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Hunter's Dream Residents and Guests (The Hunter) | Major Characters (Seven Shields) | Black Dogs

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The Hunters

    General tropes about the Hunters 
  • The Apprentice: The end of Chapter 4 of the original marks the beginning of Kyril recruiting for his Workshop. Sanakan and Hugh are his initial students. Later on, Lily joins after the Feoh/Ur Arc, while Soren joins after the Ansur Arc. Rigorously trained as adept Hunters far stronger than almost every living being in the land, the four of them plus their master form a nigh-unstoppable Badass Crew.
  • Badass Crew: The Hunters are all heavy-hitting badasses, stronger than any soldiery, and as per Sanakan's words, "a big happy family of misfits". Justified, because the four apprentices are Talented, but Trained, and their mentor is Strong and Skilled.
  • Badass Longcoat: The longcoat is a common feature of the Good Hunter and his band of apprentices' attire, all of whom form a Badass Crew who provide the bulk of the action in the original version by kicking tons of butt with trick weapons.
  • Badasses Wear Bandanas: All Hunters save for Lily wear a bandana to conceal their noses and mouths like a mask, instead of wearing it on their heads like a headband. All of them are good at combat and rack up a high body count.
  • Cool Sword: All Hunters have at least one Impossibly Cool Weapon that can switch between two forms, called a trick weapon. One of the forms resemble a sword.
    • Kyril currently possesses the Holy Moonlight Sword, once the "guiding moonlight" of Ludwig, the Holy Blade. It is the only known sword in the story that can glow, shoot beams of energy, and have a will of its own.
    • Sanakan's first weapon is the Kirkhammer, a silver sword that can combine with a stone block to form a large hammer. Her current weapon, the Holy Blade, is a silver sword (similar to the one for Kirkhammer) that transforms into a BFS by combining it with its sheath. Both are Bifurcated Weapons.
    • Hugh has two: a katana with a blood rite (Chikage), and a curved sword that can switch into a bow (Simon's Bowblade).
    • The Church Pick, wielded by Lily, has an unusual appearance. It has a broad blade, a long hilt, and no guard. It can also transform into a polearm.
    • Soren's current weapon is a rapier-gun hybrid, named the Reiterpallasch.
  • Five-Man Band: Later on in the original story, Kyril gains four apprentice Hunters — Sanakan, Hugh, Lily, and Soren. The five are the best heavy-hitters tasked to root out the Black Dogs. This trope is downplayed because there are other characters who cooperate and/or form bonds with the team, but the five Hunters have closer ties with each other as a Badass Crew.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Kyril and his four apprentices demonstrate these traits:
    Melancholic: Kyril Sutherland. Despite being both the mentor and leader of all four apprentices, he is a stoic and brooding Shell-Shocked Veteran who aims to end the war against the Black Dogs as quick as possible, highlighting his straightforward and task-oriented nature.
    Choleric: Sanakan. The loud, brash tomboy of the bunch who speaks her mind freely. Always restless and eager to fight.
    Phlegmatic: Hugh. Being mute is hardly an impediment to his pleasantness and optimism. In fact, it perfectly complements his elegant yet deadly hunting style.
    Sanguine: Lily. One must not equate her relative peacefulness absent from typical sanguines with compliancy. Not only she is the most focused and committed of the group, the fact that she is able to strike up conversations and deescalate tensions highlights her people-oriented nature. She also enjoys teasing Sanakan about her relationship with Hugh.
    Eclectic: Soren. He doesn't fit in any of the four temperaments, seeing that he neither possesses the seriousness of a melancholic, the passion of a choleric, the pleasantness of a phlegmatic, nor the sociability of a sanguine. Rather, he is characterised as nervous and lacking in confidence, yet willing to prove himself towards his master, even if it means taking risks.
