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    The Buckys 


The "main" Bucky of this universe. MCU-based. Eventually winds up in a relationship with the Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers from his universe.
  • Heroic BSoD: Bucky had some issues even before his Steve disappeared, and Steve's death really did a number on him.


A Bucky Barnes from a more Marvel 616-based universe, and the main driver of the universe-hopping plot.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He's very kind, especially to the more vulnerable members of the ensemble, but he's not above blatantly hitting on his alternate-universe counterparts.


A Bucky from a dystopian HYDRA-ruled alternate universe.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Sweetpea may have Pacific Islander or Native American ancestry. Or his dad could have been Italian. Sweetpea's an orphan, so he has no idea either way.
  • Badass Adorable: Sweetpea is terrifying in combat and weirdly endearing out of it.
  • Cuddle Bug: Sweetpea is very affectionate.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: He's a giant cyborg super soldier with filed teeth. Who goes by "Sweetpea."


Rebecca Barnes came from a universe in which she and Captain America were both women.
  • Action Girl: In this universe, she was the first Black Widow.
  • Dark Action Girl: As the Winter Soldier, although she's over that by now.


The Bucky from priest-Steve's universe.

Other Buckys

     The Steves 

S.G. "Seg" Rogers

Rebecca's counterpart and girlfriend, from a universe where Captain America and Bucky are both women.
  • Amazonian Beauty: She's over six feet tall and almost as muscular as the post-serum guy Steves.
  • Butch Lesbian: She had the attitude and the fashion sense even pre-serum.


The Steve Rogers from the same HYDRA-ruled dystopia as Sweetpea. Probably the scariest Steve.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Seriously, the scarred-up cyborg with a murderous vendetta goes by "Honey"?
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's a nice enough guy if you stay on his good side. If you don't, he's terrifying.
  • Handicapped Badass: Blind and has a cyborg hand due to injuries inflicted by HYDRA. He's learned to adjust.


Barnes's Steve. A Catholic priest when he isn't superheroing.


A Steve Rogers who until recently was the Winter Soldier, instead of his universe's Bucky. He has issues.


Sam Wilson

The Sam Wilson from the "main" universe, and a POV character. Winds up in a relationship with his universe's Bucky and Steve.
  • Delivery Guy: Delivers Stella's baby.
  • The Medic: Being former pararescue, he's the only member of the ensemble with real medical training, so he falls into this role.
