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Better Than It Sounds / Other Media

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Over the top depictions of stuff you think you will need, when really we are just trying to sell you something for your hard-earned cash.

  • The Burger King: An extremely creepy self-proclaimed monarch who may or may not be wearing a mask of his own face, sneaks through bushes, follows strangers around town, and occasionally breaks into your house, all for the opportunity to offer you a burger or similar fast food items.
  • Chick-fil-A: We roast and kill chickens. In-fact, we will make our fries and sandwiches so delicious, it started an internet war with another restaurant that roasts and kills chickens. And then you will hate us when you drive up to our establishment, only to remember that we are closed on Sundays.
  • Chick-fil-A Cows: We encourage the mass genocide of one species in order to divert attention from another.
  • McDonald's: A full-grown man wearing make-up hangs out with a bunch of kids with the promise of delicious burgers that will just get stolen away by his openly criminal friend and a big purple monster.
  • Protegent: A blatant ripoff of a preschool show character raps about and encourages people to purchase an antivirus software that doesn't even work properly.
  • Big Bill Hell's: A clearly Insane Proprietor curses at you, threatens you, offers to perform coitus with your wife, and issues an impossible challenge, all for the purposes of selling cars that he himself claims to be total garbage. It's also not actually a real commercial, but something made by some bored car dealership employees in Maryland on a particularly slow day solely for the purposes of entertaining themselves and by complete chance managed to make it onto the internet.

Objects of completely superficial value that you'll buy anyway because we told you they cost a lot.

Worthless Crap
  • The Birth of Venus: A new-born woman that came out of someone's severed penis ogled by the people around her as a sex object and will eventually become famous for being a slut.
  • The Mona Lisa: Just another portrait that would have otherwise been less famous if someone didn't try to steal it.

The Ones that Made Worthless Crap

  • Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio: A Nightmare Fetishist that got himself killed due to his temper and superiority complex.

Choppy doodles flashed very fast that are Asian in origin, but not from Japan specifically.

  • 3000 Whys of Blue Cat: Funny Animals spend time watching science videos.
  • 4 Angies: A bunch of girls have eccentric superpowers and must survive each day in a school watched by a notoriously harsh principal.
  • Bhaagam Bhaag: A boy is extra careful not to be Late for School. A lot.
  • BoBoiBoy: A boy who can split into three doesn't want aliens to have cocoa beans.
  • Boonie Bears: Some bears harass a woodcutter simply for doing his job.
    • Boonie Cubs: Apparently, in the past, the bears and the human attended a kindergarten course for animals.
  • Bread Barbershop: Foods get decorated. Their decorator is extremely unwilling to give up on any of them and obsessed with money.
  • Canimals: Miniscule, troublemaking critters explore the world and hide in their own metallic bodies whenever a human is around.
  • Chhota Bheem: A kid eats junk food and beats people up.
  • Crazy Candies: A gumdrop wants to be a good chef. He and his pals have had episodes that are lawsuit-inducingly shot-for-shot re-enactions of SpongeBob SquarePants episodes.
  • Doby & Disy: A brother and sister help everyone they come across. It's just as cutesy as you would expect, and it's a rip-off of Dora the Explorer to boot.
    • Doby & Disy: Hello Dream (Season 5): The brother and sister take their helping people up a notch by physically entering dreams to help kids achieve their dream jobs.
  • Flower Angel: A girl and a fairy go around capturing and fighting other fairies.
    • Flower Angel Season 3: Turns out the girl's fairy companion has a toxic admirer who wants to make him her own.
  • Gaju Bhai: A movie actor is friends with a prince who takes him to fight monsters.
  • GG Bond: A lollipop-obsessed superhero fights crime. Characterization is inconsistent from one season to another.
  • Happy Heroes: Vehicles and stones combine to form child superheroes who save the world every day and never learn who their enemies really are.
    • Happy Heroes Season 6: The child superheroes meet other child superheroes who are somewhat similar to them, on a planet themed around the Stone Age... even though this planet isn't supposed to have any technology at all, and the new superheroes are robots like the old ones.
    • Happy Heroes Season 7: The child superheroes try to stop a fight between a cat and a dog.
    • Happy Heroes Season 8: The child superheroes physically go into a book just to wake someone up.
    • Happy Heroes and the Magical Lab: A wizard magically removes important components from machines that give the leader of his villain group a hard time.
  • King Shakir: A lion kid goes on weird adventures. He's the son of another lion and a house cat, which isn't even the weirdest part of it.
  • Lamput: Scientists can't return their own invention back to their lab.
  • Miracle Star: A milk advertisement and a rip-off cartoon in one.
  • Mole's World animated series: A guy can transform into a superhero to save his friends, but he's not aware of his heroic self.
  • Motu Patlu: A fat man and a skinny man go on random wacky adventures in their hometown.
  • Nana Moon: Girl enters an elevator, gets transported to an alien world, and gains Magical Girl powers.
  • Noonbory and the Super 7: A gang of little creatures with amplified senses fight crime.
    • Noonbory and the Super 7 Season 2: The aforementioned gang of creatures are now stripped of their amplified senses and appear in Slice of Life stories.
  • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: A guy has to attempt to catch and eat children; if he fails, his wife will beat him up.
    • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Paddi the Amazing Chef: The children have to feed a mouse to return a kingdom back to normal.
    • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Dear Little Wish: The children help a star to grant wishes.
    • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tailor's Closet: The guy makes a Portal Network connecting a bunch of closets and uses it to catch up with the kids, who are now friends with a bunch of clothesmaker's tools.
    • Pleasant Goat Fun Class: That guy is suddenly friends (kinda) with the children and they all want to learn about the world around them.
      • Pleasant Goat Fun Class: The Earth Carnival: A rabbit shows the group around a carnival.
    • Mr.Wolffy, Mr.Right!: That guy becomes a human and stars in an office sitcom.
    • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Mighty Little Defenders: That guy masquerades as the children's pet dog. Eventually, the children try to befriend their enemies.
  • Say Hi to Pencil!: A showcase of days in the life of a writing utensil.
  • Simple Samosa: A bunch of foreign food items, including one with a rather oddball name, go on different adventures throughout their town.
  • Stitch & Ai: A young Chinese girl is about to be forcibly moved by her aunt from the mountains to a city when suddenly, aliens.
  • ViR: The Robot Boy: A robot defends the city while hanging out with a girl, a donkey, and a genie.
  • Yamucha's-Kung Fu Academy: A bunch of foreign food items attend a martial arts school.
  • YoYo Man: A potion causes some toys to come to life. They subsequently try to defeat a white-haired man and his own toys at any opportunity they can.

A once legitimate form of combat, which has since been livened up with acrobatic feats, elements from theater, and well-defined characters.

Alternative Title(s): Other
