and he in turn treats them all like dirt and so they all blame Fred. The real Fred gets tired of all the work he has to do as well and also bails, happy to return to his wife and friends. But since they're all still angry after their encounter with Fake Fred, Barney kicks the real Fred's ass and Wilma and Betty yell at him for being a being a total dick when he didn't even do anything. The End. Now Fred can be kind of a jerk sometimes (all the characters can) but that one went beyond mean, especially since he gets completely treated like something a dog crapped out by the end for something he's one hundred percent innocent of. I remember screaming at my TV and wanting to kick it several times after that half-assed 30 minutes of unnecessary cruelty.
    • Komatsuzaki: I second this so hard. I remember literally nothing from the Flintstones except for this episode. I must have been 11 or 12 when I saw it, but it made me so angry that there was no restitution for what everyone did to Fred.
  • kablammin45: As much as I like The Flintstones, I just cannot ignore the convoluted plan Fred and Barney had at the end of "At The Races". Long story short, our favorite cavemen blew their funds on the dinosaur races, but fortunately won. Then things get crazy. Fred, for some reason, decides that telling Wilma would be a big mistake, so he decides to hide the check in Barney's pock- oh wait, I'm sorry, underneath a rock in a conspicuous area. Why they couldn't have hidden it somewhere easy to get to? Then what happens next wouldn't have happened; namely, Wilma is ecstatic prompting Fred and Barney to run for the hiding place and wind up having it stolen by a mugger and become completely broke. Pretty much all of this could have been avoided all together if Fred had realized the fact that Wilma wouldn't be ticked off and hidden the check in somewhere much easier, and less vulnerable to theft, to get to. (Like say, Barney's pocket for example.)
  • Baffle Blend: While this might be a tad unfair, one episode above all has showed me exactly how poorly this series has aged; "The Happy Housewife". The gist of it is that Wilma gets a job as a host on a TV show, where she gives housewives advice. Fred is upset because her working means she's not home to make elaborate dinners. Eventually, it turns into blackmail when a gossip column threatens to expose that the Happy Housewife's Happy Husband isn't so happy himself. Even if he didn't have such a terrible, selfish, and bratty reason to be unhappy in the first place (which he did have a terrible, selfish, and bratty reason; this can't be emphasized enough.), that alone would have crossed the Moral Event Horizon. So after Wilma is essentially forced to quit her job... the episode ends with her singing as she brings Fred a chunk of meat. Needless to say, this was the last episode of The Flintstones that I ever watched, because after seeing it, Fred was unlikable, unwatchable, and unforgivable.
  • KrazyTVWatcher: As much as I like The Flintstones, there was one episode in particular that pissed me off, the season 6 episode "Samantha". To recap, Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles get new neighbors from a different television series. A little later in the episode, Fred and Barney go camping in the woods, unaware that their wives, Samantha, and their children have followed them. Originally, Fred and Barney say that women can't make it in camp, and guess how Betty and Wilma respond? By having Samantha use magic to scare them out of their wits. While Fred and Barney are at fault for what they said, what the girls did was something I'll never forgive them for.
  • flyingj138: I love The Flintstones, so this is more of a sour spot for me than a show-ruining moment, but my vote is for "Pebbles' Birthday Party". Fred hires the only caterer in town to cater for Pebbles' birthday party and a party at the Water Buffalo Lodge, but the caterer mixes things up and sends the wrong things to the wrong places, ultimately culminating in everyone involved in both parties getting arrested. Now, it's not as much the fact that the caterer ultimately gets no retribution for this that bothers me (it wasn't entirely his fault, even though he shouldn't have made it a coin flip decision) as much as it is that nobody gets mad at him for the whole fiasco. And Fred, meanwhile, is mis-blamed for the whole thing, which is only cleared up at the end (at least, Wilma and the Rubbles understand, the Water Buffaloes are too busy eyeing the Boulderettes). None of the jokes really landed for me, in a show where I find something funny in even tear-jerker episodes like "Dino Disappears", and on top of that I ended up getting that silly music that plays whenever the Boulderettes appeared stuck in my head for at least a week after I first watched it.

    The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy 
Hey guys, look what I found in Grim's trunk! It's a collection of moments that he wishes he could forget. Wanna take a look?
