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Characters / Pathfinder Classes

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Every once in awhile, you get that urge to make that perfect character. But how do you do it? Will you copy fictional works and go for a conniving thief? How about a stupid bard?

Perhaps you will try to do something less overdone than a Drizzt Do'urden clone, or perhaps you will choose a simple meat shield fighter to give your wizard less to complain about. Either way, here are the incomplete lists of published classes, prestige classes, and — in the case of Second Edition — archetypes. Good luck.

Due to the length of the page and the sheer amount of classes from two separate editions, the page has been split into classes from the First Edition and classes from the Second Edition.

Note: For the iconic characters based on some of these classes, see Pathfinder Iconics. Back to the main characters page.

Alternative Title(s): Pathfinder
