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    République Populaire du Peuple Français 
Ideology: Ultranationalist

Bitter and resolute stands France! After suffering the most humiliating defeat in French history, which included the loss of the prized territories of Alsace and Lorraine, the French General Assembly voted unanimously to pass a Motion of no confidence in the government of ??. A rapid succession of highly unpopular social democrats and conservative politicians succeeded this period of high instability, as France was continually humiliated as she was forced to hand over the Lion's share of her colonial possessions, along with being burdened through a crippling war debt that ensured her already failing economy would seemingly never recover. The election of the ultra-right wing PRPPF has resulted in the implementation of a absolute dictatorship that has vowed to restore French pride and all costs.


Joseph Darnand
Party: Parti Populaire Français
Ideology: Ultranationalist
In many ways, Joseph Darnand epitomizes the tragedy and deep internal conflict of his nation. A veteran of the war, and a proud French patriot, Joseph Darnand served in a anti-communist paramilitary in the direct aftermath of the armistice, as the French government was incapable of putting down the March riots that paralyzed Paris for several days. After a failed attempt at running as a independent nationalist in the elections of 24', Darnand joined the nascent PPF and quickly established himself as a capable orator. Addressing the social and governmental incompetence that angered many voters, Darnand won the elections of 39' with ease. His mandate is as of yet only recently established, and there are several paths before him. Many in the party believe that the era of French democracy is a regrettable mistake, and desire to see a strong leader rule the nation free from any pretentions of free elections. After all, how else can France reassert her power?


    Deutsches Kaiserreich 
Ideology: Reactionary Democracy

Germany stands triumphant, exerting her power from the Crimea to the Congo. The German ambition to have a place in the sun has at last been achieved. However, the reality of German power is one thing on paper, another in reality. A immense and corrupt bureaucracy, a powerful and increasingly discontent army, and a powerful but bloated navy are but a few of the many problems facing Germany in 1940. Discontent grows in Poland and the fires of revolution are already reaching the easternmost borders of the Reich. The Kaiser is increasingly old and paranoid, and a powerful clique of military officers sees the monarchy as nothing but a drag on the true potential of German greatness. Will the German Empire die in it's infancy?

  • 0% Approval Rating: While the Kaiser is still fairly popular at the game start, a succession of crises and the bungled handling of the Congo Revolt and then the market crash that follows ensures that the anti-monarchist league in Germany grows all the stronger.
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The German Empire holds the largest amount of colonies and territories at the start of the game. Most of Eastern Europe and a large portion of Africa are under their boot.
  • All Take and No Give: Germany's aggressive policy of stripping the resources of her colonies ensures massive unrest and unpopularity. It also ensures that the Germany economy is entirely tied to the colonial holdings.
  • Black Shirt: There's a whole spectrum of extremism on the right and left that Germany can fall into. The worst party is easily the Party of National Salvation who are a party of the worst and most extreme on the left and right who can attempt a revolution if the Kaiser refuses to step down.
  • Evil Colonialist: The German colonies are among the most repressive in the world, with the French Indochina being the closest thing that might give the Germans a run for their money in terms of sheer cruelty. The German Congo is the best example of the brutality that the Germans use. The Congo essentially uses slavery, although the German government goes to great pains to cover up the full extent of their brutality. Most people, including the Kaiser, are blissfully unaware of how unpopular they actually are in their colonies.
  • Germanic Efficiency: The German economy is among the strongest at the game start, with a abundance of natural resources and a heavily industrialized heartland.
  • Vestigial Empire: Though Germany is definitely the most powerful nation at the game least on quickly becomes clear that the control Germany once asserted over their African and Easter European puppets has waned significantly over the years with some territories being controlled by them only on paper a good example of this is Kiev, who appears to be a good and compliant colony, but if one merely looks at the focus tree they will see what is actually going on


Kaiser Wilhelm II
Party: None
Ideology: Reactionary Democracy
Easily the most powerful man in Europe and arguably in the world, what a irony it is that Kasier Wilhelm II presides over the largest land empire in the world, and yet finds himself incapable of controlling his own court's intrigues and schemes. Rising to power in 1888, the old and increasingly decrepit Kasier finds himself powerless at the nexus of power that he played the greatest role in creating. His reign appears increasingly likely to end in a tragic death, or a even more tragic abdication. Heavy lays the crown.

