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Characters / Street Fighter X Tekken

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Console-exclusive characters/Guest Fighters

    Cole MacGrath
Is this man a hero, or a villain?
"So you're the one standing in my way."

Guest Fighter for: PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita
Debut: inFamous
Origin: Empire City, U.S.A
Fighting Style: Self-Taught
Voice Actor: Jason Cottle

A former bike messenger from Empire City, who was given powers when a package (i.e. the Ray Sphere device) he was delivering explodes, cause the city to fall into anarchy. Now with the ability to manipulate electricity as a weapon, Cole must use his powers to defend the innocent from the arrival of The Beast, a being intent on destroying the very fabric of reality.

  • Improbable Weapon User: His two-pronged amp from inFamous 2, which he uses as a club.
  • Shock and Awe: Like In his games, he has electrical powers.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: His Pandora transformation unlike other characters glows red, being based off of Evil Cole. He even yells "Karmic Overload" after activating it.
  • Trash Talk: Whenever he beats someone, he says this:
    "When you learn how to fight, call me."
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Has received no formal training in martial arts, but makes up for it with his powers and the Amp, alongside his normal brawling skills. In short, his fighting style can be summed up as "punch, kick, hit with weapon, burn opponent to crisp with lightning powers".
  • Role Reprise: Jason Cottle, the original voice actor for Cole from the first inFAMOUS game reprised his role in this game. Interestingly, he did not reprise his role in inFamous 2 due to Sucker Punch wanting Eric Ladin for motion capture and voice performance.
  • Spectacular Spinning: His Ionic Vortex super art, originally one the four Ionic powers usable in inFamous 2.
  • What the Hell, Player?: When Cole is sacrificed for his Partner's Pandora mode he mumbles "You Bastard..."

    Mega Man
Middle Aged Hero!
"This is... my destiny."

Guest Fighter for: Free DLC for PS3 and Vita
Debut: Original Generation (Technically Mega Man)
Origin: The year 20XX
Fighting Style: Designed by Dr. Light
Voice Actor: Naoki Koshida / Chris Cason

Not necessarily that one. What you've got here is the interpretation of the Blue Bomber from the infamous North American box art for the original game, often known as Bad Box Art Mega Man. Not content with simply porting over that vision of Mega Man, the one presented in Street Fighter X Tekken appears as if he spent the last 20 years on the couch, then suddenly wants to get back into the action.

While he's overweight and bears a butt-chin with stubble, and his outfit barely fits anymore, he's still plenty nimble and strong. Like on the aforementioned cover, he wields a handheld blaster gun as opposed to the real Mega Man's arm cannon.