  • Glass Cannon: Kyril's four apprentices deconstruct this trope in a nice way. On paper, Sanakan, Hugh, Lily and Soren are empowered Hunters with both strength and reflexes above the average sentient being. The four are more than capable of severing body parts, even killing most enemies in one hit thanks to their trick weaponry and firearms. However, they lack armour and shields, so they are in risk of incapacitation or even death should they take damage directly. In fact, the former case does happen to three out of the four apprentices oncenote . In practice, the inability to tank hits is compensated by the emphasis of mobility (dodging), with the occasional usage of stealth and support healing (aka. HP recovery). Adding to how the four are rigorously trained in the way of a typical Bloodborne player Hunter, the result is that these four Hunters turn out to be absolute powerhouses in battle, their defence be damned, simply because they are NOT going to get hit in the first place. In other words, The Night Unfurls takes apart the negative aspect of the Glass Cannon trope (the "poor defence" part), showing how this aspect, hence the trope, is not as bad as one would think.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Hugh, Lily and Soren are the more pleasant members among Kyril's apprentices, but don't let this trait overshadow the fact that they are Hunters who are more than capable of hunting, injuring and killing their prey.
  • Guns Are Worthless: Notably averted in a fantasy setting where the Hunters' firearms are used alongside swords and spears. Remember how in Bloodborne, guns are practically peashooters? In this fanfic, they hit like a friggin truck. The only downside of these guns is that they have to be reloaded every time a bullet is fired (because they are different from modern ones in Real Life). Since the gun users often fight in close-quarters combat, they have to rely on their melee weapons just as much.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Inverted to "Guys Shoot, Girls Smash" for Kyril and his band of apprentices. While all five are more than capable of close quarters with their trick weapons, only the male Hunters (Kyril, Hugh, Soren) are shown to regularly use firearms or the ranged mode in their trick weapon, like Simon's Bowblade and Reiterpallasch.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Kyril, Hugh, and Soren, all Hunters that use firearms, have yet to miss a single shot. It helps that many of their targets are at close range, which facilitates their Sword and Gun combat style. Special mention goes to Hugh, who manages to shoot someone in the throat from a mile away.
  • Justified Criminal: Applies to the backgrounds of three out of four apprentice Hunters. Street Urchins Sanakan and Hugh were orphaned pickpockets, stealing to live another day. Soren turned to thieving in hopes of supporting the orphanage that was also his childhood home. Fortunately, all three of them eventually become Sir Kyril's squires / apprentices due to being Recruited from the Gutter, finally able to get some real food in their stomachs and a paycheck.
  • Kid Hero: Reconstructed. Three out of five Hunters (Sanakan, Hugh and Soren) are kids (they are referred to as such) who Take a Level in Badass and fight hordes of orcs, mercs, brutes, soldiers and other monstrosities over the course of the story as skilled Hunters alongside the good guys. It is unknown whether they aged, given how long they have to train in the Hunter's Dream before swooping into the real battlefield. Whereas deconstructions of this character archetype portray "kids saving the day" as problematicnote , The Night Unfurls asserts that with sufficient training and guidance, the kids are able to gain the strength, health, agency, and motivation needed to right as many wrongs as possible in a hazardous world, a feat beyond their reach if they remain civilians. There is a reason why the Kid Hero persists in fiction despite being torn apart countless times.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: They often off their targets before they finish speaking so as to draw first blood and get the upper hand as quick as possible. Having firearms certainly helps a lot.
  • Killing Intent:
    • The narration occasionally describes Kyril manifesting "malice", either via an aura, a gaze, or his Soft-Spoken Sadist voice. People around him feel a chill, a sense of dread, knowing that he is capable of killing everyone in his vicinity if he so chooses. Kaguya even refers to this as "malevolent ki" in the original version.
    • The Hunters are able to detect killing intent due to their training, combat experience and superhuman capabilities. For example, while having a meal at Talon Bar, the five are able to sense that someone is about to attack or ambush them and, the moment they see their attackers rushing in, instantaneously draw their weapons and end their attackers before they could even begin a fight.
  • Multi-Melee Master: A Hunter typically carries more than one melee weapon with them in a hunt, using them with equal proficiency.
  • The Oathbreaker: Defied. Kyril makes it clear to his cadre of Hunters that they will receive a death sentence should they break their oaths to serve under his command. Consider the opening quote of Chapter 31 of the original, as shown below.
