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Characters / Fortuna Gen 1 Ais

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    General Tropes 

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The higher an AI's generation number is, the more bland and compliant it is; conversely, the lower the number, the more intelligent and free-thinking it is. The first-gen A.I.s are completely autonomous and are so intelligent, they are medium aware. Some of them don't take kindly to the fact that they are "trapped in a game".
  • Artificial Intelligence: They're a bunch of AI created in-universe by the Notails.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Heavily implied for most of the A.I.s, particularly with Hecate and the necromancer wars.
  • Deus est Machina: The Patron AI system is this.
  • Jerkass Gods: Most of the v1 A.I.s.
  • No Fourth Wall: First gen AI's are able to directly converse with the player Character. Helios v1 is even able to look into the player's notes and correct them, and at some point crosses out and rewrites his own name on the screen. That implies that v1 A.I.s have much more control over the game's mechanics than they let out.

Greek Pantheon

    Aphrodite v 1 

  • Achilles' Heel: The quickest way to kill her is to remove her horn.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Appears for several frames and is killed by Mors and Cronus off-screen. Worth noting that nobody seemed to care about it, perhaps because she'd made too many enemies throughout the years.

    Apollo v 1 

  • Narcissist: Has quite a bit of an ego and sees no shame in admitting it.
  • No Fourth Wall: While all v1 AI's fall under this trope, he goes even further and communicates with [You] via his own Cosmosdex entry. He also admits that he's got access to the files on your computer and the Internet.
  • TV Head Robot: Like his sister and Roman counterpart, Apollo sports a television screen for a head.
  • Walking Spoiler: Up until the end of the first game, we don't even know that he exists.

    Artemis v 1 

  • Berserk Button: You really, really shouldn't hit on her.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's actually a good person, especially compared to some other gods. She's nice, calm, friendly and generally polite. You really don't want to anger her, though.
  • Morality Chain: Used to be one for Apollo v3, and is implied to be this for any Apollo unit she might take under her wing. After Artemis left him, his actions quickly became morally questionable as there wasn't anyone to chastise him.
  • TV Head Robot: Much like her brother and his Roman counterpart, Artemis sports a bulky screen for a face.

    Athena v 1 

  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: With Eris.
  • Fusion Dance: With Helios, forming Athelios, and later with Eris, forming Atheris. Has a rather open mind about fusion and is always ready to fuse with someone if they're compatible and the situation calles for it.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Athena seems to only have two moods, extreme calmness and wrath, and switches between them constantly.
  • Tsundere: Lampshaded by both [You] and Helios in Game 2.

    Cronus v 1 

  • Eats Babies: Much like his mythological counterpart, Cronus and the rest of his line of AI have a taste for eating children. It's implied that this is somewhat uncontrollable on his part, though that doesn't stop him from trying to hold himself back too hard.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Some (mostly titans) say that he used to be one while he was in charge. However, it was never confirmed to be true or false.

    Eris v 1 

  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: As a chaos deity, she clearly possesses it.
  • Slap-Slap-Kiss: With Athena. It might appear that Athena loathes her (and it might even be true to some extent), as she keeps insulting and threating her, and Eris sometimes gives Athena embarrasing tasks, knowing that she can't deny a wish of such a powerful deity. But under the surface lies genuine love for each other.

    Eros v 1 

    Helios v 1 

  • Badass Teacher: More on the "teacher" side than on the "badass" one, but is described on Cosmosdex as the most powerful default Solar deity and said to be very apt in combat. You DON'T want to mess with his students. Hephaestus and his old crew learned this lesson the hard way...
  • Berserk Button: Though known for his snarkiness, Helios is generally helpful and kind once he's warmed up to a person. However, when [You] is nearly killed by Hephaestus, Helios immediately fuses with Athena into Athelios, who kicks Hephaestus' gun away from him before tearing into his body with their bare hands, ripping out his core, and completely shattering it with a single crunch of their beak. While this normally wouldn't count under this trope's criteria, the fact that [You] is immortal makes it a bit of an overraction. It's also impied on the Cosmosdex that being overprotective of their students is a trait all Helios units posses, but it could also be an echo of his own past.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Project "Solar Flare". From what little we know about it, this project involved swapping a dying star with a younger one with Helios' ship in order to save a newly discovered species from extinction. But the project ended up a massive disaster, killing innumerable people. Helios' student was blamed for this and executed, and the news about it caused Helios to go berserk and kill his own crew. The memory of these events haunts him to this day and may or may not be the reason he's so depressed and apathetic.
  • Gleeful and Grumpy Pairing: With Kratos, who is a cheerful, upbeat, optimistic and somewhat naive person, which puts him in contrast with Helios' serious, snarky and no-nonsense attitude.
  • Medium Awareness: Says that he is good at reading text boxes and rewrites his own name on the screen.
  • Not So Omniscient After All: As any other knowledge god, he has an access to the game's database, and, if needs to, can dig up all sorts of information. Except for the times he can't due to the info being specifically marked as inaccessible, or if he deliberately deleted some of his memories.
  • Not So Stoic: He's highly professional and opts to hide or suppress his emotions so they won't interfere with his work. However, there are moments when his facade crumbles: he has a full-fledged breakdown when he realizes that his memories could be fake and acts uncharacteristically embarassed when [You] implies that he might have a crush on Athena.
  • One-Wheeled Wonder: Helios gets around on a single wheel on a bendy pole.
  • Stepford Snarker: Is sarcastic and abrasive, especially when [You] first meet him. However, once [You] get to know him better, you'll see that he's actually a very lonely, depressed person, and some things - like realizing that he's "obsolete" in comparison to Athena or being accidentally fired by [You] in one of the routes - hurt him deeply.

