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Darth Wiki / Tales Of Windsong

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Please note that this page is heavily under construction. There may be placeholders and author notes here and there as it is not yet finished.

Tales of Windsong is a worldbuilding universe and future web literature series created by SilvieSkydancer. It has been in development for around three years and stars a huge cast of characters in a rather plastic timeline. Has been open to contributions from Silvie's friends for a while as well; not all content present in the canon universe is theirs.

It is set in the Harmonia universe, which- as an Expanded Universe- also includes the in-progress webcomic Sicut Inferius.

Orbiting around Sol, a lonely but lush planet known as Earth rests about as peacefully as it can be. However, this is not the Earth we know and live on- not anymore, anyway. Long ago, it was still the same planet it is in our universe, but in the era of humans learning to control and get a grip on the magic of the universe, an accident whose details are mostly lost to history tore the planet asunder, lifting massive chunks of the earth far into the sky. A magic barrier between the old Earth and the new floating islands formed, preventing magic from crossing between the two. The old earth is now known as Lower Earth, and magic is banned there; the floating islands are known as Skylands, and that is where the magic of this planet lies. The planet's resident Mother Earth, a cosmowurm named Gaia, later hatches from within the planet, but keeps it together with her magic, creating what is now known as Neo Skylands- the entire Earth split into an array of floating islands around the core, now composed of a loose orb of vines around a central orb of jade.

One island becomes occupied by dragons, of the Emperor species- a family line of Emperors known as the Lazuli take rulership of the island, and it became known as Windsong. The story of Tales of Windsong primarily follows the story of the occupants of this island- in the main story, anyway- and the events that occur on its grounds among the Heroes of Windsong, magical guardians of the island, and their allies.

This has flip-flopped between being published and unpublished quite a lot, and the author is still experimenting with what media format works best with this universe. It is likely that a literature format will be used in the end, and this article will be moved to a Literature article once one of the stories is published in a finished form.

All finished info about the world and its stories goes below! [Here be placeholders, by the way!]

    Rules of the Universe 
[add later]

    Characters- Heroes of Windsong & The Balancers 
The Heroes of Windsong are magical guardians of the island. Formed by and currently composed of three friends, Akira, Phantasm and Orianne, they are a trio whose duty is to protect the island and those around it. They are the protagonists of a decent chunk of the story and remain relatively important for its entirety.

The Balancers are a pair of gods whose purpose is to balance the chaos and order magic of the universe. They do this primarily by existing but can fix larger issues manually. They consist of one Balancer of Chaos and one Balancer of Order- Elidra Gerathos and Khalid Alumi. They were accepted by the Heroes as honorary members shortly before Darkest of Times, though which ones are present after then depends on the timeline- in the Heroes' Timeline and higher, both are present, but in the primary timeline and lower, only Elidra is.

In General:

Heroes Only:

  • Amazon Brigade: For now, anyway- the current trio of (official) Heroes is all female.
  • Power Crystal: All of them are bound to original-type Diamas Harmonia shards, which give them a fair bit of their magic power. Akira's is the Harmonia Peridot, Phantasm's is the Harmonia Topaz, and Orianne's is the Harmonia Sapphire.
  • Out of Focus: The Heroes of Windsong mostly vanish as protagonists for Darkest of Times, giving the limelight to the Balancers, particularly Elidra.
(There are probably more but these are as many as I can think of at the moment.)

Balancers Only:[fill in later]


The effective leader of the Heroes of Windsong and the one who founded it, Akira is a human girl...well, was a human girl who gained bird wings from a curse given to her as a baby. She is a bubbly, sweet girl who's very hard to get down, and typically treats new people like close friends unless they give her a reason to dislike them. Semi-platonically dating Phantasm.


A lab-created chimera of multiple different animals, with a humanoid base and internal structure. She has the mind of a human with the instincts (and fur) of a tiger, and various other parts. She is very sarcastic and can be rather rude at times, but is genuinely warm and kind otherwise. She has deep-rooted depression and self-loathing issues, which she goes to Akira for help with.

[Add Orianne and Elidra soon]


The Balancer of Order and a powerful god, Khalid is the voice of reason for the Heroes and is usually the one to sarcastically comment about whatever may be happening- it's him or Phantasm. Despite his rather cold and calculating personality, he is a kind friend to the Heroes and will protect them with all of his might. Dating Elidra in timelines where he's alive.

  • Berserk Button: Try and hurt Elidra. We dare you.
  • Defrosting Ice King: He was originally much colder and more distant, but his relationship with Elidra led to him lightening up. The warm and welcoming Heroes of Windsong helped as well.
  • Power Crystal: Has a pearl motif. In particular, he carries a very large pearl with him, that focuses his magic and usually floats around or behind him.
  • Leitmotif: A cello.
  • Squishy Wizard: One of the strongest in the Hero/Balancer quintet when it comes to magical power, second only to Elidra. In terms of physical strength...yeah.
  • The Stoic: Before meeting the Heroes...
  • Team Dad: More of the silly variety when around the Heroes, complete with puns. At least, when he isn't getting serious.

    Characters- Lazuli Royalty 

    Characters- Gods 

    Characters- Villains 

    Characters- Other Major Characters 

    Characters- Minor Characters 

    Summary: Rise of Windsong 
The original king of Windsong's name was Ermingild, and along with his queen Hyacinth, he ruled the island as benevolently as he could. With Hyacinth, he had three children- Achran, Beylah, and Sirenne. But when his children were captured by a ragdoll-like fiend named Enide, and only Sirenne was left, Ermingild couldn't cope with the guilt and devolved into a very oppressive king with an iron fist. Sirenne, sensing what was wrong, used her cunning to trick her father off the throne. Hyacinth was too old to take the throne for Ermingild, so Sirenne became queen of Windsong in his stead- returning Windsong to its peaceful rule.

Unfortunately, the peace couldn't last forever. Many years passed and Windsong thrived, until a dark being known as Elidra Gerathos, the balancer of Chaos, arrived on the island and began to wreak havoc. Squadrons of knights and guards were killed by this malevolent force, until Sirenne herself came down to settle the matter. The battle was long and bloody, and Sirenne's closest royal guard, Galahad, lost an eye in the process- but in the end, Sirenne was victorious. Elidra was sealed in the dungeons below, with a seal powered by the magic of three Harmonia Shards. Peace reigned for a while, and the Heroes all arrived in Windsong one way or another. The story then transitions into The Horror's Seal.

    Summary: The Horror's Seal 

    Summary: Darkest of Times 

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