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Creator / Method Studios

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Established in 1998, Method Studios is a large visual effects studio. Originally known for music videos and commercials (which they still do), the company got its first film with The Mexican. A sister studio, Company 3, was established one year prior. Methodnote  has since gained other post-production studios by the names of Beast Editorial, Encore, Level 3 Post, R!OT, EFilm and Rushes. They purchased effects house Atomic Fiction in 2015, and were sold off by Deluxe in November of 2020 to fellow effects company Framestore.

They were later bought by Post-production facility Deluxe Entertainment Services Group Inc.note ; which also owns animation studios Iloura and Oktobor Animation.

For the sake of simplicity, most credits by Method, Company 3 and most of the others will be listed below.

See also Moving Picture Company; another (albeit much less) complicated effects studio, and The Mill, another well-established commercial effects firm.

All notable credits are presented by studio in alphabetical order (both, by companies & projects):

    open/close all folders 

    Company 3 






    Level 3 Post 

    Method Studios 

    Oktobor Animation 


Tropes Associated with Method and its brethren:
