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Characters / Uncle From Another World Ojisan

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Uncle / Yousuke Shibasaki / Wolfgunblood / Love Penguin / Kuroki Tenma

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu [Anime], Haruka Tomatsu [as Uncle-Elf], Akira Ishida [Video Game] (Japanese), Feodor Chin (English), Erick Selim (Latin American Spanish)

The titular Uncle, who fell into a coma and was in fact adventuring in another world.

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  • '90s Hair: According to Fujimiya, if Uncle combed his hair a different style instead of his nerdish 90s mullet hairstyle, he'd be way more attractive.
  • 90% of Your Brain: Invoked and immediately subverted in Chapter 14. Uncle seems to subscribe to the idea that humanity has only managed to utilize 10% of their natural brain power, and unlocking the other ninety was what helped him learn how to wield magic. Takafumi promptly shoots down his idea, having grown up in a more modern age of information.
  • Accidental Pervert:
    • During his first meeting with Elf-san, he gave her his hoodie because she was naked after some heavy Clothing Damage. When he thought she had stabbed herself, not knowing about her Hyperspace Arsenal, he unzipped the hoodie and exposed her nudity to check if she had a wound. This is what triggered Elf-san's Tsundereness and set up their dynamic with her as his Stalker with a Crush from that point on.
    • In the Hot Springs Episode, he gets a glimpse of Alicia's naked body when her bathing dress gets stuck in a branch. He immediately erases his own memory to not embarrass her.
  • Accidental Proposal: He gives away a ring, a very rare item that is worth a fortune in Granbahamal, as a form of payment. However, everyone he gives the ring to, including an enemy, takes it as a marriage proposal.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: Uncle often accomplishes immense feats casually without the foggiest idea of how to go about them properly.
    • Played with regarding dragons. While Uncle acknowledges dragons are difficult to kill, he is oblivious to the fact that there are usually clearly intended methods of felling them, such as Mabel's Divine Frost Blade, and often defeats them the mundane way through observation and trial and error instead.
    • He and Elf-san managed to take down a Boss in Mook Clothing together with some effort in Chapter 43 of the manga, whereas the intended way of clearing that dungeon was to find a hidden passage to bypass that enemy entirely. Naturally, both are dumbstruck when a friendly scout showed them the way a bit later on.
  • Aesop Amnesia: He keeps erasing memories from his mind, so he often never learned from his mistakes.
  • All-Loving Hero: Despite being transported to another world where most people treated him like garbage, Uncle never harbored hatred or resentment towards anyone and was always ready to help people in trouble, including those who attacked or wronged him.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: The residents of Granbahamal think he looks like a hideous orc and he often got attacked just for not being gorgeous.
  • Always Someone Better: He was boastful about his Sega speed run accomplishments until Takafumi revealed the current records are three times faster.
  • Animals Hate Him: Animals are terrified of Uncle because they perceive him as an orc.
  • The Archmage: Uncle is by far the most powerful offense spellcaster seen in Granbahamal and a Person of Mass Destruction thanks to his preferred Alpha Strike strategy of There Is No Kill Like Overkill.
  • Astral Projection: He left a comatose physical body on Earth while his adventures in Granbahamal took place. It's also mentioned the body of a previous isekai hero vanished when he died from old age.
  • Attractive Bent-Gender: He can transform into a double of Elf-san.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Years of playing difficult SEGA games gave Uncle reflexes and sharp mind for finding patterns and random elements against enemies. He's capable of defeating the Ancient Flame Dragon without the Divine Frost Blade with this set of skills.
  • Awesome Mc Cool Name: Mabel formally knows him as "Wolf Gunblood." After learning his real name, she thinks "Wolf Gunblood" is cooler and keeps calling him that.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Most of the time, Uncle complains about Elf-san's verbal abuse, as he takes her Tsundere behavior as her being a real jerk who hated him. However, there's moments in his flashbacks where he shows he did come to appreciate her company sometimes and could rely on her for battle. When Fujimiya tried on the dress Elf-san gave him in his presence, Uncle subconsciously thought of the latter in a fond way that surprised him, indicating that he grew to have some sort of affection for her despite of how he speaks of her.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: When Elf-san and Uncle fight together without holding back, they can defeat the world's most powerful Sealed Evil in a Can.
