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Characters / Middle Man

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A crazy hitchhiker who was picked up by Lenny on his way to Vegas.
Portrayed by: Andrew J West
  • Bad Guy Bar: The Yuck Stop, where Hitch and Lenny become regulars.
  • Bad Samaritan: Hitch is helping Lenny's career so that he makes money for Hitch to pay off his debt.
  • Bromantic Foil: Lenny's crazy companion who, despite telling him to go get laid, makes several suggestive comments and acts as if he cares a lot about Lenny.
    Hitch: Don't go peeking at my private parts!
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He kills everybody he hitchhikes with
  • The Corrupter: Is the reason for Lenny's descent into madness, and eventually Lenny kills Grail
  • Desert Bandits: He kills and robs several people in the Mojave Desert. He does not go elsewhere and it is unknown where else he has been.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: There is something obviously awful about Hitch, but Lenny is too hopeful to notice.
  • Disney Acid Sequence: Lenny dreams about being on the Monte Guy show, only for Monte to peel his skin off and reveal Hitch.
  • Embodiment of Vice: Being associated with the infamous 'Sin City' and in heavy debt to one of its richest people, then going on to exploit Lenny's desire for fame, Hitch is very clearly a symbol of vice and sin.
  • Establishing Character Music: TQ sings 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' as Lenny makes his deal with Hitch
  • Everyone Has Standards: Hitch despises how casinos exploit peoples' greed and expresses anger at the way certain people treat others with disrespect (possibly subverted as he uses it to his own advantage)
  • Evil Mentor: Hitch acts as a mentor and manager to Lenny, eventually driving him mad.
  • Fashionable Evil: His outfit is cool and camp, but many would consider him a villainous fashion victim.
  • Fighting the Lancer: Lenny goes along with him (reluctantly) until he has to kill him to save Grail
  • Flat Character: No matter how entertaining the viewers may find him, Hitch is mostly a caricature as the movie spoofs and references several older movies.
  • Hobos: Probably homeless. Hitchhikes literally everywhere.
  • Idealist vs. Pragmatist: Lenny is the idealist, wanting to audition for the Monte Guy show, while Hitch is the Pragmatist who encourages him to start small.
  • Indispensable Scoundrel: Lenny keeps him around because he wants to become a comedian, and later because they've killed too many people and he can't get out of it.
  • Insecure Protagonist, Arrogant Antagonist: The arrogant antagonist to Lenny's insecure protagonist.
  • NEET: Before the story, he was in debt and hitchhiking constantly. He loses this once he becomes Lenny's manager, but it isn't really a job.
  • Odd Friendship: Why are they hanging out? Grail definitely senses that something is up.
  • Serial Killer: He kills everyone he hitch-hikes with until Lenny offers him a job.
  • Would Hit a Girl: When he kidnaps Grail, he expresses reluctance to hurt her but prepares to go through with it.