    "Take heed. The moment a Hunter turns his back on his oath, he becomes less than nothing. He is nothing more than a blood addled beast. Break this oath, my Hunters... and my blade comes for you regardless of your pleadings for mercy."
  • The Squire: Sanakan, Hugh, Lily, and Soren are this to Black Knight Kyril Sutherland in name only. In practice, they play the role of Kyril's apprentices who either conduct operations by themselves or fight alongside their mentor, rather than servants who shines his armor, sharpens his sword, or anything like that.
  • Strong and Skilled:
    • Kyril is a Lightning Bruiser and Combat Pragmatist, with way more combat experience than anyone else in the story.
    • His four apprentices are trained to become this. Empowered by the Good Hunter's blood aside, the end-game level Bloodborne weapons (or rather, hand-me-downs) they possess provide the bulk of their strength and the damage they deal to enemies.
  • Super-Reflexes: All five empowered Hunters have heightened reflexes to dodge hits, giving them the mobility needed to survive in the battlefield without armour.
  • Super-Strength: Not to the extent of making craters or destroying mountains, but from how the Hunters are able to sever heads, limbs, and even entire bodies consistently during any fight scene, it is evident that they have above human strength. Even orcs, who are noted to be tougher than most beings, find themselves to be subjected to the same fate, especially when Kyril, Sanakan, and Hugh are involved.
  • Superhuman Transfusion: Chapter 7 of the original reveals that Sanakan and Hugh are given their mentor Kyril's blood to become empowered Hunters. Presumably, this also applies to Lily and Soren.
  • Talented, but Trained: All four of Kyril's apprentices qualify. Each apprentice specialises on a certain asset used in combat: strength buildsnote  for Sanakan, skill/bloodtingenote  builds for both Hugh and Soren, and arcane buildsnote  for Lily. At the same time, the four of them still have to train in order to hone their respective assets, together with gaining more combat experience.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Kyril's four apprentices (Sanakan, Hugh, Lily, Soren) go from being weak, lowly, and desperate commoners to four of the deadliest Hunters after he took them under his wing, became their mentor, and gave them strength.
  • Two Girls to a Team: The Hunters end up with a 3:2 male-female ratio, the two female Hunters being Sanakan and Lily respectively.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: The five Hunters, a cool Badass Crew, use mix-and-match weaponry. The following are member-specific examples.
    • Kyril has a number of melee and ranged weapons at his disposal, symbolising his vast mastery and combat experience. His primary weapon, the Saw Cleaver, compliments his nature as a brutal, dreaded, and anti-heroic combatant.
    • Sanakan is a Hot-Blooded Screaming Warrior. Naturally, she wields the Kirkhammer (a Bifurcated Weapon of sword and large hammer), later exchanging it with Ludwig's Holy Blade (a Bifurcated Weapon of sword and BFS). With a twist, she's actually The Lancer of the five hunters rather than The Big Guy.
    • The weaponry currently under Hugh's possession includes a cane that can transform into a Whip Sword, a katana with a blood rite, an intricately designed pistol, and a curved sword that can transform into a bow. All these weapons are associated with grace and elegance, and fittingly, Hugh is a Dainty Combatant. With another twist, he's actually The Big Guy due to his muteness and specialisation in combat.
    • Lily, formerly a nun, is a Girly Bruiser Combat Medic. Her melee weapon is the Church Pick, a broad-bladed sword with a long hilt that can transform into a polearm. This, as well as her Flamesprayer, are weapons once used by members of the Healing Church, as per Bloodborne lore.
    • The Saw Spear has a tendency to be used by Hunters in training, symbolising inexperience. Sanakan, Lily and Soren are shown to have used it at least once. The former two later exchange it with other weapons, which shows their growth; Soren, despite having the Reiterpallasch (a rapier-gun hybrid) as his new weapon, still opts to keep the Saw Spear as a backup, and becomes a full fledged Hunter later than the former two. This shows how green he is compared to the other three apprentices.