  • Black Mage: He specializes in attack magic. Even his non-damage utility spells have a debuffing aspect to them (memory erasure could cripple an opponent). Perhaps more telling: he is incapable of casting restorative magic unless it is from an item crafted by a White Mage.
  • Blessed with Suck: As he sees it, being an isekai hero was this to him; he got some incredible powers, but it wasn't worth seventeen years of suffering in what he saw as a Crapsack World and then waking up nearly a generation later in a Japan he barely recognizes.
  • Blood Knight: Uncle is a more subdued example than most, but he clearly relishes any challenge where he has to defeat enemies, something that Takafumi realizes too. And then there was the time where Uncle was more than eager to throw down with Mabel (as the Singing Monster in another "easy life" scheme) and was visibily disappointed when she gave up without a battle.
  • Boring, but Practical: His New Life in Another World Bonus was just being able to understand the other world's language. Takafumi and Fujimiya think it's lame, but it was a very useful ability for Uncle, especially since he can speak to spirits thanks to it.
  • Bridal Carry: He really likes to carry people like this when fast traveling is needed, which sends a lot of mixed signals to his "passengers", as is to be expected. He will even carry male characters like this if he has to.
  • Bully Magnet: It's implied he was bullied in his school days.
  • Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them: From the moment he was dropped into Granbahamal, Uncle hated being there and only wanted to go back to Japan. Although he preferred being a solo adventurer, he often teamed up with his Unwanted Harem and allies who ran into him or followed him. In the present, he's back in Japan as he wanted, but occasionally recalls the moments with his companions and finds that not all of his experiences in the other world were bad.
  • Cannot Tell Fiction from Reality: He thinks of everything in terms of Sega video games and assumes what works for him in a video game should work for real life as well. He thinks real hedgehogs look like Sonic and never questioned why he could understand Granbahamal's language since he can play North American versions of Sega video games without understanding English.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Uncle's alcoholic tolerance is virtually non-existent. He gets plastered after drinking less than a full can of (5% ABV in the anime) beer.
  • Captain Oblivious: Leaving aside his Selective Obliviousness, he's often genuinely oblivious to what's actually going on due to a lack of familiarity and a lack of social skills, but Takafumi and Fujimiya aren't. For example, having no experience with the standard tsundere archetype (he's not an anime or RPG fan, where the archetype is most popular)note , Uncle thinks Elf-san is being straightforwardly hostile to him, but Takafumi has her figured out the moment he starts describing her.
  • Cassandra Truth: No one on Granbahamal, except perhaps Mabel, believed Uncle could speak to and hear Spirits. While everyone acknowledges Spirits exist, the common theory is Spirits are an abstract elemental force. It would be like someone from Earth claiming atomic particles can talk to them.
  • Casting Gag: The comic/anime makes mention of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Uncle has the voice actors for Kaworu Nagisa and Shigeru Aoba.
    • Takehito Koyasu and his career of voicing villains fits a character who is always taken for a villain.
  • Chain Pain: He usually uses his magic to form chains to restrain attackers.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • "Being in a pinch is an opportunity." in the scanlation, "A crisis is an opportunity." in the official manga translation, and "A pinch is a chance." in the official anime translation, all expressing the same fundamental idea.
    • Also, "I'm not an orc, and I'm not a goblin!"
  • Chaste Hero: During his seventeen years in Granbahamal, he had plenty of chances at romance with three potential love interests, but nothing happens because he doesn't recognize Dating Sim tropes and he was solely focused on getting back to Japan.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Uncle always helps those in need.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: In whichever world he lives in, he has a loose grip on reality and social norms.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: He has his own harem in Granbahamal and he doesn't have a clue about it.
  • Comically Invincible Hero: A big part of the humor in Uncle's flashbacks of his days as another world's hero is that he's an absurdly overpowered mage who can break/repair an ancient barrier and kill dragons without much effort. And he doesn't even realize how powerful he is until he sees the stunned reactions of other characters.
  • Comically Small Bribe: He's extremely easy to persuade by Takafumi promising to play games with him or buying him a piece of Sega hardware. Played with, in that where Takafumi doesn't make a big deal out of the bribes, Uncle - being the massive Sega fanboy that he is - sees them as incredibly valuable.