  • Acrofatic: Despite being out of shape, Mega Man still seems more than eager to throw his hat (or helmet, as it were) into the ring. Special mention goes to his Cross Art — where he leaps over the opponent and shoots them in the back — and being able to consistently perform somersaults and lift opponents above his head (and then throw them across the screen) with one arm.
  • Adaptational Job Change: Downplayed. While they're both blue-clad superheroes, this incarnation of Mega Man — instead of being a lab assistant to Doctor Light like his Classic self — is a Diggernote  working under Roll, much like MegaMan Volnutt. It's how he gets involved in the game's events, when she tasks with finding the Box in Antarctica so its mysterious powers can be studied.
  • Adaptational Ugliness: A very much intentional example. In direct contrast to his Classic incarnation's younger, cleaner anime-influenced self, this Mega Man is based on the already-terrible look he had in the US cover art for Mega Man, where he's a middle-aged guy in an awkward, ill-fitting blue and yellow costume with a pistol. It's dialled up even more here with his stubble, more wildly-expressive face, and extra weight.
  • Adaptational Weapon Swap: Downplayed. While it's still referred to as the Mega Buster, Bad Box Art Mega Man's weapon takes the form of a handheld ray gun-like pistol instead of the Arm Cannons used by the various other incarnations of Mega Man. It can also still use Charge Shots and at least two Robot Master weapons (Ice Man's Ice Slasher and Elec Man's Thunder Beam).
  • Affectionate Parody: Despite the very, very bad timing of when he was announced and released — see Take That! below — the inclusion of Bad Box Art Mega Man in SFxT was intended from the get-go as a fun parody of the first game's infamous box art, making him his own hammy, exuberant self who takes influence from various incarnations (most notably Rock and Volnutt) of the character.
  • Call-Back: Even beyond this Mega Man being based off the infamous US box art for the first game, several of his attacks — most notably his Heavy Kick, Mega Uppercut and Mega Buster shots — are directly lifted from his Classic incarnation in the first two Marvel vs. Capcom games.
  • Calling Your Attacks: When he uses his Mega Cannon Super Art, Mega Man indulges in this:
    Mega Man: Take this! MEGA BUSTER!
  • Charged Attack: His Mega Buster special can be charged up (by holding the Punch button) to inflict more damage, and his Mega Cannon Super Art has him fire off a supercharged shot to deal lots of damage.
  • Composite Character: His color scheme and... looks come from the American Mega Man Box Art, his attacks and some elements of his design come from the actual original Mega Man game, his backstory is based off Volnutt, and the background on his official art resembles Doctor Wily's Castle from Mega Man 2.
  • Dub Name Change: To reinforce that this bad-box-art incarnation is purely a playful jab at the American cover art, he's called Mega Man — as opposed to Rockman — in Japan as well.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Implied. One of his titles even refers to him as "Roll's Servant".
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His first appearance was in the very first trailer for the game, as an in-joke back then. More than a year later, he was introduced as a playable character.
  • Expy: Besides his partial basis on the classic Mega Man, his description eerily resembles Mega Man Volnutt's, even describing him as a human "Digger". Fans did not ignore this.
  • Fandom Nod: His win quote: "I could do that again! Not three times, though. Nobody wants the third of something with ol' Mega Man." Yeah, subtle.
  • Hot-Blooded: Downplayed. Mega Man's bio notes that while he can be hot-tempered and easily rattled when backed into a corner, he's very polite and has a strong sense of justice.
  • Joke Character: Admit it, no one can take him seriously with the way he looks.
  • Large Ham: He fits this trope to a tee, talking in a loud and hammy superhero-esque voice.
  • Level 1 Music Represents: A variation. Mega Man's theme when fought as a sub boss by the Tekken characters is a remix of Cut Man's theme, the first boss who most players generally go for. His Arcade intro has a remix of Guts Man's theme (with the first game's Game Over jingle at the end), as well.
  • Mission Control: Roll acts as this in Mega Man's opening, ending and some of his after-match quotes.
  • Perma-Stubble: In fitting with his middle-aged look, Mega Man has visible stubble on his face.
  • Power Copying: Not present as a game mechanic, but several of Mega Man's attacks derive from the copied powers of the Mega Man Robot Master bosses:
    • Freeze Ray: Ice Man's Ice Slasher, which travels slower than the standard Mega Buster but freezes the opponent in place for an instant.
    • Lightning Gun: Elec Man's Thunder Beam, which splits three ways to zap opponents, but for some reason can only be used when airborne.
    • Super-Strength: His forward throw — where he lifts his opponent clean above his head with one arm and tosses them — is based off, and named after, Guts Man's Super Arm.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: Other characters have some critical statements about his... unusual attire.
    Cole: You look like your closet threw up on you.
    Dudley: Your wardrobe is quite... curious. Is that standard issue where you come from?
    Ken: Maybe I shouldn't ask, but where'd you get that weird outfit?
  • Shoryuken: Mega Man has one in the form of his Mega Uppercut, which the original Mega Man used in the first two Marvel vs. Capcom games.
  • Stylistic Suck: Invoked on the whole with his design, being based off the character from the infamous American Mega Man box art... but about twenty years later, with all the aging that comes with it.
  • Take That!: Averted, though one might not expect it considering the events that transpired around the time the game came out. Some people thought his inclusion in this form was a jab at the fans of Mega Man by Capcom, considering Mega Man Legends 3 was recently cancelled and Inafune had just left the company around the release of the game. However, Inafune himself was partly responsible for his inclusion in this form and thought it was rather funny. In the end, it all just came down to bad timing rather than ill will.
  • Twinkle Smile: One of his win poses, where he poses with his gun and smiles with an audible gleam sound.
    Mega Man: No time to relax! (ding)
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Friend: Roll's appearance in his prologue invokes this, with her being a beautiful and shapely (if slightly bossy) woman in her mid-twenties as opposed to the young girl she's usually depicted as.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Or rather, "Why Did It Have To Be A Yellow Dot In A Mini-Mecha?". For some reason, in the Rival Battle cutscenes, he is terrified of Pac-Man and his Mokujin Mecha; to the point where he screams and falls over in fright. This is a Call-Back to the original trailer, which had an 8-bit Mega Man being chased by an 8-bit Pac-Man.
  • X-Ray Sparks: As opposed to his original self being a super fighting robot, Mega Man's skeleton shown from being electrocuted shows that he's clearly human. With the aforementioned references to Mega Man Legends though — where Mega Man Volnutt was also a human wearing armor — this might be intentional.

