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Comic Book / Chicago Typewriter

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Above: Emilio Enzo. Below: Katherine.

"I was no longer just fighting against the criminal underworld. I was taking on the underworld itself."
Emilio Enzo

Chigaco Typewriter is an Urban Fantasy graphic novel published in 2018 by Arkhaven Comics under the Dark Legion imprint. It was written by Brandon Fiadino, his debut.

In 1920s Prohibition-era Chicago, Emilio Enzo's dealings with criminal gangs have attracted a grim retaliation. He was expecting violence; what he gets is a demon stealing the soul of his girlfriend, Katherine.

While seeking help, he visits a curiosity shop and finds an antique typewriter ribbon infused with the blood of its late owner, Remì Geroux. Enzo spools the ribbon into his own typewriter and it begins typing of its own accord, sending Enzo a message.

A digital version of the comic is available at Arkhaven.

This work provides examples of:

  • Alliterative Name: Emilio Enzo.
  • Buried Alive: Enzo is buried in Remì Geroux's grave so he can reach the underworld.
  • Call a Human a "Meatbag": The underworld's residents call humans "soft-skins".
  • Cold Iron: Hades gives Enzo a set of iron knuckles to take to the underworld.
  • Dark World: Lowtown, in the underworld, structurally resembles Enzo's Chicago neighbourhood, but is inhabited by ghouls and demons.
    "As above, so below."
  • Deal with the Devil:
    • Hades provides the underworld's denizens with a safe haven, and has bindings to prevent him from interfering with their business. In return, he is protected from police, gangsters and demons.
    • Remì Geroux provides human souls to demons in return for power and wealth.
  • Double-Meaning Title: Enzo lives in Chicago and his typewriter helps him track Katherine down. "Chicago Typewriter" is also slang for Thompson submachine gun (aka "Tommy gun"), which Enzo also uses on his quest.
  • Flying Car: Enzo's car has wheels that convert to rocket thrusters, enabling it to take off and fly.
  • In Medias Res: The story opens with Enzo's burial. We next see the events leading up to this measure.
  • Let's Split Up, Gang!: As Enzo and Klaus find an erotic show in the 9 circles, Klaus offers to wait there for Enzo, since they can cover more ground if they split up. Enzo isn't having it.
  • Phone Call from the Dead: Geroux communicates with Enzo through the enchanted typewriter ribbon, warning Enzo not to interfere with his "work".
  • Rescued from the Underworld: Enzo travels to the underworld to rescue Katherine's soul.
  • Scary Black Man: Hades is large and imposing, although he keeps his menace mostly in check when meeting with Enzo.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The curio shop where Enzo buys the ribbon is called "Poe's Oddities". The shingle has a picture of a raven.
    • Hades' club is called the 9 Circles. The name, and the areas within, refer to The Divine Comedy.
  • Sunglasses at Night: Enzo wears special shades when he'll be dealing with demonic figures, including indoors or in the dark. He leaves them off otherwise, even in daylight.
  • Third-Person Person: Ren, an animate gargoyle who guards the graveyard in the underworld and helps Enzo find Geroux.
  • You Owe Me: Enzo took in Hades' sister's sons, and asks for his help in return. Hades angrily replies he owes nobody, but helps Enzo anyway and admits his indebtedness.
