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Creator / Newt Gingrich

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Newton Leroy Gingrich (born June 17, 1943) is an American politician and author. The former Speaker of the House of Representatives has authored many political tracts and critiques but has also penned many works in Alternate History and historical fiction.

Works by Newt Gingrich include:

  • The Gettysburg Trilogy (with William R. Forstchen): An Alternate History series where the rebels won the Battle of Gettysburg during The American Civil War and how it influences the war afterwards.
  • The Battle of the Crater: A Novel: A story about the disastrous Battle of the Crater and the African American regiment that suffered through it.
  • 1945: Another alternate history novel where the United States and a surviving Nazi Germany come to blows once more after WWII.
  • Pacific War series: Where the Japanese invade Hawaii rather than just attack it.
  • A trilogy (also co-authored with William R. Forstchen) focusing on The American Revolution. Titles include To Try Men's Souls, Valley Forge, and Victory at Yorktown.
