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Better Than It Sounds / Film P

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  • Pacific Rim: War veteran gets dragged out of retirement after a wall collapses. He has to get over the death of his brother and bond with a shell-shocked Japanese woman in order to fight rejects from the Godzilla series.
    • Pacific Rim: Uprising: Disgruntled biologist threatens the world, and the only ones who can stop him are a scavenger and a teenage girl.
  • The Pagemaster: Boy learns to be braver from books.
  • Pan's Labyrinth: During the Spanish Civil War, a bookish girl with a psychotic army officer for an adoptive father completes three tasks so she can get killed and be reincarnated again as the fairy princess she was in a past life. Oh, and they're the scariest fairies ever.
  • Paranormal Activity: A man and woman argue incessantly because their noisy roommate is obsessed with the woman.
  • ParaNorman: An unpopular boy is the only one who can stop the Zombie Apocalypse, by reading a bedtime story.
  • Parasite (2019): Boy gets a new job, decides that his family should work near him. It gets ugly.
  • The Party: An actor from India gets invited to a Hollywood party by blowing up an expensive fort. The star, director, musician and company worked on another unrelated series of films.
  • The Passion of the Christ: A nice guy shows up and tries to help, but the last half of the movie is him getting tortured to death.
    • Alternatively, the Master of the Universe willingly goes through hell — literally — to save a species of utter bastards.
  • Patton: A guy swears a lot, kills a lot of people and has a lot of fun doing so.
  • Paul: Two nerds hit an alien who asks them for a lift. On the way, they kidnap a young woman and run from several people who try to kill them.
  • Paul Blart: Mall Cop: A pair of criminal sociopaths with some very acrobatic henchmen repeatedly attempt to murder a hypoglycemic.
  • Paulie: The life and times of a talking bird.
  • The Peanuts Movie: Butt-Monkey tries to impress a girl while his dog pretends to fight a war.
  • The Pebble and the Penguin: A relationship is dependent on finding a rock.
  • Pecker: A photographer causes trouble.
  • Pee-wee's Big Adventure: A slightly creepy SNL-rejected man-child loses his bike to another man-child. He then looks for the bike. Directed by a man whose past works deal with a disturbed, Poe-obsessed kid and a dead dog. For the soundtrack, these two went to the leader of a considerably popular punk-rock-new-wave-comedy troupe and asked him to compose an orchestrated score despite his total lack of experience in that area. The main character went on to host a children's show with a talking house and the rocker went on to compose film scores for a living.
    • Alternatively, a mentally questionable man has his bike stolen by a more financially stable mentally questionable man. After pursuing his rival in a murderous rampage, he travels with an assortment of unsavory people to retrieve his beloved bicycle after receiving a tip-off from a dodgy fortune teller.
  • The People Under the Stairs: A lovely couple must protect themselves and their young daughter from a home invasion.
  • The Perfect Storm: Danny Ocean vs. the ocean. Based on a True Story.
  • Peter Pan: Kids follow strange child to an island.
  • The Phantom of the Opera: A neurotic ballet dancer takes singing lessons from a serial killer who lives behind her dressing-room mirror.
  • Phase IV: Two men study ants in Arizona.
  • Phenomena: On the advice of Donald Pleasence and his chimp, Jennifer Connelly creates an army of bugs to drive a five year-old Serial Killer away from Richard Wagner's house.
  • Philadelphia: A lawyer gets fired for being sick and enlists the help of another lawyer who thinks he might get cooties from the sick guy.
  • The Philadelphia Story: Arrogant divorced heiress gets remarried. Ex-husband brings paparazzi into the house for the preparations. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Phone Booth: A Jerkass in New York gets into a phone booth and can't get out.
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock: Schoolgirls go on a picnic, and a handful wander off to climb a rock. Not actually a true story.
  • The Pink Panther (1963): An inept French policeman gets framed for robbing a diamond he didn't steal... nor did the robber he suspected to have stolen it. People usually watch it just to see the animated credits.
    • A Shot in the Dark: The policeman must solve a murder mystery at a mansion owned by Shere Khan but gets virtually nowhere as the body count rises and blame increasingly falls on the innocent one. Here we meet the policeman's boss, who goes nuts after chopping off his thumb with a cigar cutter, and servant, who attacks against his will.
