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Characters / Target of Desire: Episode 1

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Maia is an Action Girl who is trying to survive a seemingly endless supply of bad guys, while trying to discover who they are and why they're after her.


  • Action Girl: Maia loves action, whether it's running from bad guys, shooting at bad guys or making a sexy pose before shooting at bad guys.
  • Action Hero: Maia never met a man she didn't shoot.
  • Emotionless Girl: Maia never shows emotion and rarely talks. She's the perfect woman.
  • The Gunslinger: Maia is packing heat, but that's not the only thing she's packing. Hi-o.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: Is it possible for a shirt like that to hold in breasts of that magnitude? That's a great topic for a 6th grade science fair project.
  • Mini Dress Of Power: Maia's skirt is creeping up on her like a pack of ninjas.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: Maia says "Hi boys!" before kicking ass, but since she uses guns, it might be more specifically called shooting ass. Then again, maybe stick with kicking ass.
  • Under Boobs - Underboobs is an understatement. Maia looks like she bought her shirt at a clothing store for Chihuahuas.


Maria is a Lovable Nerd, who works at a University. She blogs under the name of "I am named Maria", where she speculates about the nature of reality.


  • Messy Hair: How many hours in the morning does Maria spend to get her hair that messy?
