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Characters / Weetzie Bat

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A list of characters from the series.


Weetzie Bat

Maybe not the clear-cut protagonist, but certainly the glue that holds the family together.


Dirk Mc Donald

Weetzie's mohawk (and later, ducktail) wearing best friend.

  • Cool Car: He drives a red 55 Pontiac named Jerry Lewis.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: It's easy to assume he's living with his grandmother because his parents aren't accepting of his sexuality. In the second book, he reveals that his parents died in a car accident when he was very young, and never implies they'd be homophobic in any way if they got to see him as an adult.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Weetzie was interested in him, but he came out to her as gay. She took it really well, and they would go out looking for guys together as best friends. And his and Duck's role in Cherokee's conception blurs this line about as much as possible.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Lives with his grandmother.
     Grandma Fifi 

Grandma Fifi

Dirk's loving grandmother.

  • Cool Old Lady: She's perfectly accepting of her grandson's sexuality (in the 90s), can casually reveal she has an actual genie lamp stashed somewhere and has impeccable fashion sense that a girl two generations after her envies.
    My Secret Agent Lover Man 

My Secret Agent Lover Man

Weetzie's whacky film director Love Interest.

  • Amateur Filmmaking Plot: Every once in a while, we get a description of one of the movies he makes, starring the rest of the gang.
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: How else would he be identified as My 'Secret Agent' Lover Man?
  • Not Wanting Kids Is Weird: Not fully in effect, but with this particular guy, not wanting to have children is a direct result of his lack of hope during the period where he can't stop watching/reading the news.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Even in this cast, his name really stands out.

Duck Drake

Dirk's boyfriend.
  • Surfer Dude: Perfect demonstration of how radical California was at the time.
    The Dogs 
Slinkster Dog was Weetzie's pet, Go-Go Girl was brought in as its mate, and together they had the puppies Pee Wee, Wee Wee, Teenie Wee, Tiki Tee, and Tee Pee.