  • Weapon Specialization: Compared to the other combatants, who tend to use regular, mass-produced weapons, what makes the Hunters stand out is their exclusive trick weaponry, weapons running on Rule of Cool with the ability to switch into two modes.

    The Hunter / Kyril Sutherland 
Has his own page.

    The Plain Doll / Evetta 
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Evetta is a sweet, gentle doll through and through, seemingly without a violent bone in her body. Threaten her in any way, and she'll give them a friendly reminder that she chooses to be passive by sending an impassive glance to make them change their mind. If that doesn't work, then strangling or maiming them with her mind should do.
  • The Confidant: The Plain Doll is considered to be the only person Kyril could open up to, even if his suitresses tried their hardest to make him feel comfortable. She listens, counsels, and provides him plain comfort. Being the only one who has full knowledge of whatever the hell happened to Kyril during the Night of the Hunt and has stood by him since then also helps.
  • Creepy Housekeeper: An unorthodox example, Evetta/The Plain Doll shows that as the caretaker of the Hunter's Dream, it is possible to be creepy and kindly at the same time. To those who have met her for the first time, she comes across as uncanny from how still and impassive she is for an Animate Inanimate Object, together with the fact that she towers over them a lot. The "kindly" part leans towards Creepy Good since she's actually quite nice, and that Kyril treasures her presence highly.
  • Dispel Magic: We don't explicitly see her doing this via, say, a spell or a gesture, but from how the maddening whispers in Celestine's mind seem to have stopped after their interactions, we can infer that the Plain Doll is capable of this. It says a lot about her capabilities when even Celestine, a seer of great arcane prowess, is unable to make the whispering stop through any means.
  • Friendly Target: Evetta is The Protagonist Kyril's dearest companion. For some odd reason, the original version of the story really loves teasing the prospect of something unpleasant happening to her, as well as Kyril's likely reaction to such an eventnote . This is meant to make Kyril's faith in his friend, the moment where Evetta proves to be just as dangerous as her friend, and ultimately, the subversion of this trope all the more salient.
  • Kindly Housekeeper: Overlapping with Creepy Housekeeper, Evetta is the caretaker of the Hunter's Dream who tends to the Workshop, the gravestones, and her Good Hunter. Her serene and kindhearted nature as a maternal figure, however, is overshadowed by the fact that she is, well, a living doll. For bonus points, she's also very tall.
  • Mind over Matter: How she keeps her hands clean when maiming, strangling and mangling. Unlike typical examples of this trope, it is Played for Horror due to a rare aversion of Just Hit Himnote . Moreover, this fanfic is supposed to be a standard Dark Fantasy setting, where there should be elements like swords and magic, not people who move stuff with their mind. Just the fact that even the main Eldritch Abomination is not shown to possess this power, and yet this animated porcelain doll is somehow capable of crushing someone without eye contact or lifting a finger is clearly shown as unexpected and very, very wrong.
  • Mystical White Hair: The Plain Doll is the only character with silver hair. She is also a sentient porcelain doll with an ancient power stirring within.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Kyril. The Doll is Kyril's stalwart, longtime companion, as well as the one person who can easily put the normally vigilant Hunter at ease. Kyril treasures her presence, worries that the Doll might be lonely staying in the Dream by herself (even though he himself is a solitary person), and his P.O.V. indicates he would spend the rest of his life repaying her kindness (i.e., perpetually, because he has Resurrective Immortality). While the Doll’s relationship with the Hunter seemingly suggests that she plays the role of a Love Interest, the two are never shown to be in love with each other, not to mention the fact that Kyril doesn’t have a high opinion on romance.
