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Characters / Shadowstone Park

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Main Characters



The protagonist of the series. A talking cat who sees ghosts and uses this power to solve murders and to protect Shadowstone Park.



Lark's pelican friend. She helps transport Lark around the area.

  • Beware the Quiet Ones: She doesn't speak much, but can very easily pin a Harpy Eagle to the ground.
  • Heroic Build: Pecan has a six-pack, despite being a Pelican.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Judging from Lark's responses, Pecan's vocalizations hold more meaning than it would initially appear.
  • Talking Animal: Averted. Pecan is the only non-insane animal that can not talk.

Recurring Characters



King of the Birds and friend of Lark. Was viciously murdered in episode three.

  • Creepy Souvenir: His secret hoards of skulls.
  • Distinction Without a Difference: When Lark deduces that another bird killed Darius he loudly proclaims that never thought he'd see the day ... and that he always knew it would happen.
  • Dark Secret: His secret hoard of squirrel skulls, his secret hoard of wolf and dog skulls, and his hoard of owl skulls.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Sewed shut, and blind.
  • The Good King: He ruled with wisdom, patience, and grace. Subverted when his secret is revealed.
  • Grave Robbing: Collected skulls from squirrels, wolves, dogs, and owls, but wasn't a killer.
  • I'm Going to Hell for This: He doesn't want to cross over because he firmly believes he'll go to owl hell for the above trope.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: "Hoo and Boo, I'm a ghost owl!"
  • Non-Answer: When Zoot reveals his Dark Secret he simply says "No comment" and "I can neither confirm nor deny".
  • Spanner in the Works: As revealed in Fall Episode 8, he served as this- at least on a small scale- to the evil deity which has taken over the Shadowstone. At some point in the past, Darius wandered into the interior of the Shadowstone and, not fully understanding the situation, placed a request for as many skulls as the ship's AI was willing to part with. This resulted in the AI allocating ninety percent of the ship's energy to synthesizing skulls for the now-deceased king, resulting in the ship taking much longer to fully reactivate than it would have otherwise and giving Ava a chance to arrive in the park and start causing more serious trouble for the deity.



A ghost that died long ago and that lives in a cave under Shadowstone Park.

  • A God Am I: In episode 2, they declare themself a god, claiming to have "sacred designs to change everyone's shape". They try to anoint Lark as their prophet, but he respectfully declines.
  • Creepy Good: They think that death is better than life and that everyone but them has the wrong shape. Yet so far they've only been helpful to Lark, even saving him from Crush.
  • Cryptic Conversation: Nil knows more about what's going on then anyone else, but they consistently talk in long, rambling, cryptic, metaphors, making it very difficult for Lark to parse any useful information from their conversations.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Loom finds them disgusting, and even Lark is uncomfortable around them.
  • Meaningful Name: Nil's name is a synonym for "nothing", befitting for someone whose origins are unknown and believes that there is no real reason for anyone to keep living.
    • Once their backstory is revealed in Fall Episode 7, it takes on an entirely different meaning: in his species' culture, an individual's name refers to the number of lives they are responsible for, with a decrease in the number being a mark of shame because they failed to keep those in their care safe. The one we know calls themself "Nil"- zero- because they ultimately had to give an order which killed their entire crew, including themself.
  • Religion of Evil: Believes that being alive is a sin and that everyone but them has the wrong shape.
  • Time Abyss: Was dead well before Lark started seeing ghosts, and claims to be ancient.



The King of the snakes. He likes to sit in a golden chalice.

  • Creepy Good: He has a fetish for being pooped on and humiliates Lark, but he is willing to cooperate with Lark's investigation.
  • Fetish: Being pooped on. He pays money for it.
  • Hidden Depths: Although he outwardly presents himself as a proud pervert and hoarder of wealth, Zoot reveals at his funeral that he was actually very altruistic, doing all manner of good deeds in secret. Chalice seems to be embarrassed by this reveal and hopes that heaven will still allow him to indulge in his fetishes.
  • Lonely at the Top: Claims that none of his snake subjects talk to him because of his obscene wealth. Though it might be for other reasons.
  • Treasure Room: Downplayed. His open-air palace is littered with gold coins and gems, but there are no real piles and they are spread sparely on the grass.



A bear who carries around a pocket bag.

  • Deus ex Machina: In the second episode, he rescues Lark from the corrupted rabbits because he just so happened to be in the area. Subverted in that Lark says he lives nearby.
  • Namesake Gag: He likely named himself "Pocket" because of the pocket bag he carries everywhere. When he loses it, a giant leaf flies into his hands, leading him to rename himself "Leaf". Similarly, his recognition of Broom's body falters whenever their broom falls out of their hands.
  • Stupid Good: He's a nice guy, but apparently might not be very bright, as he wrongly inferred that Loom the rabbit was a bear.



A surly newcomer from outside the park, who seems to know much more than she lets on.

  • Brooklyn Rage: She has a thick New York / Jersey accent and is quite rude to Lark.
  • Good All Along: She reveals she came to the park to save its residents from the destructive powers of the Shadowstone.
  • I See Dead People: Turns out to also have the ability to see ghosts, just like Lark.
  • Pet the Dog: Seems to genuinely get along with Baggie the turtle by the end of their conversation.

Other Characters



A horse who wears gloves. He was murdered by Crush while eating oats.

  • Body Horror: His attempts to recreate his gloves before crossing over culminate in this.
  • It's All About Me: He stole oats and had something of an ego.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Named "gloves" because he wore gloves on his horse hooves. Crush found it so un-funny she murdered him over it.



A Harpy Eagle who murdered Gloves.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: Murdered Gloves for having an unfunny joke.
  • Dying as Yourself: At the request of Lark, Crush agrees to leave Shadowstone Park while she is still lucid enough to do so on her own. Unfortunately she doesn't manage to, resulting in her murdering Darius and kidnapping Lark.
  • Sanity Slippage: Crush slowly went insane, culminating in her murdering Gloves.



A rabbit who was murdered by others.



Darius' successor and new Queen of the Birds.

  • The High Queen: Arrives with Pecan to rescue Lark from a building he is stranded on. States that it is her duty to protect her subjects and allies.
  • Warts and All: When giving Darius' eulogy she states that the late Owl King ruled with wisdom, patience, and grace. She also reveals that Darius was "a deviant skull weirdo".



A mongoose who died years before the events of the series.

  • Bold Explorer: Likes exploring the ruins of the world.
  • Jerkass: He liked punching people for no reason, so much so they started calling him Punches. As a ghost, he taunts Lark about how the cat is stuck on a building, and outright refuses to answer any more questions before leaving.
    Punches: "I was a jerk both in life and in death!"
