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The Newcomers


The King of Heroes, most powerful Servant of them all. Strong, full of magic, exceeds all men, and a massive jerk. The first true Servant now entering Remnant, and may just make a change...Assuming he can find a way to civilization.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: Nobody likes Gilgamesh. Nobody. So when his capsule is blown up with him gone...everyone cheered for his supposed demise.
  • Berserk Button: Once he detects Ishtar's presence in Remnant, he loses his temper and charges in her direction.
  • Disney Villain Death: After Ishtar defeats him, she carries him into the sky and drops him. He most likely survived, but for now, he's out of the picture.
  • Guilt by Association Gag: He finds anybody associated with Ishtar is enough for him to kill them.
  • Unwitting Test Subject: Gilgamesh was begged to enter the capsule, and does so after much of it. In truth, Chaldea had him enter so they can test if it's safe for other Servants. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, then oh well.
  • Worf Had the Flu: He loses to Ishtar because he isn't receiving any mana from the Master, while Ishtar's mana is replenished by the cheers of the people.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He tried to kill some school children just because they were cheering for Ishtar. Ishtar blocked his attack.
