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Better Than It Sounds / Film: C

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  • The Cabin in the Woods: People are unwillingly sent to scripted reality show, visit the network headquarters, meet some potential participants and ultimately anger the target audience.
  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Murders are committed while everyone involved, including the killer, is asleep. Tim Burton has spent his entire career trying to remake this film.
    • Alternatively: Mad carney with part-time job as a psychiatrist sends his psychic, narcoleptic, sleepwalking henchman to murder people For Science!!
  • The Cable Guy: Ferris Bueller has a Stalker with a Crush in the guy who fixes his TV.
  • Caddyshack: A golf resort goes nuts.
  • Candy Land: The Great Lollipop Adventure: Man is angry at the fact that nobody he knows likes licorice, so he decides to take over the kingdom by giving everyone free licorice and ban all other candy. He almost succeeds because the owner of the object which can give everyone free licorice just left it laying around.
  • Candyman: A very strange romance where a nosy woman doing a study for college catches the eye of an eccentric yet poetic homeless man with an affinity for bees.
  • Cannibal Holocaust: A professor goes looking for some friends in the Amazon and finds their home videos. They aren't pretty.
  • Can't Hardly Wait: Chris Griffin and Claire Fisher are locked in the bathroom and Greg Mendell listens to Barry Manilow.
  • Captain America: The First Avenger: A scrawny wimp volunteers to take steroids and is dressed in the American flag to fight an army led by a man with a skull for a head.
  • Captain Clegg: Brandy-smuggling vicar, witty coffin-maker, and Large Ham pretend to be ghosts in order to scare away jerkass cop.
  • Captain Marvel (2019): Back in The '90s, an alien crash-lands on Earth and discovers that she's not really an alien (and that cats are the most powerful creatures in the universe.) She gets a medium-level military officer embroiled in a Great Offscreen War she's been fighting, but quickly discover that War Is Hell and things are not always as they seem.
  • Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie: Two boys accidentally hypnotize their principal into stripping. This comes in handy later when their new teacher decides to start removing parts of children's brains.
  • Carnival of Souls: A car-crash victim becomes a church organist, then goes to an amusement park.
  • Carrie (1976): Teen girl throws a fit at a prom.
  • Cars: After an incident where he gets lost and enters a hillbilly village, racer decides to lose the race of his life.
    • Cars 2: One of the racer's friends gets a second job.
    • Cars 3: The racer tries to prove he's not getting too old. And yet, he doesn't finish the big race.
  • Casablanca: After a long time, a guy meets his ex-girlfriend, who ditched him for another guy. He's bitter and jealous, but he begins to fall in love with her again. And then he forces her to stay with the other guy.
    • Or a guy falls in love with another man's wife. The husband forgives them because he likes fighting Nazis. Meanwhile a corrupt French cop closes down a bar after pocketing his winnings. He is notably shocked.
    • Or the wife of a handsome war hero falls in love with a bartender. The bartender refuses her because he prefers going to war beside a corrupt French cop.
    • Or a WWII draft dodging, gin-swilling, Fedora-wearing dude flees U.S., is spurned by a sentimental Parisian woman who’s really from Sweden, dumps her, then vanishes into the night with another man.
      • And despite all of these happenings, the thing that most people remember this movie best for is the protagonist requesting a song.
  • Casino Royale (1967): Spies visit casino, has an ending hard to describe. But James Bond is played by David Niven, Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress, Daliah Lavi, and Woody Allen (sort of). And Orson Welles is the bad guy. That's got to count for something.
  • Casper: A moody teen and a dead kid try to stop a Rich Bitch and her Pythonian lackey from getting their hands on some family mementos.
    • Alternatively: Not-so-nice dead people try to scare living people from a house. Also, a dead guy with an identity crisis falls madly in love with a teenage girl.
  • Cast Away: Workaholic gets into forced vacation. Alternately, a man and his volleyball.
  • Castle in the Sky: A young miner and a girl who fell out of the sky have to save the titular location from an evil man voiced by Luke Skywalker.
  • Cat People (1982): A man is so desperate to have sex that he tries to get it on with his sister.
  • Cats Don't Dance: Talking Animals perform a Beast Fable about racial integration in the movie industry. Oh, and the villain is an eight-year-old girl.
    • Alternatively: Sentient felines attempt to prove the title of their own movie wrong. In song!
  • Catch Me If You Can: A government agent spends five years trying to find a teenage runaway.