  • fluffything: The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: I found the episode "Be A-Fred, Be Very A-Fred" where Fred Fredburger wins a contest and gets to spend time with Grim. It's just filled with so many facepalm-inducing moments that I just don't know where to begin. First, Grim is such a loser now that the only work he can get is being in laxative commercials? And, not only that, but said laxative company is now doing poorly because apparently no one wants to buy something endorsed by death himself? Let me remind everyone that said laxatives are being sold to demons (IE: Immortal monsters of evil (or chaotic neutral in the case of TGAOBAM) that most likely speak to Grim on a daily basis). Second, Fred Fredburger is just more annoying than usual here. At least in Keeper Of The Reaper his annoying antics were funny. This? He's just stupid for the sake of being stupid (Though, I did find him being amazed by a simple lamp to be pretty amusing... but that's just a silver lining in this turd cloud of an episode). Third, the way too long and not funny at all gag of Grim trying to get his picture taken with Fred resulting in Fred losing his frozen yogurt (Which, by the way, was what Fred wanted to do with Grim). You know, you could just buy another one or waited until he was done eating, Grim. Instead, they take Fred to an amusement park where Fred is sent flying from a Tilt-A-Whirl (... What?) and ends up meeting a group of Yetis that all talk like him and offer him frozen yogurt, all while a crying Grim is violently beaten by the laxative company executives for letting Fred go. Yes, that's how the short ends. It's like watching a train filled with disabled orphans crash into a burning building. Not funny and painful to watch.
  • KiraDoom: Mine is the episode "Scythe For Sale". I can probably get over Irwin yelling at Billy for bothering him (Billy was being pretty obnoxious, and I've been aggravated too many times to count). But the whole rest of the episode is about Irwin buying Grim's scythe at Billy's garage sale... Then using it to cast a spell to make Mandy love him. What? Look, I know Irwin's crush is one-sided, but you usually feel a bit sorry for Irwin because Mandy is pure evil. This episode tries to paint Irwin as a horrible person, which he usually isn't. (The only other time he was is "King Tooten Pooten", but I'm only allowed one entry for this show.) As a fan who absolutely loves Irwin and relates to him on many levels (aside from the whole "crush on a horrible person" thing), this episode is, for the most part, horrible. Thank God for Underfist; without that special, along with some of the other episodes he was in, my view of him as a character would have been tarnished.
  • GuardianEnigma: I love this series, but the episode that left me feeling grim was "El Dia De Los Muertos Estupidos". It starts okay enough, with the group accidentally ending up in Mexico and stumbling upon a village celebrating Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. Then they find out that the relic needed for the festivities, the "Golden Nose of Chipotle", is being targeted by a crazy luchadore named Del Uglio who carries one half of the map leading to the treasure and is somehow Billy's Long-Lost Relative despite not resembling him at all, and as such, Billy has the other half of the map. Del Uglio wants to use the nose to make himself less ugly, even though his face under his mask ends up actually being handsome. Eventually they defeat Del Uglio, but the real moment of suck happens right after, as Mandy proceeds to steal the Golden Nose for herself, when even Billy and especially Grim wanted to save the day. She selfishly uses the nose's riches to buy herself a jet and leaves everyone else behind, dooming the Day of the Dead. Villain Protagonist she may be, but Mandy went beyond the pale and proved herself to be an utter bitch in this unfortunate episode.

    Hero: 108 
  • Brokenshell: In an episode of Hero: 108 (a show I usually find to be average) Mystique Sonia's Yaksha (a magic hat that is infatuated with her) gets burnt to death right in front of her eyes. Next scene, she is in prison and, upon hearing one of the imprisoned soldiers saying he loves her, tricks him into becoming her new Yaksha by having him say it 2 more times and laughs and hugs it as if the first one never existed. So 1) what was once a human being has sacrificed its life for the woman he loves and she doesn't care in the slightest, and 2) she manipulates a man into something he has no idea would happen for her own gain.