  • Psychic Strangle: The sudden reveal of the Doll's telekinetic powers is accompanied by two traitorous guards slowly choking, gagging, and finally dying.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: How Evetta takes her first step to the waking world in the original version. Asked to deliver a message from Kyril to Celestine, she appears all of a sudden in her quarters. Celestine and Claudia, who are in the room at the time, are understandably freaked out.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Evetta may not have the Japanese appearance or hobbies, but she behaves like one with her soothing voice and deliberately graceful movements. Her manner of dress (a bonnet, a small hair ornament, and a dress with intricate patterns sewn on it) is feminine and modest. As caretaker of the Dream, Evetta has the domestic ability to match. She's polite, peaceful, unruffled, and devoted to her Good Hunter as well as her duties in the Dream (or Kyril's office) whenever he is away. As for the essential Silk Hiding Steel trait (or rather, Porcelain Hiding Steel), Evetta doesn't hesitate to utilise her "ancient power" when threatened, either to make her belligerents behave, or to rend them outright, maintaining her poise all the while. The cherry on top? She kindly makes tea for Cthulhu (the very same Good Hunter) as many times as she wants.

A young girl who survives the Black Dogs' assault on Navarus Village. She, along with Hugh, become Kyril's first two apprentice Hunters.

A young mute who ends up unconscious during the Black Dogs' assault on Navarus Village. After his recovery, he is taken by Kyril as an apprentice Hunter.
  • The Big Guy: Hugh is an unorthodox example, given his lean physique, his usage of skill-based weapons (Threaded Cane, Chikage, Simon's Bowblade) rather than power-based ones like BFSs, axes or hammers, and his graceful fighting style instead of brute force all the way. What makes him firmly this trope is that he is mute ("dumb", but not stupid), and that among the Five-Hunter Band, he specialises in both swordsmanship and marksmanship that allows adaptability in close-quarters and long-ranged fights respectively.
  • Blood Magic: Hugh's katana, the Chikage, has a rite that coats the blade with blood, extending it. It also feeds on the life force of its user and the blood of his enemies to enhance the damage dealt.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Starting from Chapter 13 of the original, Hugh wields the Simon's Bowblade, a scimitar that can turn into a bow, for adapting to both short and long range.
  • Cane Fu: Hugh uses the Threaded Cane as a starter Mix-and-Match Weapon to bludgeon foes. Also useful as a walking stick to support oneself when injured from a fight.
  • Cute Mute: Hugh is a young boy who is mute and The Pollyanna. He can still kick ass, though, and he is definitely not stupid.
  • The Cutie: While Hugh is not described to have a "generically cute" appearance, the kid's eyepatch, muteness, and cheerfulness are meant to be endearing qualities that convey a hint of vulnerability. He often shares awkward, comical moments with Sanakan via his gestures and facial expressions.
  • Friendly Sniper: Hugh is The Pollyanna, as well as the sharpshooter of the five Hunters (he also uses melee weapons, but he specialises in ranged combat).
    The mute looked up at them and gave an easy smile, absolutely terrifying as he was surrounded by orc corpses that were riddled with arrows. Not one had managed to get within fifty paces of him.
  • Handicapped Badass: Hugh lost his voice and one of his eyes, but these handicaps do not stop him from being a fighter, a marksman, and a Kid Hero that racks up a huge bodycount during the war against the Black Dogs.
  • Iaijutsu Practitioner: His first onscreen usage of the Chikage involves an iajutsu move to behead a goblin (i.e., drawing the blade and beheading in one go).
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: He is mute, yet Sanakan, his partner in crime, can somehow read his mind.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Whenever he feels like dishing out damage, Hugh would brandish his katana, named the Chikage, to blur through his foes. It is the most frequently used melee weapon among his arsenal. Considering the blood rite it possesses, it's not nicknamed "the Murder Sword" for nothing.
  • Lady of War: Gender-Inverted, making him more of a "Gentleman of War". He's dressed in the fancy Yharnam Hunter Set, he's an expert marksman with an elegantly designed flintlock, the weapons he usesnote  are associated with grace, and his fighting style leans towards speedy finesse or "delicate" moves (e.g., blurs and flourishes) rather than "hack-and-smash" brute force. Despite being a Pollyanna at heart, he is perfectly capable of fighting in a composed, dignified way.
  • Madness Mantra: Despite being unable to speak, Hugh finds himself repeatedly mouthing the word "Boss" upon witnessing Shamuhaza thrashing in agony and seemingly dying under Kyril's literal Death Glare. Lucky for him, it is only a minor breakdown with no signs of Freak Out during the later chapters, though he definitely feels that his master seems to be far above him.