Dot Eater

Guest Fighter for: Free DLC for PS3 and Vita
Debut: Pac-Man
Origin: Unknown
Fighting Style: Self-Designed for the robot
Voice Actress: Debi Derryberry

Namco's mascot character, the little yellow circle that eats up pellets and gets harassed by a squad of ghosts while navigating a maze. In Street Fighter X Tekken, Pac-Man boards a big robot that looks like Mokujin from Tekken in order to compete. The robot is capable of firing lasers and Pac-Man is seen helming it from the top. Sometimes Pac-Man himself will get involved (such as head-butting his opponent).

  • Bamboo Technology: Look closely, and you'll see that most of his Mini-Mecha is made of wood.
  • Depending on the Writer: How Capcom is describing Pac-Man is somewhat creepy and doesn't match up to how the Dot Eater would develop; this little guy does not have a wife nor a little kid, or a personality for that matter. This Pac-Man seems to be a literal personification of the hungry yellow creature from his first game, who had no character whatsoever.
    "A living being whose origin and motive are wrapped in mystery. It is an omnivorous life form that consumes anything in its path"
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His first appearance was in the very first trailer for the game, as an in-joke back then. More than a year later, he was introduced as a playable character.
  • Eye Beams: Fired from his Mini-Mecha as part of his Super Art, with a portion of the Pac-Man theme playing during them.
  • Kaiju: His ending has him become a giant sized version of his sprite, treating a city as a maze.
  • Mini-Mecha: Pac-Man rides atop a Mokujin-inspired robot.
  • Mythology Gag: If Pac's moves seem familiar, they should. A hip drop, flash kick, Pac-Dot projectile and chargeable dashing attack? These all coorellate to the Butt Bounce, Flip Kick, Pac-Dot Shot, and Rev Roll from the Pac-Man World series. His punches also share a similar sound effect to what they were in Pac-Man World 3, and he's been known to grow larger under his own volition in the original game's animations. The only move that absolutely cannot be appended to anything he's ever done would be the Pac-Laser.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Pac-Man occasionally leaves the Mokujin-like robot to attack the opponent himself, mainly in his throws and his Cross Art.
  • Use Your Head: Delivers a leaping headbutt as the final move of his Cross Art.

    TORO and KURO
The cat who wants to be human
Two Dimensional Justice
"Here we go!"
"Don't underestimate me!"

Guest Fighter for: PlayStation 3 and Playstation Vita
Debut: Doko Demo Issho
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Ansatsuken (TORO), Mishima-Style Karate (KURO)
Official Tag Partner: Each other

  • Adaptational Badass: Toro and Kuro are just regular cats, although living human lives, in their series; they don't have combat abilities. Here however, Toro and Kuro became fighting experts.
  • Badass Adorables: They may be adorable little kitty cats, but make no mistake, they will kick ass!
  • Comically Missing the Point: Toro's win quote against Juri: 'You keep saying how good it feels, but to be honest I just think that hurt.'
  • Creator Cameo: Toro with Ryu's style is supposed to represent Yoshiori Ono; while Kuro with Kazuya's style represents Katsuhiro Harada.
  • Funny Animal: Toro and Kuro lives as perfectly normal human beings.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Kuro, for impersonating Kazuya's Walking Shirtless Scene lifestyle.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Toro and Kuro are best friends, more closer to each other than their other animal friends from their world, also they live next to each other.
  • Joke Character: They have very small hitboxes and are pretty slow when not jumping. Sadly their shortness doesn't do them any favors, and they still get hit by an attack any other character would. On the other hand...
    • Lethal Joke Character: They do have all the moves of Ryu and Kazuya and their strength is more or less at the same levels as their human counterparts.
  • Martial Arts Headband: Toro sports a copy of Ryu's red headband, but with Sony's trademark PlayStation buttons in it.
  • No Biological Sex: Toro and Kuro have no specified gender in their series, although living generic male bachelor lives could be a hint. In this incarnation at least Kuro can be seen as male, as his description states his likes for company of beautiful women.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Both cats kept their personalities from their home series; Toro is a extremely happy and outgoing cat, quite impulsive at that (Red Oni), while Kuro is more level headed and likes to keep his cool (Blue Oni).
  • Series Mascot: of Sony Computer Entertainment, only applied to Toro, as Kuro is a less advertised creation kept only in Doko Demo Issho games.