  • Cool Uncle: Zigzagged. He swings constantly between being this and utterly mortifying to Takafumi, with his cool powers often being offset by his social awkwardness and inability to read the room.
  • Creepy Good: In Granbahamal, whenever he saved people from monsters, they ended up more terrified of him because of his monstrous magical power and "orc-like" face.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Occasionally, he can accomplish incredible feats, like defeating a dragon or leading heroes through a dungeon to treasure.
  • Cuteness Proximity: He goes into this when he sees Mabel in animal form thanks to her Beast Robe. An extra chapter has him go into this again when Alicia borrows the Beast Robe.
  • Dark and Troubled Past:
    • Played straight with his early time in Granbahamal where he was so abused he would routinely wipe his own memories to wipe out the trauma.
    • Subverted when Alicia performs a mind-meld with him and recounts what she seems as darkness and trauma where he faced a cold black box alone while locked in a room for hours on end... which naturally is just his hobby of playing video games as a kid.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Back in Granbahamal, whenever he visited a village or city for the first time, the residents mistook Uncle for an orc and launched a preemptive attack. After he defeated everyone without killing them, they welcomed Uncle like other humans.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: For all his comparisons to an orc, his appearance is just plain and unexceptional by our world's standards. It's just that everyone in Granbahamal is drop-dead gorgeous and he looks ugly like a monster to them.
  • Determinator: Part of what kept him going through seventeen years in a hellish isekai world (the other being deliberate memory erasure). Being who he is, though, what kept him going was the thought of seeing Sega Saturn Magazine's final rankings of the console's games, as voted by the readers.
  • Disappointing Older Sibling: Takafumi's mother, who's the little sister of Uncle, doesn't or no longer sees him in a good light during his coma and effectively cuts him out of her life like the rest of their family. Takafumi even admits that it's best that Uncle doesn't go see her.
  • The Dragonslayer: Slew the Elder Venom Dragon and Ancient Flame Dragon. Was also instrumental in defeating the Ascended Ancient Flame Dragon.
  • The Drifter: For 17 years, Uncle lived as an adventurer and wandered around the other world while looking for a way to go back to Japan.
  • Dual Wielding: When facing a serious threat he wields the Sword of Darkness and the Sword of Light.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: An inexperienced Uncle risked his life to save an unknown elf woman from the Elder Venom Dragon without reward. When the elf angrily asked him why he did something so reckless, he simply responded he wanted to rescue her.
  • Elemental Powers: He is able to cast spells using all Elemental Powers, including Darkness and Light. This is especially unusual since most mages are limited to a single element. Among his powerful Magic Knight allies for example, Elf-san specializes in Lightning magic, while Mabel specializes in Ice magic.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: People of Granbahamal commonly called him "The Civilized Orc".
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In Japan, he's only called "Uncle" by Takafumi and his peers.
  • Extreme Doormat: He's somewhat of a pushover to his close friends.
  • Face of a Thug: He's so unattractive by the other world's standards he's often mistaken for an orc, resulting in him being constantly attacked by the people he's trying to help. At least by the normal world's standards he's just plain and unkempt.
  • Fanboy: He pretty much worships Sega, especially anything related to the Sega Saturn.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: He went into a coma in the year 2000 and woke up almost two decades later, thoroughly confused by how much the Japanese culture has changed during his time in Granbahamal.
  • Freudian Excuse: He's rude to people older than him. He justifies this with his experience in the other world having hardened him in dealing with people older than himself.
  • Friendly Rival: He sees Mabel as one, because he considers her the victor of two mock battles. It is the reason Uncle refused to willingly lose a third battle so Mabel could keep her job as a knight. He also spends time creating plans on defeating Mabel's initial and second "attack phase," while theorizing she has a hidden third phase.
  • Genre Blind: It's bad enough that he has No Social Skills in his home world, but when he arrived in a new world with an entirely different culture and language, he refused to pick up on things that were obvious in retrospect or to an outsider with a better understanding of tropes (e.g., a Tsundere with a crush on him, or a quest chain is being shoved in his face). To be fair, he does get some occasions right, but he's just as likely to put his foot in his mouth with his foolishness.