  • Rabbitear: I loved this show as a kid, but there was always one episode which felt a little abnormal: "Crane King". In it, Mystique Sonia tries to get the rest of First Squad to try on some girly mittens she crafted, to be somehow distraught when they (mostly) reject the idea of using them regularly.note note  This causes Sonia to rant at them for being too guy-ish. Later, the males of the squad are transformed into females due to a Zebra Brothers spell worded a little too exactly. Further into the episode, the now female crew is presented as uninterested and almost unable to fight, while in a flipping warzone. Yeah, these are the guys who can wreck havoc on practically any animal army, but as girls they don't stand a chance against an army made out of paper, because they've been transformed with exact opposite personalities as when they were male. And after they turn back, Mighty Ray comments that he remembers what happened in the episode, which is just a total Mind Screw. If they were still themselves while female, why didn't they actually fight? This is a sort of Be Careful What You Wish For story staring via Idiot Plot with far too many Unfortunate Implications that either women are useless in serious situations unless very rarely are they competent, or women and men have complete opposite mindsets, thus one can not work in the other's job.
  • Eggy 0: I'm personally a casual fan of the show and while there isn't an episode that I openly hate, there's one with an element that brings it down for me. The episode in question is "Sheep Castle". What happens is that Mystique Sonia turns her attention away from Yaksha and towards Jumpy instead, so Yaksha gets jealous and causes a mess of things wherein Jumpy's coat of fur gets unraveled like a sweater and Sonia understandably gets angry. Unfortunately, this is where the problems begin; Sonia starts focusing on Jumpy and making paper cutouts shaped like him while the latter is sleeping (going so far as taking him out of his bed and setting him down on a table like he's a mannequin) which is honestly a little creepy, and Yaksha actually doesn't do much of a crime besides fuming a little and imitating Sonia's movements. The latter is what makes her extremely angry at him, so she starts chasing him around and then a string jutting out of Jumpy's fur accidentally gets stuck on Yaksha which causes the unraveling to happen. Then after they hastily put Jumpy back to bed, she tells Yaksha it's all his fault even though she was the one to escalate the problem, then holds a grudge against him for most of the episode. Poor Yaksha is heartbroken and even visibly tries to apologize, but she heartlessly rejects him and he spends some time moping and tries to earn her respect back a few times. All because she got annoyed by him imitating her. Remember that in an earlier episode, Sonia was absolutely devastated when her original Yaksha was burned to ashes and she admittedly took advantage of a soldier who was in passionate love with her to regain her companion - here, her treating Yaksha like he's a scumbag over something so small comes across as really jarring. At the very least she finally forgives him when he helps her win that episode's competition, but it doesn't change the fact that the way she treats him beforehand just feels needlessly painful and cruel.

    Hey Arnold! 
For this relatively timeless show, there are however a few unpleasant moments unfortunately.
  • Lionheart0: The ending to "Arnold Betrays Iggy" episode had one of the most horrible endings I've ever seen in an animated series. After being accused of spreading Iggy's embarrassing secret, when it was actually Arnold's classmates who did so, Arnold is forced to take a humiliating Walk-of-shame in bunny pajamas, on National Television. In a show that normally manages to have understandable aesops, to the life of me I still don't quite understand what was the point of taking the blame and forced to endure humiliation for something you were not responsible for.
    • Rage24: For me, the worst part of that episode was Arnold's Grandpa acting Out of Character. When Arnold decides to go through with the Bunny Pajama Walk, his Grandpa says that he's going to take pictures of him for the photo album.
    • futuremoviewriter: The episode is often considered the worst of the series for a reason. Even as a kid, I realized this episode was very uncomfortable to sit through and after seeing it a second time, knew I never wanted to see it again. They used a shot of Arnold in the suit looking sad at the end of the episode in a March Toon Mania promo, and since I didn't know which promo it was, I'd always look away at those promos to avoid that reminder of the episode. It severely damaged my feeling about the show in general; it was that bad. I became very cautious whenever I watched the show after that so I could get away whenever that episode came on. I think there was one occasion when it did come on and I left the room I had no desire to sit through it again. The second viewing I left the room during the ending or covered my face so I didn't have to look at it. I wonder how Steve Viksten (God rest his soul) didn't realize just how bad an idea everything in it was and how it didn't need rewrites before it aired. A YouTube commenter came up with better ideas for how the episode could have gone instead and it's unfathomable to me how Viksten couldn't have thought of those things himself before it aired. I thought maybe I didn't get it, but Craig Bartlett himself disliked it so much that it got very little air time since it came out. I'm upset that this episode ever existed, but I'm glad I wasn't wrong.
