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Characters / Way of the Samurai

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A page for the characters of Way of the Samurai series.

Recuring character

    Gunji Dojima 

Gunji Dojima

The Blacksmith of the series who alway there to give you a hand in beating the game by working on your sword.



The Justified Tutorial of the first game who then when on to beacame a recurring character throughout the series.
  • Ascended Extra: Her role keeps getting bigger in each game (aside for 2). In the first game, she a glorified tutorial. In 3, she actually appeared in-game as a bonus boss. Its plus version make her one of your new companion. In 4, she get her own side quest and even appear in story cutscenes.


    the Kurou family 

The Kurou Family

A decline samurai family of the Meiji era.