  • Glass Cannon: Uncle has a massive arsenal of potent spirit magic, but he travels light and doesn't wear any heavy armor, so a direct hit would do severe damage to him, especially since a lot of enemies Uncle faces hit way above what regular humans can. Uncle cannot use healing magic either and he's not immune to swords or any cutting weapon, so he is very careful around them because a good hit can cripple or take him down.
  • Gonk: Played for laughs. While he's not exactly ugly by any stretch of the word, he's often given extremely exaggerated expressions in intense situations that would emulate this trope. He's fully considered to be this in Granbahamal, however, being a homely-looking man in a land where everybody is impossibly beautiful.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's the nicest and most heroic character in the series, but if he faces a truly evil enemy, he won't show mercy.
  • Healing Magic Is the Hardest: He is a master of all magic, except divine, because of his Nay-Theist attitude.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: He wished that people could understand him, and was given the power to understand languages. It wasn't a bad wish, it just couldn't help him out. What he didn't realize was that this was his New Life in Another World Bonus, and it allowed him to use magic by talking to the spirits, giving him a unique form of magic that was leagues more powerful than anyone else in Granbahamal; he just put it down to the adaptability he'd developed while gaming.
  • Heavy Sleeper: Once he goes to sleep, he doesn't wake up until morning, no matter what happens. This is how he kept getting caught by people out for his blood. Fortunately(?), they usually wanted him to suffer before they killed him, giving him the time to wake up and escape.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: He saved a lot of people in Granbahamal, but most of those same people tried to hunt him down because his plain-looking face made him look like an orc to them.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite being a shut in, he has decent survival skills to survive the cruelties of Granbahamal. Although when cut off from the spirits, he is even less coordinated at physical activities like running.
  • Honor Before Reason: It is mentioned that he could be making bank if he used his powers to become an elite athlete, but refuses to do so because they physically trained to be where they are and he would just be using some trick.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: After returning to Japan, he discovers his New Life in Another World Bonus is being able to communicate in other languages. However, he needs to figure out the specific conditions to activate this power. In both Granbahamal and Earth, it appears to first manifest through being desperate enough: his initial beating upon arrival, and hearing that Takafumi had some documents for him to sign (implying they were consent to a formal commitment to an insane asylum).
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: He has magical storage where he keeps his weapons and items from Granbahamal.
  • Idiot Hero: He's dense as a brick and lacks the common sense needed for an RPG-like fantasy world. This is exacerbated by his lack of social skills and complete inability to read the room, especially when it comes to romance.
  • I Have Many Names: His real name is Yousuke Shibasaki. To Mabel, he is Wolfgunblood, to Alicia and her party, he is Kuroki Tenma, and to Elf-san, he is Orc-Face (though she drops that one eventually). To Otom and Sharion, he is the Love Penguin. He begins saying an inordinately long name once, but is cut off by others supplying one of the aliases he previously used.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Deep down inside Uncle desires friendly social interaction with others. It is a significant reason why he considers Elf-san an ally, even though from his point of view, she is a hardcore Friendly Rival. It's also clear he enjoys conversations with Mabel, Alicia, Raiga, and Edgar.
  • Imaginary Love Triangle: Uncle is under the mistaken belief that Alicia is in a love triangle with Raiga and Edgar; however, the trio is Like Brother and Sister and Alicia has a crush on Uncle instead.
  • Informed Deformity: While he's most definitely not who you'd describe as handsome, his features are still very much typical for a person of his age. And yet, to the naturally-beautiful denizens of Granbahamal, he's inexplicably considered to be so utterly hideous that he's mistaken for a subspecies of orc by anyone he meets.
  • Iron Butt-Monkey: His tolerance for regular physical abuse in Granbahamal is downright superhuman, whether at the hands of monsters or the other denizens who treat him as an orc simply for not being as attractive as they are.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His ultimate attack spells, a variety of different "Bustor" class magic, are essentially these in different Elemental Powers.
  • Kavorka Man: In Granbahamal, people think he's so hideous that he's comparable to an orc, but that didn't stop three beautiful women from falling in love with him.
  • Knight Errant: During his time in Granbahamal, he saved people without any expectation of acknowledgment or reward, moving on once the wrongs are righted.
