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Creator / Anthony Ruttgaizer

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Anthony Ruttgaizer is a Comic Book writer, Pro Wrestler, and Podcaster based in Toronto, Canada.

As a boy, he was introduced to the world of Comic Books by the first one he ever owned, Wolverine #1 by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. From there, he started making up characters of his own, with his first being Paul Kirkson. His interest in comics waned a bit in 1997, and he decided to get into the world of professional wrestling. From there, he enjoyed a long career in the wrestling business until the 200s, when his career injuries forced him to stop.

After that, he went to a Toronto Comic Convention and caught up with some old friends. Touring the comic scene reignited his desire for writing, and he was able to find a publisher for his first work, The F1rst Hero. He has also released a webcomic, Heroes of Homeroom C, which he eventually published in book format through Kickstarter funding.

Works by Anthony Ruttgaizer:

