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Creator / Brian Holtzman

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Brian Holtzman (born August 31 1961) is a stand-up comedian who is known for his stand-up shows and routines.

He has also starred in movies and TV shows such as My Wife and Kids and Pauly Shore is Dead. He runs a podcast called DEAD AIR LA which he has ran since 2018.

Tropes in Brian Holtzman

  • Brooklyn Rage: He has a New Jersey accent and heavily insults people in his stand-up.
  • Brutal Honesty: The charm in his stand-up is being the most aggressive truth giver.
  • Dastardly Whiplash: He’s got one to go with his angry New Jersey man persona.
  • Jerkass: As Omeletto. He assaulted people and threw tantrums while calling out their stupidity.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: In “Omeletto and Hashbrown Save the World”, he tells everyone on the Hollywood bus tour that there’s really nothing to see.
  • Large Ham: He screams every word he says.
  • Motor Mouth: He says everything very fast and aggressively.
  • No Indoor Voice: He’s a screamer and never does he talk normally.
