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Characters / Fire Emblem - Heroic Archetypes

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Somewhere between General Character Tropes and Class related tropes, the series is known for recurring archetypical characters that serve the same role either in gameplay, story or both. More explanation and archetypes can be found here.

Take note that some archetypes from the aforementioned link might not exist in this page, as well as some of the archetypes listed here might not exist in that page as well. Or Archetypes here may have different, probably looser definition than the link's definition, which means the examples could be different, but the core meaning remains similar. Archetypes can differ between communities.

To see the central character index for the entire Fire Emblem series, go here. To see the antagonist archetypes, go here.

As the heroic archetypes has grown so big, it has been split into multiple pages.

Alternative Title(s): Fire Emblem Heroic Archetype Tropes