  • Kryptonite Factor: There is a rare bird species able to neutralize spirit magic and make Uncle incapable of casting spells. Because Uncle uses magic to augment his physical strength and endurance, the same effect reduces him to an out-of-shape human. It borderlines as a Weaksauce Weakness, since the birds are not actually Anti-Magic. The spirits just hate their terrible halitosis and refuse to do anything in the stench.

  • Laser Blade: He can create an energy sword thanks to the power of the light spirit.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: One of Uncle's terrifying abilities is his memory-erasing spells, allowing him to make others and himself forget certain encounters or information that are either too traumatizing or mainly because Uncle doesn't want it to be known. Unfortunately for Uncle, this would lead to gaps in their memories that could eventually allow them to figure out their previous encounters.
  • Made of Iron: For someone as scrawny as he is, he can withstand surprising levels of physical abuse levied upon him on a regular basis by the denizens of Granbahamal, and recover very quickly afterward no worse for wear. Justified since his soul was placed into a body created by God.
  • Master of the Mixed Message: Because of his obliviousness towards romantic scenarios, he tends to send mixed signals to his potential love interests without even realizing it. One time, he forced Elf to go along to his inn room and she was more than ready to sleep with him, only for Uncle to reveal he just needed her help to get to his room because he was drunk and then left her outside the door for the rest of the night.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: He says he can't transform into Elf for too long because his mind and personality could completely change to match his appearance.
    • His month-long transformation into the flame dragon ended involuntarily, and he didn't speak during his battle with Elf-san in that form. After he changed back, his first concern was taking a bath.
  • Mistaken for Insane: When Takafumi first meets him, he speaks in a Starfish Language and claims to have been Trapped in Another World. Takafumi thinks his uncle has gone insane as a result of his 17-year-long coma until Uncle uses magic to prove that he was sent to a fantasy world.
  • Mr. Exposition: His adventures have already happened, so he narrates his adventures to his nephew and the audience, and explains the situations.
  • Mundane Utility: He uses his magical abilities to earn money as a Youtuber. He also can fly, which helps him save up shipping costs by picking up online purchases himself.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He erases himself from Alicia's memories twice because she knows information that could be troublesome for him. When Alicia reveals she has childhood amnesia, Uncle realizes memories are very important to her, regrets what he did, and promises Alicia he won't do it again.
  • Nay-Theist: He does not trust gods, ignores prophecies, and adamantly insists their rewards are traps. This also makes him incapable of divine magic, which means he cannot cast healing spells. Fortunately, he is still able to use healing items, which Alicia crafts for him.
  • Nerds Are Virgins: His one and only love are Sega video games. He could have gotten laid many times in Granbahamal, but he just isn't interested in women made of flesh and bone.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A few occasions he ends up causing trouble which he later has to fix.
  • No Social Skills: He sees everything through classic action games from Sega, from morals to music themes, and he tends to not give clear explanations on the spot.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Played straight except for one exception. He is not aroused by Elf-san and Mabel using him as a body pillow in their nightwear. He is also fine with seeing Alicia in bath attire that hugs her body curves. However full nudity DOES get a reaction out of him. He notably goes out of his way to coverup or divert his view from nudity. If that fails, he immediately erases his memory of the moment. On the other hand, that aversion temporarily goes away if he thinks someone is injured.
  • Oblivious to Love: He fails to notice that Elf-san, Mabel, and Alicia are infatuated with him, though in the former two cases, it can at least be handwaved that he wasn't aware of their associated personality tropes, which only became mainstream after he was transported to Granbahamal. The fact he regularly erases his own memories is also partly to blame.
  • Odd Friendship: A number of these
    • Zig zagged before being played straight with Elf. Uncle initially recalls their time as companions with nothing but dread. But as he continues to reminisce about her, he eventually remembers that not all of their adventures had been negative and can’t help but crack a smile at all of their interactions despite different personalities.
    • With Mabel. Both are shut ins, but Uncle is much more willing to venture out in the world instead of being shut in all the time like Mabel. Still, there were times when both needed advice and comfort and would fight for one another when the opportunity arises.
    • With Alicia and her gang. Uncle preferred to be distant and shut out from others, compared to the more outgoing and energetic group. But adventuring with them eventually created a trust between all four of them. In fact, not only were they some of the only positive interactions Uncle had, most of their adventures together end on a happy note whenever all four come across each other.
