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Comic Book / Impeachment! (1999)

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Impeachment! is a 1999 comic from the Spanish series Mortadelo y Filemón, and the one hundred and forty-eighth in the series.

Someone pinches Ofelia's bottom, and the only person nearby when that happened is the Super, who was heard shouting about biting something. In spite of his protestations of innocence, Ofelia sues him for the attack. Unfortunately for the Super, no one believes in his innocence, and prosecutor Escorbuto Carcamal claims to have witnesses to the attack, threatening to start an impeachment process to have the Super dismissed.

Knowing that Carcamal's witnesses are false and that the prosecutor only wants his job, the Super orders Mortadelo and Filemon to either convince Ofelia to withdraw the accusation or unmask the false witnesses.

This comic features examples of:

  • All for Nothing: After all the mess caused by the event, the actual guilty party was a monkey that likes to pinch women's bottoms.
  • Clear My Name: What the Super has to do after Ofelia's accusations.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Early on in the story, Mortadelo informs the Super that members of the T.I.A. board have summoned the Super to the director's office. On his way there, the Super assumes that they will be reasonable and seek to just clarify everything as soon as possible, only to be greeted with a litany of insults the second he walks into the office.
  • Poor Communication Kills:
    • Ofelia doesn't even let the Super explain that all he wanted to bite was his lunch.
    • If Bacterio had told anyone about his monkey, he would have managed to solve the problem a lot sooner.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: The idea behind this adventure was inspired in the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
  • Your Television Hates You: After the public outcry Ofelia causes, the Super turns on the TV looking to "idiotize [his] neurons with some Japanese cartoon", but what is playing is a sermon from the Pope alluding to him and the scandal.
