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Cruel And Unusual Death / Five Nights at Freddy's

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And this is just one of his many deaths...

Five Nights at Freddy's:

  • The protagonists of the first game and its sequel get one in the game over: the animatronics take them and stuff them inside a suit. This wouldn't be a problem if the suits were fitted for humans, but as it stands they have a bunch of crossbeams in the torso and sharp mechanical parts in the head, essentially grinding the protagonist's face into paste and leaving only their eyes and teeth intact. You can see the aftermath on the first game's game over screen.note 
  • Phone Guy suffers the above fate on the fourth night. Then the fifth night's call gets... weird.

Five Nights at Freddy's 3:

  • The game establishes the existence of spring-loaded animatronics known as "springlock suits", which allow humans to wear them as costumes without harm (or rather, a Flawed Prototype of such). Wearing the springlock suits incorrectly, as described by the recordings of Phone Guy, will result in one's body being crushed and impaled at once. The completion of Night 5 leads into a minigame that reveals that William Afton hid in one such suit to escape the ghosts of the five kids he killed, only for the spring locks in the suit to fail, causing the compressed parts to be released, visibly crushing him to death in a shower of blood (well, red pixels, given the Atari look the minigames have). It thus provides the trope image.
    • In The Silver Eyes, William goes into excruciating detail on what exactly happens to a person when the springlocks break loose (said to a victim trapped inside one of said suits):
      And, if you accidentally trigger those spring locks, two things will happen: First, all the locks will snap right into you, making deep cuts all over your body, and a split second later all the animatronic parts they've been holding back, all that sharp steel and hard plastic, will instantly be driven into your body. You will die, but it will be slow. You'll feel your organs punctured, the suit will grow wet with your blood, and you will know you're dying for long, long minutes. You'll try to scream, but you will be unable to. Your vocal cords will be severed, and your lungs will fill with your own blood until you drown in it.
    • The Silver Eyes also emphasizes that this is by no means a quick death - it took five minutes for William to die once the springlocks started failing.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location:

Five Nights At Freddys VR Help Wanted:

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach:

  • One ending features Vanny pulling out a remote to sic the S.T.A.F.F. bots on Freddy, which results in him getting ruthlessly ripped apart. Gregory then runs up to her booth and orders the bots to "disassemble" her. Cue the bots giving her, a flesh-and-blood human, the exact same treatment. It's obscured by a Shadow Discretion Shot, but still, yikes.
  • While most of the game overs are vague on what exactly happens to Gregory, Monty's Jump Scare after being decommissioned features the room spinning. Actual alligators and crocodiles do a 'death roll', or biting down on prey then rolling several times to disorient, kill, and dismember it. In other words, Monty is actively shown maiming Gregory in a gruesome way.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights:

  • To Be Beautiful: After Sarah accidentally loses the necklace given to her by Eleanor, she starts slowly turning into random scrap and rusts away into nothing. Frailty shows the same thing happening to Jessica.
  • The New Kid: Devon gets springlocked to death inside Golden Freddy, although the Gainax Ending of the story may subvert it.
  • Step Closer: Pete ends up getting hit by a truck. Initially seems pretty simple and quick, but after that, he somehow survives and is then used as a living organ donor.
  • In The Flesh: Matt slices his stomach open to surgically remove an infantile organic Springtrap inside of him.
  • The Breaking Wheel: Julius is locked inside a springlock suit overnight, and the remote for a toy robot — which has been contorted into all kinds of unnatural poses — interacts with the endoskeleton. Julius is reduced to what's described as an "octopus-like mass of fleshy limbs" that barely resembles a human.
    • Reed gets held so tightly by Julius that that he becomes merged with the endoskeleton — which is then contorted into similar poses.
  • He Told Me Everything: Chris gets melted by his Faz-goo doppelganger.
  • Gumdrop Angel: Angel gets eaten alive by a swarm of children after becoming a birthday gummy statue.
  • Jump For Tickets: Colton gets crushed into a bloody paste in the ticket pulverizer.
  • Sea Bonnies: Fritz and Mott get consumed by the Sea Bonnies.
  • Together Forever: Brittany and Jessica accidentally springlock themselves to death inside the Rosie Porkchop animatronic.
  • Kids at Play: Joel is turned into a Kids at Play sign, with his body falling to pieces as it happens.
  • Happs: Jace gets mutilated to death by Happs, who cuts off his foot and cuts his body badly.
  • Cleithrophobia: Grady is ripped apart by the Pizzaplex Ballora, left as nothing but a bloody pulp by the end.
  • Nexie: Astrid ends up being manipulated into flaying herself alive by Nexie.
  • The Mimic: The Mimic delivers this in spades. It shoved an employee into a refrigerator, skewered an employee with a coat hanger and caused his entrails to slop over his belt, ripped Harry’s brain out of his head, slammed Glen’s head into a brick wall until he had been shredded from the rib cage up, and finally rips out Dominic’s spine.
  • The Monty Within: Kane is forced by Montgomery Gator into being cut in half by a table saw from the head down.
  • Bleeding Heart: Danny uses the Cutting Nanobots to give him hundreds of tattoos, to which they quickly carve out countless cutouts of his flesh until all that’s left is his heart.
  • The Stitchwraith's victims are found with shriveled bodies and black liquid leaking from their eyes.
  • Afton's Amalgamation rips itself apart after the Puppet gains control in Epilogue 7, thus finally killing Afton for real.
  • The Mimic’s main method of murder in the epilogues is dismemberment, starting with their arms, then legs, before finally ripping their head off.
  • Joel gets shredded to bits once the fan reactivates.
  • The Mimic ends up trying to wear a blue dog costume while Kelly was still inside, which ends up crushing her to death from the Mimic’s mass.
