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Characters / Ah Boys to Men

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Singapore Army

    Ninja Company 

Recruit/Corporal First Class Ken Chow
Portrayed by: Joshua Tan

The POV character for the first two movies. A disgruntled SAF recruit determined to "keng" training and avoid OCS (Officer Cadet School).

  • Draft Dodging: The sickness option. Len desperately tries to avoid his mandatory conscription by any means possible, aided by his mother and uncle, the latter of whom made excuses all the way to becoming a non-combat Storeman. Faking severe asthma to a Caucasian doctor and appealing to a Member of Parliament (MP), all these methods fail.
  • Hates Their Parent: Ken despises his father for advising him to prioritize his training above everything else and encouraging him to become an officer. He avoids him at every opportunity and rudely brushes off any of his attempts to advise. This eventually abates after his father is half-paralyzed in a car accident and Ken reconciles with him.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Was originally a rude and brusque person towards everybody, especially his father. Eventually the experiences of training and his father's near-fatal accident and paralysis makes him change for the better, including buying said father a new wheelchair and buying gifts for the family whenever he returns from camp.

Aloysius Jin aka Wayang King

Bang "Lobang" Lee Onn

Man In Ping aka IP Man

Ismail Mohammed

Muthu Shanmugaratnam

Alex Ong

Jed Heng

Kenneth Pang

Singapore Navy

    Naval Diving Unit 

Hei Long Shek Hak Long

Botak Lum



Ken's Father

Mary Chow

Ken's Twin Sisters

Ken's Uncle

Ken's Grandmother

Aloysius' Father

Lobang's Mother




Zhen Zi Dan
