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Characters / Apollo 18 (2011)

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An astronaut who is sent on the mission to (Unknowingly) track and record audio from aliens. He ends up a victim of the aliens when the mission goes horribly wrong.

Tropes that apply to Anderson:

  • Protagonist: He is the main character of the film, as he's the one holding the camera and most of the creepy stuff is experienced by him.

  • Squick: One ending has his veins turning black as a sign of infection. It's not pretty, to say the least.

  • The Many Deaths of You: Three of the four alternate endings ends with Anderson dying, each one different from the last.

    • In the original ending, Anderson escapes into the Freedom and leaves the Moon's surface. Then the aliens attack and infect him, rendering him unable to properly control the ship. Grey then warns Anderson that he's going too fast. The footage then cuts off, implying that Anderson and Grey crash.
