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Comic Book / Doctor Who: Empire of the Wolf

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Empire of the Wolf was a 2021 Doctor Who (Titan) miniseries featuring the Eighth and Eleventh Doctors and Rose Tyler, created by the main comic writer and artist at the time, Jody Houser and Roberta Ingranata. The story acts as a direct sequel to the most recent Thirteenth Doctor arc at the time, "Alternating Currents". It is set at an uncertain point in the Eighth Doctor's timeline, when he is travelling alone, but from the Eleventh Doctor's perspective is set specifically between the TV episodes "The Angels Take Manhattan" and "The Snowmen".

Rose Tyler is now living relatively contentedly in Pete's World with her husband, the Tenth Doctor's human semi-clone John Smith, and their teenage daughter Mia. Back in the standard Whoniverse, the Tenth Doctor recently rescued an alternate version of Rose from a due-to-be-erased alternate timeline and set her free to fight the forces of evil. But having somebody who was never meant to have existed in a universe can have some weird effects...

"Empire of the Wolf" contains the following tropes:

  • Call-Forward: The original Rose's final words to Eleven foreshadow his meeting with Clara.
  • Continuity Nod: The Eleventh Doctor complains that statues "always turn on you when you least expect it", referring to various encounters with the Weeping Angels.
  • Evil Chancellor: Empress Rose's right-hand-person D'Pau has been quietly setting up his species as the elite of her empire, and tries to depose her when Eleven persuades her to halt its expansion.
  • Expy: Empress Rose has blatant similarities to a less-evil version of Empress Georgiou in Star Trek: Discovery.
  • Flash Sideways: The two Roses have been having dreams or visions of each other's lives.
  • Never the Selves Shall Meet: The paradox energy discharge when the two Roses take hands is used by the Doctors to return the Sontarans to their original home time.
  • Rugged Scar: Empress Rose has a scar from a sword slash across her face.
  • Sequel Episode: To the Thirteenth/Tenth Doctor story "Alternating Currents".
  • Shout-Out: A mural in Empress Rose's palace about her history is in the style of The Bayeux Tapestry.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Empress Rose has been going from planet to planet fighting evil... and conquering the planets without much concern about what kind of society she leaves behind.