  • The Alcoholic: Kaiser Wilhelm often turns to the bottle to cope with the extreme feelings of loneliness and isolation he struggles with. His alcoholism has a chance of increasing every month, which can culminate in a early death.
  • Caligula's Horse: There's a good chance every game that Kaiser Wilhelm will appoint his dog to be the economic minister. This helps make the economic crisis even worse and make the public aware of how senile the Kaiser really is.
  • Chaotic Neutral: The kaiser is depicted much as he really was. Definitely not a good guy, but not necessarily the blood stained monster of Allied propaganda. While the Kaiser in the game presides over a repressive Empire that cares little about the welfare of it's subjects, the Kaiser is largely blissfully ignorant of the true situation of the colonial subjects. Those around the Kaiser have a less favorable depiction.
  • Driven to Suicide: There is a small chance every game that Kaiser Wilhelm II will have a massive bout of depression and commit suicide in his private bunker.
  • Lonely at the Top: The game depicts the bleak and lonely isolation the Kaiser feels as he increasingly feels isolated and sidelined by the nobles and generals he once trusted.

Kaiser Wilhelm III
Party: None
Ideology: Authoritarian Regime
After the death of the Kaiser, there is a chance for his son to inherit the throne, depending on what options the player went with in the event chains leading up to the Kaiser's death. If the Kaiser is deposed, there is no chance of his son ascending to power as the the throne will have been abolished. Wilhelm III is more extreme than his father, and is a unashamed militarist who will more than likely lead Germany to total ruin. His reign will either end in the London Pact invading or in a socialist revolution.

  • Black-and-White Insanity: Wilhelm III believes he is a modern day crusader, fighting for the Germanic race against a dark alliance of "subhumans" and their British puppetmasters. He believes it his destiny to triumph in this fight, or heroically die trying.
  • Embodiment of Vice: Wilhelm III is a hedonist to the core. He becomes infamous throughout Germany as a morally corrupt person. His crowning ceremony is purely secular as no clergyman will crown such a morally bankrupt character.
  • Irrational Hatred: Wilhelm III has a irrational hatred and fear of the Russians due to his experiences on the Eastern front when partisans tried to assassinate him. He conducts a bloody and potentially failing campaign against the Baltic and Russian partisans.
  • The Social Darwinist: Wilhelm III believes in a racist and destructive view of the world that sees everything through the lens of race and class. Germans, and particularly Prussian noblemen, are viewed as the highest evolutionary rung of the ladder. Wilhelm's pro-prussian policies make him very unpopular with the rest of Germany. There's a specific event chain where Wilhelm can fire any minister that isn't Prussian. Needless to say, this has terrible results.

Leaders (If Kaiser Abdicates)

'Hermann Goering
Party: National Revival Party (Moderate Nationalist Wing)
Ideology: Reactionary Democracy
If the Kaiser abdicates, Herman Goering is one of the most popular figures on the right to potentially take his place. Promising limited reforms, but also promising to hold on to the colonial territories of the Reich, Goering is able to attract many moderate nationalists and some centrists. His war experience will also make him fairly popular with the veterans. Goering has a good chance to actually bring some semblance of stability to the empire and is the most moderate candidate to have a serious chance of winning. Low-level corruption and drug addiction can become problems if unchecked, however.
  • Corrupt Politician: While Goering is one of the better choices for Chancellor, he certainly isn't above skimming of the top of government funds from time to time. He even has unique mechanics that allow him to buy luxury items with confiscated funds. He receives bonuses for doing so, so taking the high road and being uncorrupt will be uncommon.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: Unlike his much darker and evil path in our otl, Goering is actually on of the better candidates in the German Referendums. At least he has a chance of bringing actual serious reform to the evil and repressive colonial system, even though he will still keep it in place. He's far from perfect however, and isn't above some petty low-level corruption here and there.
  • White Man's Burden: While he advocates for some reforms, Goering still believes in the colonial system at the end of the day. He believes it is the duty of the German people to uplift the "lesser races," which include Slavs, Africans, and Chinese. He is still a racist, albeit one of the "less evil" ones.

