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Creator / Charlie Hopkinson

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Charlie Hopkinson is a YouTube content creator who makes Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and The Lord of the Rings videos using deepfakes and voice imitations to create in-character quasi-reaction videos. Uniquely Charlie himself often shows up to harass the reactors with his own problems.

CharlieHopkinson contains examples of:

  • Actor Allusion:
    • The similarities between Ned Stark and Boromir, both played by Sean Bean are often brought up. Gandalf once mistakes one for the other.
    • When Moff Gideon dies in The Mandalorian, the gang makes their own Gus Fring jokes.
    • When Kelleran Beq saves Grogu from Order 66, the cast unexplainably get a feeling of being reminded of Jar Jar Binks. Ahmed Best played both characters.
  • The Alcoholic: Tyrion keeps this trait up. The very first House of the Dragon roast episode begins with him making an expresso martini.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: When seeing Darth Vader drag Obi-wan through some flaming coals, Qui-gonn asks Anakin who hurt him. As they had already watched Revenge of the Sith, Anakin replies that it was Obi-wan.
  • Big Eater: Qui-gonn is hardly ever seen not eating some snacks. Obi-wan is actually a little concerned when he brings out a cake.
    • Later when Padme comes to visit she also shows she is like this, at one point downing an entire bag of Doritos all by herself.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Qui-gonn has this mentality and often downplays the darkness inside his old circle, like Count Dooku and Anakin's fall to the dark side.
  • Black Comedy: Often indulges in this. Ned's response to Tyrion saying the disembodied head should have watered his plant is to say Jaime should have been asked. Cut to Jaime....'s cut off hand.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: Often a character mocks another by taking their accent and spouting a catchphrase or two. As Charlie is doing all the voices already, the impressions are usually completely accurate.
  • The Cameo: Not uncommon for a character from a different series to show up in a video for another. The Ahsoka the White shoutout was so on the nose Gandalf shows up to note the similarities. According to Obi-wan they live down the hall.
  • Comically Missing the Point: A common joke is for a character to make incorrect guesses and still trying to play them off after things prove them wrong.
  • Composite Character: Characters usually act like a combination of all their lives all at the same time. Anakin in particular oscillates between goofy kid, unrecognized apprentice and child hating warrior within a single episode.
  • Cuteness Proximity: The allure of Grogu is so great, even the child-hating Anakin can't help but coo over him.
  • Evil Counterpart: By the time Revenge of the Sith ends, the cast is joined by Evil Anakin during the time between becoming Darth Vader and getting put into the armor. Later events suggest it might be the other way around.
  • Forced Transformation: Gandalf would only let Samwise react with the team if he showed up as a sentient potato. Sam's not particularly happy about that.
  • Forgetful Jones: Gandalf is characterized this way, often forgetting who he is talking to. According to him the reason he laughs upon seeing Frodo awaken is that he forgot his name and didn't want to ask anyone. He seems great at remembering events though.
  • Funny Background Event: Charlie often inserts characters into the background of the events, usually making them do odd things in contrast to the serious events in the foreground. Examples include Qui-gonn using the world between worlds as a slip and slide and Anakin trying to get Ahsoka's attention while she is talking to Sabine.
  • The Gambling Addict: Qui-gonn has a bad habit of betting on just about anything that picks his interest. While the rest of the cast is always down for a wager, he is the only one with gambling terms peppering his lexicon.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Death, betrayal and general animosity between fellow reactors doesn't stop them from enjoying a good watch session, snark notwithstanding.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: While not a part of the Game of Thrones cast, Gandalf is always invited to their watch sessions. The Lord of the Rings shoutouts get so on the nose in Ahsoka that even Obi-wan considers letting him in on their video.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Obi Wan and Padme have this kind of relationship. He always is happy to see her, calls her 'Pads', and while the two do bicker at times it is a lot less passive aggressive than Obi Wan is with others.
  • Like a Son to Me: Qui-gonn considers Anakin basically his own son, even calling him his boy at times.
  • Manchild:
    • Qui-gonn is much more a manchild in this series than the eccentric mentor he was in Phantom. Eating at odd times, getting down when he doesn't have his way and really not liking how inconsequential getting stabbed with lightsabers got immediately after he died.
    • Anakin also has shades of this, but its more justified in that he is actually Anakin's severed hand that got a new body and a very tenuous grasp on reality, and Obi-wan giving him more meds than he should to keep his evil tendencies as bay.
  • No One Could Survive That!: After discussing with Qui-gonn that Mace Windu hasn't been seen in the Force Netherworld, Obi-wan posits that he is possibly alive. Anakin's reaction is the trope, while Qui and Obi say that Maul survived even worse.
  • Not So Above It All: Obi-wan likes to imagine himself the straight man out of his friends. His childish pride and inability to admit his problems have gotten him flabbergasted more than once.
  • Oh, Crap!: Gandalf has this when reacting to Lucerys' death scene, as he had been Team Green at that point.
  • Oh, My Gods!: The Star Wars characters like using "Oh, my Force!" as an expletive.
  • Only Sane Man: Obi-wan often has this stance. Between two manchildren and Charlie trying to make Padawan he has his work cut out for him.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The battle between Obi-wan and Anakin shakes Qui-gonn so much that it takes a little prodding from Obi for him to make a bet.
  • Running Gag:
    • Gandalf having to apologize for something he did or said in the previous Rings of Power episode.
    • Gandalf switching teams from Team Green and Team Black while watching House of the Dragon. It takes Lucerys' death for him to fully pick a side.
    • Qui-gonn Jin getting miffed when people start surviving lightsaber injuries. By the time he sees Reva survive being stabbed and no medical attention, a part of him just gives up.
  • Screw Politeness, I'm A Senior!:
    • Pretty much Gandalf's defining trait. No episode with him doesn't see his curmudgeonly ways show up.
    • Qui-gonn isn't far behind, though he has less to do with being a curmudgeon and more of a manchild.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Both Qui-gonn and Count Dooku give the same excuse for him fighting Anakin and Obi-wan so fiercely as a mother defending her young.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: Obi-wan does this to both Anakin and Qui-gonn. Anakin to keep his dark side at bay, and Qui to keep him from seeing his Darth Vader side before watching Revenge of the Sith.
  • Unequal Rites:
    • The often clashing opinions between Obi-wan's Force powers and Gandalf's wizard magic colors their interactions nearly every time they interact.
    • Obi-wan is also not impressed by the magic abilities of the Nightsisters. Even Anakin comes across as reasonable when their powers show up.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Anakin is very willing to bring his lightsaber out when a child, in particularly padawans, is involved. If anything he seethes when he sees a group of padawan that he can't kill onscreen. After getting off his meds while watching Ahsoka, the first thing he does is run across the street to the elementary school.