  • The Pollyanna: Hugh was orphaned and malnourished. He lost his voice from a Slashed Throat, and is Left for Dead without an eye during his debut chapter in the story. He remains bright, cheerful and eager to please, persisting even as he blurs in war-torn battlefields and Eldritch Locations as a Kid Hero, nary a Heroic BSoD or a Break the Cutie situation whatsoever. He did miraculously survive at least two Near-Death Experiences after all, meaning that despite the cruelty he receives, fortune is on his side.
  • Rugged Scar: Hugh is an unorthodox example. The terrible scars on his throat are due to a horrific mutilation by a bandit. He miraculously survived, of course, but at the cost of his voice.
  • Sinister Scimitar: Hugh is an inverted, heroic example — one of his weapons, the Simon's Bowblade, is a curved sword when in blade form.
  • Slashed Throat: He miraculously subverts this trope by surviving such an attempt on his life prior to his introductionnote . It does render him mute, though.
  • The Speechless: Hugh cannot speak as a result of having his throat mutilated by a bandit. Only Sanakan can somehow know what he's thinking via facial expressions, so he has to use a charcoal stick and parchmentnote  as a means of communication.
  • Token Minority: Hugh, a mute, is the only handicapped Hunter.

  • Broken Tears: Lily is seen bawling in her tent as she relives her and her friends' Prison Rape. She eventually stops crying and falls asleep after Kyril lets her cry into his chest.
  • Combat Medic: Lily is a cleric in the healer tents, as well as an apprentice hunter in the battlefield.
  • Crisis of Faith: Lily, a former nun of the Church, loses faith in the Goddess Incarnate as a result of being captured and raped by the Black Dogs along with her fellow sisters. Notably, she does not regain her faith over the course of the story, after she is taken in as an apprentice by Kyril, together with fulfilling her duties as a hunter. If anything, she decides to only believe in her own strength, instead of believing in the power of the Goddess Incarnate.
  • The Face: When she isn't fulfilling her duties as healer, Lily serves as the affable presence among the five hunters. Especially so when one is a mute, another is a Nervous Wreck, and the other two (The Leader included) are blunt to a fault. If there is anyone who can manage the social elements for The Team (e.g., mediating, relaying, etc.), that's Lily.
  • Fiery Redhead: Inverted. She has long red hair, but is a demure peacemaker among the main characters. It is worth noting that prior to becoming an apprentice hunter, she worked as a nun in the Church.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: In Rad, she uses a flamethrower-esque weapon named the Flamesprayer to hold back a horde of mutants and cook them alive.
  • Girly Bruiser: Lily starts out as a nun of The Church, polite and soft-spoken. Highly proficient with the Church Pick, she proves to be a fighter just as capable as her Tomboy peer Sanakan, even rocking a long skirt all the while.
  • Jerkass to One: Lily is generally respectful to people, except Alicia. Ever since the Feoh/Ur Arc, she loathes the Knight of Iris for surrendering her fortress because she thinks that can save Lily and her sisters from being taken hostage. Considering how Lily and her sisters end up being raped, she sees Alicia as an Accomplice by Inaction for that atrocity.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Lily acknowledges that her master, Kyril, has to occasionally do terrible things, and hence hates himself as much as the enemy. Nonetheless, she declares that he has earned her loyalty, because he would protect the people even if they were to hate him for it.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Kyril. Lily is rescued from captivity and rape thanks to Kyril (and two others), and shares a Cry into Chest moment with her rescuer in the next chapter. However, the two do not become romantically involved. Lily is Kyril's third apprentice, the Affable Subordinate to his Aloof Leader. She does gradually develop a My Master, Right or Wrong attitude to him, though.
