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Characters / Fritz the Cat

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A list of characters that appear in the franchise of Fritz the Cat.


  • Adaptational Heroism: In the original comics, he's a downright loathsome Villain Protagonist with few, if any, moral scruples. While he's hardly a role model in the movies, though, it's shown that he does have a heart and some standards, such as a hatred of rape and opposition to violence for its own sake.
  • Chick Magnet: Almost every female shown is attracted to him.
  • Jerkass: A womanizing, self-serving, pseudo-intellectual and cowardly slimeball who constantly takes advantage of others and is more than willing to screw them over if it benefits him, such as when he pulls a Screw This, I'm Outta Here from Harlem after inciting a riot (not even stopping to bat an eye at Duke, who was fatally shot while trying to get him out of the line of fire) and deliberately abandons Winston in the desert.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While Fritz is the farthest thing from a good person, he proves he isn't a monster in the first movie by trying to save Harriet from being raped and trying to stop the neo-Nazis from succeeding in their goal of blowing up the power plant. He tragically fails at both, but still.
  • The Stoner: One of his central traits.
  • Villain Protagonist: In the comics.

  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Tries to get Fritz away from the riot out of concern for his safety and ends up being killed by a stray bullet. To further add insult to injury, Fritz doesn't even notice this, and promptly forgets about him after leaving.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He gets about 10 minutes of screen time before his death.