  • Older Than They Look: He had the same appearance of a 30-something old man he had since he was in his 20s. Apparently caused by his imprisonment and starvation soon after arrival in Granbahamal, where he initially appeared as his actual age 17.
  • Opaque Lenses: His eyes usually can't be seen through his glasses. On the occasions that they are shown, those are the times Uncle is feeling either emotional or dangerous.
  • Otaku: He's a devoted fan of Sega video games — specifically, pre-2000 Sega games. He doesn't really take notice of any other popular media unless it has a Sega connection. Needless to say, he doesn't take it well when he learns that Sega withdrew from the console market in the early 2000s following the commercial failure of the Dreamcast.
  • Parental Substitute: While he's more of a roommate to his nephew, along with the fact that he's already an adult living on his own, Uncle currently serves as the only positive adult figure in Takafumi's life due to the latter's Dark and Troubled Past.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: In his first meeting with Elf, he turned his eyes away and gave her his jacket because a dragon had destroyed her clothes.
  • Power of Trust: A recurring theme is Uncle's distrust of others and withholding secrets. Therefore anytime Uncle implicitly trusts someone or truthfully reveals something, it is a sign of valuing their friendship. This also means someone doing the same towards Uncle leaves a lasting impression.
    • Uncle gives Sega strategy guide tips to Elf-san, Mabel, and Alicia.
    • Uncle accepts reward money from Raiga and Edgar without counting the coins.
    • Uncle reveals to Alicia that he cannot cast healing spells.
    • Uncle explains the flaw of his favorite battle strategy to Mabel.
    • Uncle admits to Alicia that he erased her memories.
    • Uncle reveals his true name to Elf-san, Mabel, Alicia, Raiga, and Edgar.
    • Uncle never second guesses Elf-san's strategies.
  • Psychic Nosebleed: Recalling erased memories causes Uncle and those he cast the amnesia spell on to have a nosebleed.
  • Retired Badass: As a hero of a shonen isekai who got home to Earth, he's effectively this, having retained his powers and magic as he readjusts to life as a normal guy.
  • Sanity Slippage: Shortly after arriving in the isekai world, he spent a week abandoned in a monster pen in the basement of a freak show, and ended up doing a long rambling monologue to the moonlight about Pulseman.
  • Sarcasm-Blind: He's incapable of recognizing sarcasm. This actually causes a lot of strife with Elf-san since her snide remarks go over his head and makes him think she hates his guts.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: He wears a red scarf during his adventures in Granbahamal.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He possesses a Soul Jar that contains the essence of the Ancient Flame Dragon and later combined with the Wrath of God. He intends to collect more entities with Nigh-Invulnerability in the same bottle, until it spawns an Eldritch Abomination so powerful its death creates a portal back to Earth.
  • Selective Obliviousness: A Running Gag in the series is how Uncle tends to view situations and events in his own unique way. The fact that he would also periodically erase his memories of difficult experiences in order to maintain his sanity doesn't help.
  • Serious Business: He takes Sega so seriously, that he self-erases his memory when he discovers that Sega lost the console war.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ironically enough, he immediately realizes that Fujimiya and Takafumi are attracted to each other. From time to time he tries to advance their relationship to the next level without seeming too overt about it.
    • His magical transformation into "Aunt" to try to talk to Fujimiya girl-to-girl is an early attempt.
  • Sliding Scale of Beauty: He can be considered between normal ugly and flawed average; he is not an attractive person, but he is not ugly enough to make an impression in this world. But he is considered grotesque by otherworldly standards.
  • Smells Sexy: Elf likes Uncle's scent so much that she wears his favorite lightweight jacket as pajamas.
  • Specs of Awesome: His glasses got teleported with him to the other world and he kept wearing them during his adventures. Amazingly, his glasses never seemed to break regardless of how much he's roughed up.
  • Stranger in a Familiar Land: What he becomes after returning to Japan following his 17-year coma. Much of what was common in 2000 is long gone, leaving him to hilariously grapple at the horror that his favorite manga and TV shows are over, or worse, that Sega lost the Console Wars.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Even if he weren't Oblivious to Love along with a case of Theory Tunnel Vision, Elf-san's Tsundere tendencies would still likely be a turn-off for Uncle. Although Takafumi would like his Uncle to recognize Elf-san as a love interest as in a generic other world story, it's very understandable that one would come to the conclusion of someone not liking them by being rude, and given the person that Uncle is and what he has been through so far in Granbahamal, he wouldn't assume someone's feelings that way, especially when he's not at all good at or interested in romantic relationships.