  • Nun Too Holy: Lily is a rare case where the elements of this trope are inverted as many ways as possible. Rather than being "impure" out of her own will like many examples, she is deemed tainted by the Archbishop due to trauma. Rather than continuing her job, she leaves the clergy two chapters later to train under Kyril Sutherland as a squire after her introduction, making her a former nun. In spite of all of this, the redhead notably looks and acts like a nun, as evidenced by her white vestments, her distaste towards "dirty" things (e.g., swearing and alcohol), and her decent, sincere personality. Lily upholds the moral standards of her Noble Profession while The Church decays, even after her development into a Good Is Not Soft Nay-Theist.
  • Rescue Introduction: Lily is introduced in Chapter 7 of the original via a rescue by Kyril, Hugh and Harriet while she and her sisters are being raped in the Feoh dungeons. She later becomes Kyril's third apprentice via Recruitment by Rescue, participating in the war against the Black Dogs (aka the plot).
  • Shipper on Deck: She ships Sanakan/Hugh, though this is more of a case of wanting the two to make their relationship official, instead of getting the two together.
  • The Social Expert: Other than combat, Lily displays talent in mediating and emotional support. She may not be some ridiculous master manipulator (they don't really exist in this setting), but she shines when it comes to mundane, less fantastic social elements, compared with other members of Kyril's cadre of apprentice hunters. Lily is often responsible for de-escalating the situation when Kyril comes into blows with other people, given that her aloof, brusque master is more than capable of offing them without consideration.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: As Lily begins her training as an apprentice hunter, her red hair is tied into a ponytail. Subverted as she develops into a Combat Medic Girly Bruiser, neither Tomboy nor The Lad-ette.
  • White Magician Girl: Clad in white vestments with a hood and a skirt (aka. the White Church Set), Lily is a cleric / healer who treats the wounded in the tents and uses healing spells to support the other Hunters during combat. Contrary to what her role would suggest, she is also adept at stabbing her foes with the Church Pick, a bladed weapon, and setting The Horde on fire. During the Rad Incursion, she is shown to be capable of switching between healing the heavy hitters and destroying her enemies (i.e., multitasking). Personality-wise, the former nun treats her allies with respect and tenderness.

  • Distracted by the Sexy: Downplayed for Soren, who notably stutters a lot or turns red whenever any Ms. Fanservice is around, like Grace and Anna. Both of them have made fun of him for this at least once. Luckily, he has yet to screw up and do things like tripping over or dropping stuff.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Downplayed. Soren is a Kid Hero who is easily flustered around physically attractive women, ranging from those who simply look pretty (e.g. Lily) to those who are Ms. Fanservice level (e.g. Grace). In the original version, he is very eager to shadow Grace as per Kyril's instructions, with him thinking about the dark elf's charms more than once. His tendency to stare is often laid bare and Played for Laughs. Nonetheless, this trait is not a prominent part of his characterisation, and Soren has yet to say or do anything lewd.
  • Nervous Wreck: Soren has yet to be reduced to spouting incoherent gibberish, but being hesitant and nervous is his defining trait, especially towards people having authority over him (e.g. Kyril and Celestine).
    Lily: Stop fidgeting, Soren.
    Soren: I'm not, Lily. I'm... freaking nervous. I'm going to see the Goddess Incarnate herself!
  • New Meat: In the original version, Soren is the most recent addition to the five Hunters. Due to his status as a beginner, he doesn't get to participate in important combat missions until much later in the story. Contrary to usual depictions, the more seasoned members actively help him in his transition to become a part of the squad, instead of looking down or bullying him. Rather than being deadweight or unceremoniously killed off, Soren throws himself into every opportunity to improve, just like the others. However, he is still not as hardened as his peers. Although his mentor Kyril finally dubs him a full-fledged Hunter 17 chapters after his debut, Soren has to be given a pep talk about how one must have the courage to make hard choices in war.
  • Royal Rapier: Inverted in the original version. He is a low-born thief who is Recruited from the Gutter to become a squire under the apprenticeship of Sir Kyril. He later picks the Reiterpallasch, a rapier-gun hybrid, as his weapon.
  • The Smart Guy: He fits the Street Smart archetype to a T, excelling most in sneaking, spying, lock-picking, and gaining intel for the heroes.


    Celestine Lucross 
See her folder below.

    Olga Discordia 
See her folder below.