    • JadeEyes1: There's also Arnold's Out of Character behavior towards Iggy at the end of the episode: it's implied that he's going to treat Iggy the same way Iggy had previously treated him. Iggy's behavior throughout the episode was absurdly petty and immature; Arnold may be a kid, but if the show has proven anything, it's that he's mature beyond his years. The Arnold we know might have been angry at Iggy initially, but he would eventually hear him out and let him apologize. This episode was just terrible all around.
  • LunaVeg87: What actually got me the most about "Girl trouble" episode was when Arnold got home after that incident, and his grandpa acted horrified, and then Arnold sighed, and said "you're right. I feel terrible." You know, wherever you stand on whether you ship Helga and Arnold (I personally don't even get involved), this was disturbing. Helga harasses him on a daily basis, he has no idea of her true feelings, or hell, even if she ever feels bad about treating him like dirt, yet the ONE time he does something back, he feels terrible? I get that he's supposed to be a good kid who always does the right thing, but this was borderline Love Martyr territory (it would only be more disturbing if he were the one with a crush).
  • From the Words of BR: "Bag of Money". In this episode, Arnold, Gerald, and Sid find... well, a bag with $3,937 in it. Arnold wants to return it to the police, but Gerald and Sid don't want him to, but once Arnold points out they could get a reward for returning it they agree and let him keep track of the bag. Sid even mentions how "Arnold is the most honest guy around", which bites him in the ass later on. Arnold goes on the city bus with the money and sits next to a pink-haired peg-legged one-eyebrow-donning lady with 4 bags, which are also the color of the bag of money Arnold has. However, the lady accidentally grabs Arnold's bag and he winds up with her bags of bird seeds. Sid and Gerald don't believe Arnold's silly but true story; so much so, Sid eventually convinces everybody that Arnold stole the money and what happened to him is actually an excuse, and the other kids actually believe him! And to rub more salt in the wound, remember that little statement Sid did a little earlier? He sure isn't acting like the poor guy is honest in this section of the episode. And then Sid starts spying on Arnold and says that he used the money to buy random stuff. The kids eventually grab Arnold and tie him up to the tether-ball pole. Then a police car comes and the lady Arnold described earlier comes to return Arnold's bus pass, and then everybody apologizes for hurting Arnold, yet Sid gets away with what he did. Sorry, but no, not even the ending can easily forgive that. Why would they think a kid like Arnold would steal the money? Easily one of the poorest-written episodes of the series.
  • monkeyman224: I really hated "The Vacant Lot" because of how asinine it was. The kids find a vacant lot with mountains of junk in it, clean it up, and decide all of a sudden it's theirs. Then the adults take it over and kick the kids out. In the end the kids dump all the junk back in it and tell the adults that "they can have it the way they found it" before they cleaned it up. Yeah, that's real mature (don't tell me "they're just nine". Some of them have been written to have more maturity than the adults most of the time). The adults then feel bad and let them have it after remodeling it. Okay first off, a vacant lot isn't something you call dibs on after cleaning it. It's not their property, it's the city's. It doesn't belong to anybody until they actually buy it. That's why it's called a "vacant lot".
    • Kris Simsters: I second this, this was a dethroning moment for all the characters; for the kids claiming that this was theirs (yes they cleaned up but as pointed out, its not yours until you buy it from the city) and the adults thinking they can just have whatever's cleaned up. This episode made me not like anybody, not even Arnold.
  • Sampa CM: I'd gladly watch all episodes of Hey Arnold! again, except for one: "The Stoop Kid". Long story short, the titular kid is an orphan who likes sitting on the doorstep of his house, and shouting insults to whoever walks by. The kids of the neighborhood are too scared of him as they consider him a Creepy Child, and even there is a legend about his origin, told by Gerald, no less! Their football fell over his doorstep, but they don't dare get close. However, when Arnold somehow manages to retrieve the football from the doorstep, what does Stoop Kid do? Instead of chasing Arnold, he limits to shouting him to stay away from his doorstep. Now, the next part is where we enter the DMOS zone: the kids realize that Stoop Kid is actually too scared to leave the doorstep, so they take advantage of it, and start picking on him, to the point of making him cry bitterly. What The Heck? It's true that Stoop Kid was being a Jerkass, but the kids mistreated him way worse than he did to them. Arnold, however, feels sorry for him and helps him face his fears and leave the doorstep. Now, the ending with Stoop Kid finally leaving the doorstep and accepted by his community is a heartwarming moment, but the part where the kids pick on him is just too mean-spirited and painful to watch this episode ever again.
