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Characters / The Half-World

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This page is used to describe the Original Characters that appear in the fics published on The Half-World. (Since Skepkitty MSTs all of his fics As Himself, they do not feature any original characters, and for any tropes relating to him there is his Troper page.)

Tropes pertaining to most if not all of the OCs:

Love Knows No Race

This fic actually has many OCs, but the page covers only the most important ones.


Child of Zim and Dib, who goes rampant and kills her own parents, and rapes Red.


Kir and Vir

Two defective SIR units. Kir was given by the Tallest to Dib, and Vir was born to Kir and Gir.


  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: While usually SIR units have red eyes, and Gir has red eyes in duty mode and teal eyes in regular mode, Kir has dark blue eyes in duty mode and lavender eyes in regular mode.
    • Notably, the "Voot Runner" given to Dib also was blue.
  • Logical Fallacies:
    So this KIR character is a Gir clone, yet also based entirely off the author? Does that mean Gir wrote this story?

    I’m not much of a Gir fan, but I still like to believe he’d do a better job writing fanfiction then Carlotta Valjean.
  • Running Gag - "What does the (letter) stand for?"