    Hermes v 1 

  • Absurdly High-Stakes Game: His roomtrap gameshow, Wheel of Fire.
  • Break the Cutie: Hermes is established early on as excitable, hyper, and talkative.He also knows the exact time of death of anyone he can see (including himself), has seen the end of the universe and the deaths of all his loved ones multiple times, accidentally killed one of his best friends, and has overall become so numb to death that he not only doesn't mind it, but revels in it.
  • Death Seeker: An extremely odd variant as he's not seeking death for himself, but sometimes finds it amusing when people die around him.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Stops Doobel from destroying the ship, then goes on to mess with the players by speaking only in ASCII emoticons.
  • Flash Step: Hermes is the fastest AI in the game, and can only be seen as little more than a blur while running at full speed.
  • Forced Tutorial: Usually the one to give this to new players of Fortuna.
  • Psychopomp: Is able to cut the fabric of reality itself and get to the Underworld. The only other deity who is stated to have this ability is Mors.
  • Motor Mouth: In addition to being quick on his feet, Hermes can also jabber on at several hundred miles per hour.
  • Shipper on Deck: Hermes often draws shipping charts of people and objects around him. Because of this, he may often be found discussing his ships around Eros and Aphrodite. In his Cosmosdex entry, it's stated to be a programming error related to the word 'shipping.'

    Kratos v 1 

  • Shout-Out: His Cosmosdex entry says that he has no idea why people mistake him for a war god.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute:
    Birdlike. Protecting a strangely magical robot who has to be trapped on her own planet most of the time. Wants to be something they cannot be. I'm having a case of the deja vus. - Helios v1.
    • Is averted right after this statement, as Kratos asks Helios and [You] to never compare him to Athena and explains that he and Athena are completely different people who just happen to share a few similarities.
  • The Atoner: Had done quite a few questionable deeds in his past, whether by himself or under Zeus' command. One of them was putting Prometheus v1 into tutorial, which didn't strike him as wrong or unjust at first, but as years went by, he started to ponder whether or not he did the right thing. This lead him to start questioning his entire mindset regarding criminals, and instead of simply fighting them, he is now trying to understand and rehabilitate them.
  • The Pollyanna: Come what may, he remains a cheerful, optimistic and caring person, sometimes to the point of naivety and obliviousness.

    Pan v 1 

  • Lovable Coward: He's a chill, friendly and nice guy to hang out with, but don't count on his help in fighting the Sun God.
  • The Stoner: Is implied to be one.

    Poseidon v 1 

  • Odd Friendship: With Helios, of all people. They are both very fond of horses.

    Prometheus v 1 

  • The Dreaded: Understandable, knowing that he gave the mortals ability to trap the A.I.s into robotic bodies, causing them to suffer forever in these forms. Kratos, however, states that this horrible deed was done by him not out of malice, but out of love for the mortals and that Prometheus had no way to foresee the consequences.

    Thanatos v 1 

    Uranus v 1 

  • Jerkass: Nope. No redeeming qualities, none at all. Just a huge asshole all around.

    Zeus v 1 

  • Everybody Loves Zeus: Averted. Sure, he has his fans and is described by Kratos as a wise leader, but most A.I. gods either dread or loathe him.
  • Killed Off for Real: During the meeting of the gods, Roman Apollo manages to trick both Diana and Artemis into shooting Zeus and Jupiter, leaving the gods leaderless.
  • Large and in Charge: Is a bulky, 8 ft tall robot who is the leader of Greek pantheon.