  • Captain Tedium: I wouldn't mind revisiting any other episode of the series, but my least favorite episode of Hey Arnold! is "New Bully on the Block", which as far as I'm concerned is even worse than "Arnold Betrays Iggy", since at least Iggy suffered the consequences of rejecting Arnold's apologies and forcing him to humiliate himself in public. This episode, on the other hand, ended with the highly unsympathetic bullies Ludwig and Wolfgang taking Gerald Field from the kids of P.S. 118 and beating them up when the kids fiercely object to their decision to take Gerald Field from them. It especially is abhorrent that the episode doesn't have those two assholes get any comeuppance for what they did, and I particularly hated the scenes of the "seeing stars" effect signaling when the bullies beat the characters up because it reminded me too much of a bully who punched me in the eye when I was in school. I know that this episode was made so that all of Arnold's current voice actors and his previous voice actors could be involved in the same episode, but they really would have been better off having Phillip Van Dyke play a more sympathetic character, or at least not ending the episode on such a bleak and mean-spirited note.
  • Ryanruff 13: "Stinky Goes Hollywood" has a scene that is flatout uncomfortable for me to watch. Stinky becomes a popular poster child in a commercial, but at one point, he overhears the caster making fun of his line delivery behind his back, revealing that they hired him as a joke. One could make an argument that it would be understandable for Stinky to not want to continue his job considering that he was hired just for his Stylistic Suck, but there's no indication that his fans in-universe held the same opinion on him, which alone is enough to make the following decision by Stinky debatable to me. The Dethroning Moment of Suck, however, is a scene where his father is in tears begging him to sign a contract that would ensure them lots of money (considering that his family is, you know, in poverty...) and Stinky is just refusing to do so, actually justifying it at the end of the episode as protecting his "pride". While the moral itself is understandable, and while I do get what the episode is going for, the scene itself is rather heartwrenching, and Stinky is the one that we're supposed to side with. While the overall plot could have used revision in that regard, if nothing else, the scene could have been replaced/removed altogether so we're not subjected to hearing his father weep about having to stay poor and having the episode inadvertently portray Stinky as selfish and prideful.
  • kodasboy: I'm really surprised that "The Longest Monday" has never been brought up in this section. The entire episode is about Hazing, with the fifth graders trying to cram all of the fourth graders into garbage cans, which results in two different DMOS. Firstly, it's established that this has been a long tradition for Arnold's school. What in the world are the teachers doing, taking their daily smoke break? This is heavily made worse when you consider that Mr. Simmons, Mr. freakin' Simmons would not intervene in any possible way, which is an extreme Out-of-Character Moment, seeing as he goes out of his way to try and make class more interesting and genuinely cares about his students But fine, let's give the benefit of the doubt and say that the teachers were busy...and all the adults. Then comes the ending, oh boy. So at the end, all of the Fourth Graders are trashed, and they lose to the Fifth Graders, including Arnold and Gerald. A group of Third Graders point and laugh at Arnold and Gerald, to which Arnold snaps, telling them next year they'll be next, and they'll be the Fifth Graders. They ask if he's serious, and he says no, he wouldn't do that to them. Gerald and Arnold turns around, asks if Arnold is sure, and Arnold entertains the idea of continuing the "Tradition". Arnold. The kid who went out of his way to make sure a Galapagos Turtle got back to the ocean. The kid who helped a homeless boy overcome his fear of the outside world. The same kid who helped a school bully realize the errors of his ways. He thinks it would be fine to continue a trend of hazing that's extremely physically abusive but also demeaning. So kids, if you ever get hazed, remember, Hazing is totally fine as long as you're the one hazing others. I honestly view this as the worst episode of the entire series, at least "Arnold Betrays Iggy" and "Bag of Money" portrayed Sid and Iggy as in the wrong, whereas this episode portrays the Antagonist as a Karma Houdini, and has an ending with the Protagonist going through Character Derailment. Hazing is not at all an okay thing to do in any context possible, especially considering people have gotten themselves killed, and this episode glorifies it beyond belief.

The life of an adventurer sometimes involves being dethroned.
  • Super Equality 07: I love Hilda. Always have, always will. But I have my gripes with the second season. Perhaps it was season one's cozy and wholesome vibe missing in favor of more action-y storylines. Or maybe it was because they made Hilda kind of rude in contrast to how she was in season one. Or it may have been that certain key characters from the first season are completely absent this season and are never even mentioned. Not that season two was bad. It was still very good and easily the best season of a cartoon in 2020. Any season that gives us "The Deerfox" is a winner in my book. There was a spike in turkeys this season, though there is only one that I truly dislike: "The Jorts Incident." This episode completely abandons the show’s normal formula and feels more like a fan-fiction. This was Emily Brundige’s first episode as writer instead of story editor, and I could totally tell that this was her work. Brundige has written for much inferior cartoons like the Powerpuff Girls reboot and Ollie & Scoops and it definitely felt more like I was watching an episode of those cartoons than an episode of Hilda. The scene with Gil being promoted at the Jorts Headquarters (thanks to the Tide Mice that snuck into his hair) is mostly uninteresting because we literally just met this character. Hilda, Frida, David and Kaisa catching all of the tide mice a la Ghostbusters complete with hip-hop music felt like it came straight out of a fan-fiction, especially the back-and-forth between David and Kaisa followed by David blushing anime-style. Not to mention that it’s kind of creepy to see David, an eleven-year-old boy interacting like that with Kaisa, who appears to be somewhere in her 20’s. And the witches giving Hilda mouse whiskers at the end was like the cherry on the outlandish sundae. Almost nothing in this episode resembles Hilda, instead feeling more like a fan was asked to come on the show and write an episode. New blood in the writer’s room usually helps the show stay consistently interesting and shakes things up. But unfortunately, that does not appear to be this show’s strong suit. Either that, or they should have chosen someone else to write this episode. Of course, this is all just my opinion. If you loved this episode or appreciated it for how different it was, then I have no problem with that. You do you. But for me...just bleh. Emily Brundige has proven to be a much better story editor than a full-on writer. I think she should stick to just doing that. Sorry, Emily.
  • savagegenius: So what happens when you combine Frida’s face-heel turn from “The Ghost” and her half-assed apology from “The Black Hound,” make her callousness ten times worse, treat her as being in the right the whole time, and have the entire thing be written by the same person who wrote “The Jorts Incident” mentioned above? You get the absolute worst episode of the show, “Strange Frequencies.” As amazing as Season 3 itself is, this episode would already be pretty dull with the bland main plot of Frida trying to help the Nisse stop stealing from each other, along with Tontu suddenly acting like a jackass out of nowhere. But the thing that makes this episode absolutely abhorrent is Hilda’s subplot, all because—you guessed it—Ms. Dipshit Frida strikes again. So after the adventure from “The Job,” Hilda is going absolutely insane from her father disappearing (on the previous episode that he was taken to the fairy isle by the cloaked figures that were watching Hilda, but she doesn’t know this, the implication from her perspective being he abandoned her again), and using her radio to teach him down via a supposed secret message, with Frida and David actively watching her downfall the entire time. Now I’m not too mad at David, given that the episode at least implies he doesn’t want to get involved in something like this (though that could’ve been portrayed a lot better). What’s Frida’s excuse, on the other hand? Nothing. Not once does she give a shit about Hilda practically suffering from parental abandonment issues, but instead she’s focused more on hosting a town hall meeting than her supposed best friend, to the point where gets angry at Hilda ruining the meeting when she tries to get her radio back from the Nisse who stole it. But the worst part has to be the ending: after Hilda makes up for what she did and brings peace to the Nisse, Frida finally notices that something’s wrong with her while Hilda’s taking down her conspiracy papers. So does Frida finally apologize to her friend for being apathetic for the latter’s the past two days? Nope! Instead, she just says she’s sorry that Hilda “didn’t find what [she was] looking for,” then just stands there while Hilda genuinely apologizes for even daring to be worried about her father in the first place and being unable to take the possibility of being abandoned again in the ass, and even tries to accept it like it’s nothing. Okay, fuck off with that! You guys are saying that it’s more important to put extreme mental issues to the wayside and take it in the ass when someone you hold dear has just ran away from you, just so you can help your friends deal with something extremely petty (albeit highly prevalent, but still petty), lest they have the audacity get on your ass about it! Seriously, as someone who’s been through the exact same thing, this episode just shits upon everyone who’s ever had a traumatic incident involving their loved ones, and has had nobody to support them. Plus, Frida was already a self-centered jackass for pretty much the entire show—last thing we need is her acting like a sociopath of a town hall meeting of all things!

