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Characters / A Man of Iron, Asgardians

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The gods of Westeros, who have watched over them for thousands of years and have taken pilgrimages every generation. The people of Westeros worship them, but they clearly don't know anything about them.

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    In General 
  • Angel Unaware: Once every five centuries, they make pilgrimages to Planetos and live as mortals for roughly 25 years at a time, defending the people throughout their lives.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Each of the Asgardians we meet seems to have interacted with major figures in history.
  • Composite Character: The Norse pantheon meets the Faith of the Seven, with some of the other Westerosi religions added in for good measure.
  • Physical God: In their true identities, they would be indistinguishable from your average mortal.
  • Resurrective Immortality: When they're undertaking a pilgrimage on Planetos, they apparently are born in mortal bodies and grow up until they regain their powers and memories.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: The people of Westeros seriously missed their mark when they interpreted the gods. While Odin and Frigga were interpreted well enough, the others... weren't.
    • They gave Balder Mjölnir and Heimdall's beard, gave Thor the sword, and saw Sif as the Maiden.
    • Ægir's probably got it the worst, as his worshipers see him as a reaving pirate god and misinterpret the origin of his name as being from getting drowned battling Thor, when he was just pushed off a boat while drunkenly flirting with Sif. Ironically, the Ironborn's interpretation of Thor is far more accurate than the Andal interpretation, at least as far as appearance, armaments, and abilities are concerned, given that Theon was able to recognize him with a single glance.
  • Time Abyss: They are several thousand years old, with some of them being present for great historical events. Thor fought against the Others during the Long Night alongside Azor Ahai (Later confirmed to be this world's Captain America), while Sif was the one who tamed Sheepstealer under the incarnation of Nettles.


Odin Borson, the Father, the Allfather

The ruler of Asgard who is known as "The Father" among the people of Westeros. He is the father of Thor and Loki.
  • Big Good: He's the protector of Asgard and the Nine Realms, including Westeros.
  • God Is Good: He's a benevolent deity who desires to protect the Nine Realms.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: His own father craved power so much he murdered his parents for it, while Odin congratulates Thor for having the mental fortitude to refuse the crown.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Subverted. Cressen believed the Allfather would be disgruntled about his son Loki falling in love with a mortal, only for Shireen to reveal that Odin very much likes Marya's Brutal Honesty.
  • Self-Made Orphan: When he punished his father for killing his own parents and for craving more power.
  • So Proud of You: He expresses great pride when Thor acknowledges his flaws and renounces his claim to the throne, passing it to Loki.
  • The Three Faces of Adam: The Prophet. Odin is known for his cleverness and wisdom, and he's certainly old enough to have the looks.
  • You Remind Me of X: During her time in Asgard, Shireen notes Odin shows shades of all three Baratheon brothers' personalities: At feasts, he is affable and magnetically charming like Renly; in battle, he displays Robert's ferocity; and when the time comes to rule, Shireen sees her father in Odin.


Frigga, the Mother

The Queen of Asgard who is referred to as "The Mother" by the Westerosi. She is the mother of Thor and Loki.
  • Almighty Mom: She's the Goddess of Magic and mother to Thor and Loki. You can bet she is this.
  • The Hecate Sisters: As the Queen of Asgard, she's the Mother aspect and worshiped as such by the Andals.
  • The High Queen: Married to Odin the Allfather, she rules the gods themselves.
  • The Mentor:
    • Briefly, to Amora. Boy, did she regret it...
    • Also to Loki, who was her actual best student.
  • The Three Faces of Eve: The Wife, as Frigga is Odin's consort and The High Queen.


Sif, the Maiden

An Asgardian goddess and an old friend of Thor and Loki. Among those in Westeros, she is "The Maiden". Just don't bring it up around her.
  • Action Girl: She's one of the best warriors in the Nine Realms. Not like Westeros sees it though.
  • Berserk Button: Being called "The Maiden" is one for her. Seriously, she will bludgeon you if you bring it up.
  • Been There, Shaped History: During one of her mortal pilgrimages, she was the woman known as Nettles, who tamed the dragon Sheepstealer and played a fairly important role in the Dance of the Dragons.
    • She's the reason that the Drowned God is called such - the name is a nickname given to him when he was flirting with Sif, so she pushed him off a boat into a lake.
  • Dragon Rider: Under her alias Nettles, she tamed the wild dragon Sheepstealer which she brought to Asgard when her pilgrimage ended.
  • The Hecate Sisters: Subverted. She's the placeholder for the Maiden, but she's as far away as you can get from a Proper Lady.
  • One of the Boys: To the point that she believed they would tease her for pretending to be a Proper Lady.
  • The Three Faces of Eve: She fits much better the Child archetype than the Maiden from The Hecate Sisters, being tomboyish and adventurous.
  • Unwillingly Girly Tomboy: She would be quite conspicuous if she showed herself an Action Girl every time she goes on Midgard, so she occasionally has to play the Proper Lady — which is an explicit source of distress for her.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Since she feared her friends would mock her for her deeds on Planetos, she begged for no Asgardian to be able to spy another Asgardian on a mortal pilgrimage. So not only does Thor not know what happened to Loki, he's unaware of Amora plotting on Earth.
  • World's Best Warrior: Thor says that no warrior rivals her, meaning that she's likely the best fighter in Asgard.


Ægir, the Drowned God

The Drowned God of the Ironborn. He's actually a pretty nice guy.
  • Adaptational Heroism: The Drowned God is said to have made the Ironborn in his likeness, which translates to being rapists, pillagers, and murdering lunatics. Here, he's a good drinking buddy, fun at parties, and is nothing like what the Ironborn see him as.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: What his title actually means — he got it after drunkenly hitting on Sif who dumped him into a pond.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Male example, the Asgardians apparently consider him the life of the party and a pretty swell guy.
  • Hopeless Suitor: He tried to bed Sif once, and she dunked him into a pond to show how much she thought of it.
  • Mistaken for Badass: The Ironborn believe him to be a powerful Social Darwinist who reaves and slaughters his enemies like cattle. He's actually a down-to-earth party animal who's a bit of a Casanova Wannabe. That being said, he's still an Asgardian, which means that he's still tougher than ninety-nine percent of all Westerosians.



The leader of the Valkyries, charged by the Allfather to take the fallen warriors to Valhalla.
  • Brutal Honesty: Unlike the other Asgardians, Valkyrie doesn't bother with platitudes and is pretty blunt.
  • Divine Race Lift: As mentioned above, Valkyrie is noticeably more dark-skinned than her original counterpart from the Norse myths and the comics.
  • Light Is Good: She wears silver-white armor and serves Asgard by bringing great warriors to their place in Valhalla.
  • Psychopomp: As a Valkyrie, it is her duty to take fallen warriors to Valhalla, although she would certainly not carry them.
  • Valkyrie: It's in her name. She is a fierce Asgardian warrior who takes the souls of deceased knights to the afterlife.