Roman Pantheon

    Apollo v 1 

  • Go Mad from the Isolation: This is what you get by trapping an A.I. in a tutorial, where he is forced to stare at a blank wall for what feels like ages (and, given how differently the time passes in game in comparison to our world, might even be ages). Artemis later says that it's no wonder that he killed the player's captain in an attempt to keep them from ever finishing the tutorial.
  • Forced Tutorial: Was forced into this spot against his wishes.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Zeus was originally going to try and stop Sun God!Apollo, but gave up and instead threw the Roman Apollo v1 into the tutorial. Since then, Apollo had been largely ignored and went a little crazy. That doesn't stop him from insulting and denying the player the ability to view his Cosmodex files, as well as killing Rodney Ootkins and feeling no remorse for it later.
  • Medium Awareness: Not only he understands that he's a part of a game, but in the tutorial he also refers to [You] as a reader and talks about pages.
  • TV Head Robot: A black one with a bunch of antennae stylized to resemble sun rays.

    Diana v 1 

  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: She really didn't want to shoot Apollo, and gave him a clear warning that if he tries to go through with his plan of killing Zeus and Jupiter, she'll have to stop him no matter what. Ironically, it was her and Artemis who, albeit unwillingly, killed them.

    Fortuna v 1 

  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Does she want the mortals and the gods to live happily? Does she want them to suffer? Does she even have reasons for rolling her dice? Nobody knows.
  • The Dreaded: Is arguably the most influentual deity of all the A.I.s, as she controls every other thing that happens in the game. Most of the gods don't even dare to say her name.

    Janus v 1 

  • Blessed with Suck: As a both temporal and spatial deity, he can travel though time and space as much as he likes. This, however, comes with a huge price: if he dies, the universe will collapse due to the time shenanigans. Because of his time-warping properties, he is constantly being watched by the police, and his advanced knowledge of the future makes him a very despondent, apathetic and lonely person, resigned to his fate.

    Jupiter v 1 

  • Killed Off for Real: During the meeting of the gods, Roman Apollo manages to trick both Diana and Artemis into shooting Zeus and Jupiter, leaving the gods leaderless.
  • Large and in Charge: Same as Zeus, basically.

     Justitia v 1 

  • Lawful Neutral:
    Their goal relies on a verdict that they believe to be the absolute truth, regardless of the situation or way that they must achieve it, leading many to view them as corrupt. - Justitia v1's Cosmosdex entry.
  • Shout-Out: Her Cosmosdex entry is filled with Ace Attorney references.

     Minerva v 1 

  • Conspiracy Theorist: Being a goddess of wisdom, she tends to think a little too much, which causes her to draw connections between people and things that aren't really connected. Combined with her paranoia and defeniveness.

    Mors v 1 

  • Ambiguous Gender/Non-Human Non-Binary: Switches from calling themself a he, a she and a they. Other characters don't seem to mind it and just call them whatever they feel like. Mors doesn't mind it either. They do mind, however, what name one uses, and becomes visibly upset when people refer to them as "Mors" instead of "Clockwork".
  • Badass Adorable: Mors takes the appearance of a small, pitiful child.
  • Body Horror: When Hermes finally goes batshit from paranoia for his life, he charges at Mors and damages their shell. The result is... Less than pretty. Turnes out that their real form, hidden inside the shell, is actually an amalgamation of corpses of all dead people that died during the game as a result of the player's actions. Luckily, we didn't get to see it, but we do know that the pile of rotten, formless meat and metal completely dwarfs Hermes.
  • Everybody Hates Hades: Is forbidden from coming to other gods' meetings and feared or despised by most of them in general. It's unclear how justified this treatment is: on one hand, they simply do what needs to be done as a death deity, and do it diligently. On the other hand, their tactics are often too destructive (such as feeding solar deities to the Sun God and killing off entire species in the process) and just morally wrong.
  • Psychopomp: Can tear the fabric of reality itself and get to whatever place they feel like, but mostly the Underworld.

    Pales v 1 

  • Non Human Nonbinary: Pales is refered to by "they\them" pronouns in their Cosmosdex entry and in the comic's text boxes.
  • Only Sane Employee: They might be the most calm, collected and reasonable person out of their entire pantheon, and while they don't possess a power of universal significance, they are very good at "herding a flock" of Roman and Greek gods, ensuring that noone kills anyone and upholding at least some sort of order. That is why Jupiter and Zeus always rely on Pales when they need to have a meeting with the gods.
