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Comic Book / Thomas Valiant

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Created and written by RJ Shaw of The Fourth Age and drawn by Renzo Rodriguez. The Second Change Indegogo Link is here.

Due to the Shared Universe, all characters will be at The Fourth Age.

A former soldier and spy, Thomas Valiant was never taken seriously as 'Putty Man'. One day, he looked in the mirror and decided to be a hero. So, he put together his own team out of former villains to be a true hero.

This comic provides examples of:

  • The City: This takes place in Rubicon City, a city full of heroes divided into two sections.
  • The Cowl: There is a version of Batman who is on a gargoyle. He even has his own group of sidekicks that resembles Batman's partners.
  • Defector from Decadence: Thomas Valiant decided that he wanted to be a true hero, unlike the other heroes who were either interested in being worshipped or being celebrities.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Valiant used to go by 'Putty Man'. He refuses to have anyone call him that.
  • Foreseeing My Death: Ostrich predicted the only way for the Valiant Heroes to remain a team is that he would die at the hands of Thor.
  • Mugged for Disguise: Thomas Valiant, Ostrich, and Feral mugged some staff by knocking them out and tying them up to get their uniforms to blend in. They are going to pay them alot of money for compensation.
  • Prescience by Analysis: The Ostrich could predict the future by calculations. He could calculate the likelihood of events happening.
  • Superman Substitute: Blue Skies is very much like Superman.
  • Super Registration Act: Thomas Valiant has been deemed a criminal for making his own superhero team without registration.
  • Two Men, One Dress: A more elaborate version, Valiant shapeshifted to cover three people in order to properly disguise their faces.
