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Creator / Francis Carsac

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Francis Carsac was the pen name of François Bordes (1919-1981) a French geologist and archaeologist, who also wrote a number of science fiction novels.

His novels have never been translated into English until 2020 but were popular in the former Soviet Union, having been translated into many Eastern European languages.

His science fiction novels include

  • Ceux de nulle part (Those of Nowhere; 1954) - a Space Opera involving an intergalactic war between the sentient races and the space-borne Misliks. The protagonist is a human who ends up stumbling on an alien scout ship in the woods. After helping them fix their craft, they invite him to join them.
  • Les Robinsons du Cosmos (The Robinsons of the Cosmos; 1955) - a portion of the French countryside ends up being transplanted on another world. The people of the local town must now figure out how to survive on this planet and struggle against enemies both human and alien.
  • Terre en fuite (Fleeing Earth; 1960) - the Decoy Protagonist is reading a diary left behind by his friend, killed in a Freak Lab Accident, who reveals that he's really from the distant future, telling the story of humanity's long flight from the Solar System aboard the Planet Spaceships Earth and Venus, when the Sun becomes unstable.
  • Pour patrie l’espace (For Homeland, Space; 1962) - as of 2022, that seems to be the only work translated to English, as The City Among the Stars.
  • Ce monde est nôtre (This World is Ours; 1962)
  • La Vermine du Lion (The Lion's Parasites; 1967) - a powerful interstellar corporation intends to exploit a world with a primitive indigenous population but rich in resources. The only ones who stand in its way are a geologist, who has grown to like the locals, and his companion, a genetically-modified lion. Has a prequel short story named "Les monts de destin" ("The Mountains of Destiny"), centered around a major Prescience Is Predictable plot.
  • Sur un monde stérile (On a Barren World; 1997, written in 1945)

Alternative Title(s): Francois Bordes