    • Inspector Clouseau: Policeman investigates a British gang attempting to hide Swiss money inside chocolate bars.
    • The Pink Panther Strikes Again: The policeman fails to notice his boss does not want him anymore.
  • Pink Floyd The Wall: Bad stuff happens to a guy throughout his life, so one day he decides to socially isolate himself from human civilization.
  • Pinocchio: A puppet's first day of school is interrupted by nearly everything possible.
  • The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists: A group of nameless pirates and only one scientist prevent the Queen of England from eating rare animals. By the way, in real life, the scientist was the one eating rare animals.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: A blacksmith's rich girlfriend gets kidnapped by zombie pirates, and he goes to rescue her with the help of another pirate who is not a zombie but wears eyeliner. And it's based on a theme park ride.
    • Alternatively: A politician's daughter steals gold and is mistaken for a gold-thief's daughter by gold-thieves, who want to kill her, so they can die. Her stalker fails to save her with the help of a guy his dad knew from work, but the gold thieves don't kill the politician's daughter, because she's not a gold thief's daughter. Everyone who isn't a gold-thief fights everyone who is until the gold-thieves go to jail or die.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie: Three vegetables go back in time to prevent the only person in the world who has limbs from taking revenge on his brother.
  • Pitch Perfect: A wannabe DJ is pressured into joining her new college's all female acapella group, who happen to be very down on their luck and are trying to rise to the top. Throw in a bunch of enjoyable covers, some witty humor, and singing while using a plastic cup for percussion, and we're good to go.
    • Pitch Perfect 2: The female acapella group is now an international powerhouse. Unfortunately their reputation is severely damaged following an embarassing Wardrobe Malfunction, so they take part in the acapella world championships in an effort to get reinstated. Meanwhile, the DJ gets an internship at a recording studio, and helps produce a song created by a new freshman member.
    • Pitch Perfect 3: Most of the acappella group has graduated from collegenote  and are unhappy with their lives. Through one of the members, they decide to go on a USO reunion tour. Unfortunately for them, another member has family drama that puts all of them at risk. And now the DJ has to decide if she wants to go into recording music herself, or stay with her plucky group of friends.
  • Pixar Shorts: So you paid 10 bucks to see that new All-CGI Cartoon your kids won't shut up about? You'll have to sit through an avant-garde arthouse project first, most of which have no dialog.
  • Plan 9 from Outer Space: People are stupid, stupid! One of the greatest films starring a chiropractor.
  • Planetata na Sakrovishtata: Bizarrely animated sci-fi re-telling of an old book made before the other one involves misshapen blobs for characters looking for a treasure, with the story being peppered with child-inappropriate humor, some racist caricatures, and an ending that goes completely off the rails.
  • Planet of the Apes (1968): Man's travel takes longer than expected, and after his arrival he ends up captured and put on trial by hostiles. The trial covers politics and philosophy, including human nature.
  • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf Film Series: A bunch of films based on a Chinese cartoon about a guy who gets beaten up by his wife if he doesn't capture kids for them to eat.
  • Pleasantville: A brother and sister get way too into a sitcom from The '50s.
  • Pocahontas: Native American woman who enjoys extreme sports falls in love with Mel Gibson.
  • Pokémon: The First Movie: A human/flying cat hybrid goes nuts and tries to take over the world.
  • Pokémon Detective Pikachu: Boy gets together with his father's old pet, finds out the head of the local MegaCorp has unusual business plans.
    • Or: A young man, looking for his father's whereabouts, discovers a Corrupt Corporate Executive is secretly a furry and is plotting to force everyone to live out fursonas. The young man's new friend has been living this plot since the beginning of the movie without either of them realizing it.
    • Or: A young man looks for his father's whereabouts and finds out his father's old pet was his father all along. It Makes Sense in Context.
  • The Polar Express: The best possible outcome of hitching a ride from a stranger who says he knows Santa. (from Netflix ad)
  • Poltergeist: Lazy real estate decisions lead to family discovering their domestic appliances aren't working as expected.
  • Pom Poko: Eco-terrorists beat up cops using their genitals.
  • Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea: Reclusive father imprisons daughter. Earth is wiped out when she escapes.
    • Alternatively: A young girl has magical abilities to transform items, call floods and run on water. Nobody cares.
  • Pooh's Heffalump Movie: A bunch of animals go out to hunt elephants. The only one that succeeds later lets it go.
  • Poor Things: A bunch of people have sex with a zombie that escaped London. The zombie returns to London to reunite with the people the zombie left behind, then performs a lobotomy on one of them.
  • Porco Rosso: A pig flies a plane and gets into mishaps.
  • The Poseidon Adventure: Cruiseship ends up upside down. A group of people decide to get to the top. Adventure ensues.
  • The Postman: A man puts on a postman's jacket, altering the course of history for the better.
  • Pour la Suite de Monde: A bunch of Quebecois catch a beluga whale, and take it to New York. Not based on a true story so much as actually a true story.
  • The Powerpuff Girls Movie: Three girls beat up a monkey.
  • Precious: Teenage girl fights with mother over pregnancy, then writes about it in her diary.
  • Predator: Man with peculiar accent survives hunting trip.
    • Predator 2: A big game hunter, whose vocabulary consists of "want some candy?", "shit happens" and "motherfucker," fights Latino gangsters and cops. It can only be stopped by that black dude from Lethal Weapon.
    • Predators: Some people and a big game hunter get roped into a hunting trip.
    • The Predator: Kid finds big game hunter equipment, ends up targeted by one of his rivals.
    • Prey (2022): Woman's dreams to be a hunter are crashed by the arrival of the big game hunter.
  • Predestination: A woman gets pregnant from masturbation.
  • The Prestige: Wolverine hires David Bowie to build a teleporter so he can frame Batman for murder.
  • Pretty Maids All in a Row: A serial killer targets teenage girls. A teacher seduces an underage student. It's a comedy.
  • Primer: An out of order plot with lots of Techno Babble.
  • The Prince of Egypt: The Book of Exodus adapted into a Disneyesque Animated Musical.
  • The Princess and the Frog: A slacker prince and a workaholic trust that a decades-old fairy tale will cure the prince's bizarre skin condition. It does not. Later, it does.
  • The Princess Bride: A farm hand becomes a pirate and his girlfriend becomes a princess and then he kidnaps her and dies. Then, with the help of a hungover fencer and a stupid giant, he kidnaps her again after coming back to life. Whilst all this is going on, a grandfather tells his grandson a story.
    • Alternately: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. It doesn't sound too bad.
    • Alternately: Some plonker reads a kissing book to his grandson.
      • Extra-Alternately: Lieutenant Columbo reads a kissing book to his sick, baseball-playing grandson. True love is declared.
  • The Producers: Two hard-on-their-luck guys attempt to make the biggest theatrical flop in history. They fail. Spectacularly.
  • Promising Young Woman: Woman has a bad habit of constantly almost getting date raped.
  • The Proposition: A petty criminal decides which of his brothers he likes better. IN AUSTRALIA!.
  • Psycho: Woman is killed by man in drag, who also has an Oedipus complex.
    • Alternately: Woman takes a shower. It's the last thing she ever does...
    • Psycho II: Man from before tries to go straight, but Oedipus complex returns.
    • Psycho III: Essentially the first film.
    • Psycho IV: The Beginning: Man gets over his Oedipus complex.
  • Pulp Fiction: A couple of hit-men discuss everything from hamburgers to theology. One retires, the other dies, and their boss is anally raped.
    • Alternately: A hitman stabs a woman in the heart to save her, three preppies get killed by Bible quotes and miracles, the sole survivor of that accidentally gets shot in the head when a car hits a bump note , and a quest to get donuts, a toilet, and a watch hidden up Christopher Walken's ass for two years ends in murder and anal rape.
  • The Pursuit of Happyness: The journey of a man to be happy.
  • Puss in Boots: Two pariahs reform their partnership to kidnap a bird.
    • Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Pariah goes through a crisis, only broken when he teams up with his ex and another pariah to travel to a forest.
      • Alternatively, a wolf wants to murder a cat in clothes for dying too much.