  • Theory Tunnel Vision: Due to being Oblivious to Love and having No Social Skills, Uncle's usual perception of Elf-san constantly following him around is her simply being a jerk to him, with the intention of wanting to mooch off of him at worst. He does eventually sees her as a hardcore Friendly Rival of a friend but is still incapable of seeing her feelings.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: He first activated his magic powers after he spent an entire week trapped in the prison cell of a freak show where he had been left to starve to death. Being on the brink of insanity, he accidentally communicated with the light spirit and gained the power to escape.
  • Unlikely Hero: He doesn't go around claiming himself as a hero and is only interested in going home, on top of having to deal with people attacking him for being mistaken as an orc. Yet time and time again, he goes out of his way to save those in trouble regardless of their initial treatment.
  • Unreliable Narrator: For a number of reasons, including his oblivious nature, his skewed sense of what's important, and having repeatedly erased his memories. As an example, at one point, he talks about a festival he attended where he just ate and went back to his room, saying nothing really happened, and once he and Takafumi have moved onto playing games, he happens to mention Mabel barged into his room, and he's left bemused why Takafumi might find that interesting.
  • Vitriolic Best Friends: Implied. There’s no question that he won’t miss Granbahamal. His friends is more…Complicated. He recalls all the bad experiences with them, but there is a sense of fondness when remembering them.
  • Walking the Earth: His ultimate goal is not fame, love, power, or wealth. It is a way back to Earth and Sega. He wanders all of Granbahamal in search of this, never settling too long in a single location before moving on to the next, without any set destination except "over the next horizon."
  • What Is This Feeling?: As he recalls moments with Elf-san or other of his allies, he's surprised to find himself realizing not all of his experiences in Granbahamal were negative and even starts getting a nostalgic feeling, although he doesn't fully understand he misses the friends he left behind when he returned to Japan.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: As a constant victim of Fantastic Racism, Uncle was open to peaceful negotiations with a giant intelligent hedgehog. Unfortunately said creature was depraved and enjoyed human suffering.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: Memory erasing magic and attack spells of the There Is No Kill Like Overkill variety.
  • With This Ring: He tends to use the priceless Seven Meteor Rings as a means to repay large debts. However, the method he does this are misinterpreted as wedding proposals. Four rings have been issued as of Chapter 33.
  • Withholding Their Name: In Granbahamal, he never gives his real name when introducing himself because he thinks he shouldn't give away any information about himself to strangers. He does eventually reveal his true name to Elf, Mabel and Alicia, showing that he has begun to trust them.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: According to him, Granbahamal is an awful place where everyone abused him or wanted to kill him, forcing him to go solo adventuring for seventeen years. When seeing his uncle's memories, Takafumi is endlessly frustrated by seeing his uncle repeatedly miss out on the RPG and Dating Sim setups that would have made his time in that world way more enjoyable (Uncle not being a fan of RPGs and dating sims).
  • Younger Than They Look: Despite his middle-aged looks, he is actually in his mid-30s.
    • This is pushed even further by depicting him as looking exactly like that at seventeen, when he and Elf-san first met. Likewise, in the flashback of his first time drinking alcohol on his twentieth birthday, both Takafumi and Fujimiya are shocked by just how old he looked, even though he was the same age as the two of them.
      Takafumi: He looks exactly the same as before!
      Fujimiya: I can't tell how he's aged.
    • This is depicted rather inconsistently, however, since the flashbacks of his first days in Granbahamal had him looking almost exactly like Takafumi with longer hair, instead of how he appears in modern times. In the anime, this is only upon arrival and from his beating until his imprisonment; during the imprisonment he changes to the older appearance, likely due to both starvation and Sanity Slippage.
    • When Alicia learns that she and Uncle are both 20, with his birthday supposedly several months after hers, she is deeply shocked and tries to explain it to herself as not being completely sure of her own age.

"I'm not an orc, and I'm not a goblin."
