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Larry Bond is an American author, retired naval officer and war game designer (best known as such for the tabletop naval wargame Harpoon), born in 1952. He is the author of several books in the Possible War and spy-thriller genres, and along with Tom Clancy, is one of the better known authors in the field. His books are well-regarded for their fast pace (despite their Doorstopper size) and exhaustive research and attention to detail.

Some of Mr. Bond's better known works include:

  • Red Storm Rising: A collaboration with Tom Clancy, dealing with a possible scenario for World War III.
  • Red Phoenix: A collaboration with Patrick Larkin. A Second Korean War breaks out in the waning years of Kim Il-Sung's reign, as Kim Jong-Il attempts to assure his own succession to his father's position and reunite the Koreas.
  • Vortex: A collaboration with Patrick Larkin. A reactionary Afrikaner government seizes power in South Africa just as the apartheid system is about to collapse, and invades Namibia, leading to a three-way brawl between South African, Cuban/Angolan/Libyan/Namibian/Mozimbiquan, and American forces for control of "the world's treasure house."
  • Cauldron: A collaboration with Patrick Larkin. A world-wide depression and economic blockade lead to a conflict between France & Germany on the one hand, and the USA, the UK, and the former Warsaw Pact states on the other. In the words of the author, "a trade war that no one can win threatens to escalate into a shooting war that everyone will lose."
  • The Enemy Within: Spy thriller with Patrick Larkin.
  • Day Of Wrath: Spy thriller with Patrick Larkin.
  • Dangerous Ground: The first installment in a six-book (so far) series of submarine thrillers:
  • Cold Choices
  • Exit Plan
  • Shattered Trident
  • Fatal Thunder
  • Artic Gambit

Larry Bond's novels have featured the following tropes:

  • Interface Spoiler: Larry Bond's Possible War novels typically come with maps where important towns and roadways are marked. These often hint at locations where the action will take place.
  • Villainous Valor: The war thrillers usually have enemy POV characters that demonstrate their capability and bravery. Enemy forces put up strong opposition to friendly forces.