    House of Mouse 
  • Froggo Fan 64: The episode in which Scrooge McDuck buys the club and makes everyone miserable with his budget cuts has rubbed me the wrong way for a good reason. Among the things Scrooge does to the club is that he frakkin' fires Huey, Dewey and Louie, his own grandnephews, from their position as the house band! After all those times they helped him search for treasures back in the comics and DuckTales (1987), this is how he repays them?! Something must've really turned him sour between the last DuckTales (1987) episode and this.
    • Mogo: It gets worse than that— They get his characterization completely wrong. Despite being stingy (he may have even fired Donald, but he did that on a daily basis in the comics), he would fire the boys for not working for free, but he would probably force them to work elsewhere. Plus, in DuckTales (1987) and the comics, he was business savvy— he would know at least enough not to strip mine the club so bad that no one would want to come. This portrays him as everyone else sees him: just a stingy old man who counts his coins (Which Don Rosa Lampshaded spectacularly in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck with Donald)— not the badass businessman he is everywhere else. For shame, Disney— for shame.
    • Webby: Scrooge decides to provide the entertainment, by standing on stage showing off his Number One Dime, while everybody boos over the "stupid dime". Treating a major recurring plot device like junk is bad enough, but that Scrooge randomly dragged it to the House, rather than keeping it safe and guarded is ridiculous. Then, when he quits, he "sells" the House back to Pete by stealing all his cash and everything he bought and leaving him with the deed. Made it square, did ya Scrooge?
  • Candy Cane 14: Scrooge wasn't the only character that got messed up in the show. Donald, Jose and Panchito were all out of character as well in the episode, "The Three Caballeros"! Donald would've been happy to meet his two friends, even if he felt bad that no one remembered he's a Caballero. Instead he and the two acted more like enemies then friends! Well... yeah, Panchito and Jose played pranks on Donald in 'The Three Caballeros' movie too, but if you pay attention, Donald was still having fun anyway... yeah. Plus it contradict those two comics ('The Three Caballeros ride again' and such) where Panchito and Jose looked up to Donald. At least in "Not so Goofy", they were better friends. This episode "The Three Caballeros" however was terrible.
  • Ephriokko: In the episode "A Match Not Made In Heaven", the one where Hades tries to get a date with Maleficent, there's this part where Mickey offers to show Hades that being nice can work. He goes up to Maleficent and says in a bright, chipper tone: "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Maleficent! Golly! Oh, boy! Hot dog! Ain't it swell? Gee, I hope you're hap-hap-happy, 'cause we love to make things fun-fun-funny! Ha-ha, ha-ha! Oh, gosh." Even though I'm in general a forgiving, tolerant Mickey Mouse fan, the speed and chipper tone at which all of his catchphrases were said in succession made me cringe.
    • Manwiththeplan: And Maleficent doesn't even retaliate like you'd expect her to; she just grits her teeth in irritation and forces out something along the lines of "Yes, how... giddy." God damn it, Maleficent, I know Mickey's the host of the club, but the Mistress of Evil shouldn't have to put up with that shit!
  • lilpurplebird: The entirety of House of Villains is a plot gone to waste. Honestly, who here wouldn't love to see the villains take over an entire show? And they do with a rather neat song to go along with it (about half-way through, sadly). But what do they do after they take over the house? They watch more Halloween Disney cartoons. Mickey and the gang try to take back without success a couple of times in between cartoons, but that's about it. And it has a rather anti-climatic battle where Mickey just dresses up in his apprentice outfit and zaps Jafar without another word and takes back the house like that. Yeah, it was a big disappointment.
  • Doujinguy567: Granted, there was an episode in the series with a similar title: "Pete's House of Villains". The villains did a little more in the episode, but it was tailored against Pete. Anything else they did wasn't that different from their roles in their respective films.
  • Captain Tedium: The Thanksgiving episode. Mickey tries in vain to convince the turkey that the club members are not barbaric beasts, which only results in the guests all trying to kill and eat each other. How do things end? The turkey closes the episode pretending to be Mickey while the club guests chase away the real Mickey disguised as a turkey.

    Inside Job 
  • Baeraad 555: The pilot showed promise, but it lost me right at the end when Reagan declared that she needed Brett to co-manage with her since she had to have a "mediocre white man" to act as The Face for her. Seriously? This is after Brett has spent the last half of the episode showing that while he's Book Dumb, he's got insane people and leadership skills as well as being exceptionally physically fit (which matters in a job that apparently involves wrestling down megalomaniacal robots). The moral should have been that Reagan, who is a scientific genius but has No Social Skills needs someone with a different skill set to complement her. But no, apparently her problem isn't that she verbally (and sometimes physically) abuses people and then acts surprised when that doesn't win her popularity contests, it's just that the world is unfairly prejudiced against her for being a woman. Bite me, Reagan. As a white man who isn't as effortlessly friendly and charming as Brett, I can tell you from experience that it doesn't work that way.

    The Jetsons 
Jetson! You're fired because of these terrible moments!
  • sudrictoon: After a whole season straight of great and memorable episodes, the show's classic era ends on a bad note with "Elroy's Mob". In this episode, Elroy gets good grades on his report tape (basically a futuristic report card), while his classmate Kenny Countdown gets bad grades. Kenny swaps his and Elroy's tapes when no one is looking, because this selfish little brat only cares about himself and not about how Elroy's parents would react to his supposed bad grades. When his parents do see his "report tape", George harshly punishes Elroy with no supper pills and even considers sending him to military school. All just because he supposedly failed. George may be a Bumbling Dad and does have his jerky moments at times, but he was way more harsh than usual here. What a sour ending to the show's golden era.

    Justice League 
Some of the worst foes the Justice League had to fight: these episodes.
  • X Spectre Grey X: Justice League Unlimited, "Divided We Fall", an otherwise epic episode of an epic show has one. The conference the Justice League holds after the battle with Brainiac, specifically, Green Arrow's otherwise Crowning Moment of Awesome, calling out the Justice League. He specifically addresses the Justice League the whole time, but he ends by specifically saying that the Justice League needs Superman... um, what's everyone else, chopped liver? Flash is the guy who beat Brainiac and is the morality pet. Batman is the one who indirectly stopped Brainiac downloading himself into a new body by being the guy who didn't turn himself in. If anything, he just showed how he was different from the rest of them. Because Supes didn't kill Lex? Yeah, but neither did anyone else. In fact, Superman was the only one to attempt it at all. I don't hate Superman, but that one line could've easily addressed the entire League and it wouldn't have lost anything other than the unnecessary focus on Superman. Also, afterwards, the line "who guards the guardians", Green Arrow's interpretation of the Latin phrase Batman says... to guard is to protect, is it not? So he basically said that he's the one who will protect the original seven... But the meaning, in this case at least, was definitely supposed to be 'who watches the watchmen', as a reference to Green Arrow's role as being the Morality Pet for the Justice League. Apparently, this is the more literal translation of the phrase, but anyone who doesn't know that will just be confused on the moral of the thing. Why did they not just say 'watchmen'? Could you not risk that reference? Would it be so bad to just speak the damn word? While it is a less accurate translation, in modern English it makes more sense. But no, let's instead go for awkward in an already awkward scene, thanks to the aforementioned Superman focus.
  • Silverblade 2: "Epilogue": the reveal that Terry Mcginnis is sort of a clone of Bruce Wayne that Amanda Waller created in a ridiculously complex plan which more or less was intended to explain why he has black hair despite having both parents brown haired. Yes this would be awful as a fanfiction yet it is 100% canon. Putting aside the huge amount of Fridge Logic or the fact that Terry doesn't react when Amanda Waller reveals she planned to kill his parents, what makes me dislike the revelation is the fact that it underwhelms the premise of Batman Beyond where Terry had to work hard to be worthy of Batman's legacy but no, crap, he was always destined to be Batman.