'Alfred Hugenberg
Party: National Revival Party (Ultranationalist Wing)
Ideology: Ultranationalism
If the Kaiser abdicates, Alfred Hugenberg is one of the least likely to win an out and out election. In fact, the odds of him coming to power unless chosen to by the player is very unlikely. Which is a fortunate thing for Germany and the world, as Hugenberg is one of the most extreme nationalists on the right. He believes Germany should return to Germanic paganism, and that perpetual warfare brings out the best in man. Originally a staunch monarchist, he has come to believe that monarchy is a corrupt and weak institution that no longer serves the interests of the German nation.
  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: Hugenberg believes that perpetual warfare will bring out the best in the German character, and as such has a plan for endless wars across the world that will inevitably bring down the German nation. Hugenberg doesn't care. If the German's can't conquer the world, they are not a worthy race in his mind.
  • Blinded by Rage: Several events strongly indicate those around Hugenberg fear his rage. Hugenberg is known to be an alcoholic and is not above hurling bottles at those who bring him bad news.
  • Blood Knight: Hugenberg has a love of war and everything associated with it. Indeed, he even goes so far as to say that war is man's noblest invention. He is highly popular amongst the small but powerful militarist wing of the Imperial army.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: While the original Hugenberg was far from a saint and even played an active role in the rise of the NSDAP OTL, he wasn't quite the monster he is portrayed to be in this timeline.

'Karl Liebknecht
Party: National Revival Party (Socialist Wing)
Ideology: Authoritarian Socialism
If the Kaiser abdicates, Karl Liebknecht has the highest chances of winning the elections. He will be the choice the AI makes most often. Karl Liebknecht is the most vocal opponent of militarism and nationalism in Germany. Karl wants to implement an Authoritarian government that will impose top-down socialism throughout the nation. He justifies his authoritarianism by pointing out the strongly entrenched conservative upper class that has dominated German politics for years. Next to Hugenberg, Karl will be one of the darker paths that Germany can take. He will implement many reforms and brutal policies that will turn Germany into a Soviet-style dictatorship.

    Deutsche Sozialistische Union 
Ideology: Authoritarian Socialism

If Karl Liebknecht wins the 1942 elections, or if he triumphs in the German Civil War, the German Socialist Union is formed. The German Socialist Union is highly authoritarian, resembling a Stalinist dicatatorship OTL, with the one exception that Karl isn't super big on the personality cult thing. He does, however, create a "Cult of the Worker" that seeks to idealize the German factory worker and virtually creates a new religion of it in the whole process. The German Socialist Union has several paths it can go down, however it will almost inevitably end up being highly centralized, super-industrial, and anti-rural. Liebknecht believes that both the upper classes and farmers are reactionary classes that should be "almost fully liquidated." He will pursue a highly antagonistic policy toward the London Pact, believing liberal democracies to be nothing but a front for capitalist exploitation.

  • Black Market: The black market can become EXTREMLY powerful in Germany due to the extreme market controls and can become a major problem in the mid to late game. Though it is not directly stated, France is strongly suspected to be involved in this Black Market and has several bonuses that indicate that even if they aren't behind the black market directly, they are reaping the rewards from it.
  • Executive Meddling: The constant market interference can cause major problems for the Union, making one of the most industrialized nations on earth also one of the most inefficient and hamstrung.
  • Red Is Violent: The dark red coloring of the the Union's borders and flag give a good indication as to the true character of the nation.
  • People's Republic of Tyranny: While the People's Chairman supposedly rules in the name of the working class, the reality is that Germany has exchanged one bad tyrant for one even worse. One of focuses in the early Liebknecht route actually allows him to fully dissolve the Reichstag after it mysteriously burns down (sound familiar?) and centralize all power in his "Supreme People's Council"
  • The Purge: This is pretty much Liebknecht's first steps by necessity if he is too hold on to absolute power. The old officer class and most of the Kaiser's old advisors and cabinet are made to 'disappear' to keep them from conspiring.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: The whole philosophy of the Union is geared towards achieving a true worker's paradise, whatever the cost. Nevermind the mass executions, the secret police, and the endless propaganda that comes out of the "Ministry of Truth"
  • We ARE Struggling Together: After roughly a decade of united rule, Liebknecht's death when he is 'accidentally' killed in a plane crash a massive power struggle breaks out, which can cause the 2nd German Civil War


'Karl Liebknecht
Party: National Revival Party (Socialist Wing)
Ideology: Authoritarian Socialism
If the Kaiser abdicates, Karl Liebknecht has the highest chances of winning the elections. He will be the choice the AI makes most often. Karl Liebknecht is the most vocal opponent of militarism and nationalism in Germany. Karl wants to implement an Authoritarian government that will impose top-down socialism throughout the nation. He justifies his authoritarianism by pointing out the strongly entrenched conservative upper class that has dominated German politics for years. Next to Hugenberg, Karl will be one of the darker paths that Germany can take. He will implement many reforms and brutal policies that will turn Germany into a Soviet-style dictatorship.