  • Caveman: Foreign-language film about a love triangle in a savage, untamed land. It involves three of The Beatles, one of whom it is dedicated to.
  • Changing Lanes: Two dudes trash their cars and miss some appointments. So they decide to destroy each others' lives. No, this is not a comedy.
  • Chaplin: Iron Man becomes a famous comedy star in the 1920s.
  • Chariots of Fire: Four people become friends and run a lot.
  • The Chase: A birthday clown and an heiress take a road-trip to Mexico. Her father doesn't want her to go. This garners a lot of attention from the press and law enforcement.
  • Chicago: Attention Whore tries to get famous, despite her only skill being lying.
  • Chicken Little: A young boy distances himself from his father until the apocalypse happens.
  • Chicken Run: Prisoners concoct elaborate escape plan with help from American circus acrobat after learning that their captors intend to turn them into pies.
  • Child's Play (1988): Criminal becomes shorter and frames a kid.
  • Children of Men: People kill each other over a pregnant woman.
  • Chinatown: Man solves extremely Squicky murder mystery about water treatment.
  • Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022): Two rodents stop Peter Pan from giving people cosmetic surgery. Yes, really.
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: Widower repairs race car, drives it to picnic. He regales his children and a heiress with a tall tale about his car being able to fly. She proposes marriage.
  • A Christmas Carol: Time-traveling ghosts teach a cheap old British guy to be less of an jerkass. Been filmed a million times.
  • A Christmas Story: Kid wants weapon likely to shoot someone in the eye.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: A girl discovers a fairyland inside the upstairs closet. Her siblings treat her badly until they make friends with an unwashed builder and his fussy wife, who teach them about Jesus. They proceed to save the day, then get home in time for supper twenty years later.
    • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: The four siblings learn that the Doctor was correct and that time really is just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. They save the day again, and manage not to miss the school bus.
    • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Two of the siblings and their cousin go on a sea cruise and save the day. Again.
      • A mouse goes to Heaven.
  • C.H.U.D.: Hoboes mutate.
  • Chungking Express: A police officer eats pineapple. Later on, a sandwich shop employee redecorates a different officer's apartment.
  • Cinderella: A long neglected girl who is friends with mice and gets treated like a slave attends a ball that she was never actually invited to thanks to a magical old woman. When she leaves said ball, she drops a piece of footwear.
    • Cinderella III: A Twist in Time: A mean woman makes her daughter steal the neglected girl's boyfriend. The most memorable scene involves the boyfriend throwing himself out of a window.
  • Citizen Kane: A dying old man says something very strange on his deathbed, prompting someone to order someone else to interview everyone he ever met to try and find out what he meant.
    • Alternately: Dirty old rich man dumps wife and family for young, blonde filly with a speech impediment, who drinks herself silly and ends up gone.
  • Citizen X: The police force of a police state is unable to catch a real criminal until the state collapses.
  • City of Angels: Guy quits his job to be with his girlfriend. This proves to be short-lived.
  • City of God: Photographer gets stuck in a fight between a childhood friend and a bus inspector.
    • Or: Guy lives through gang war. Gets internship at newspaper.
  • City Of Lost Children: An orphan and a circus strongman must team up to overcome an octopus and some quirky clones. They are both helped and hindered by fleas.
    • All but one of the actors are French. I will let you guess which One.
    • A Mad Scientist lives on an oil rig with a little person, some semi-retarded clones, and a Brain in a Jar. The scientist can't dream, so he kidnaps children to try to steal their dreams for himself. It was probably a mistake to kidnap Hellboy's little brother, though.
  • Clerks: A minimum-wage employee gets called into work on his day off, and gets to hang out with his best friend and play hockey.
    • Clerks II: Aging slackers experience life crisis when place of employment burns to ground.
  • Click: A man constantly uses his remote control.
  • A Clockwork Orange: A sadist has therapy. (from an actual TV listing guide)
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind: After alienating his family, a man decides to spend some time at a national monument.
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: A Bungling Inventor tries to give some variety to his homeland's diet.
  • Cloverfield: A guy really ought to leave town right away, but stays to be with some chick he dated once.
    • Or: When a child gets hopelessly lost in New York City, the residents are none too happy about it. They all take turns trying to kill it to get it to stop making so much noise and breaking stuff.
    • Or: A Japanese soft drink company indirectly destroys New York. The viewer only knows this if they spend too much time on the internet.
  • Clue: Dr. Frank 'N Furter, Doc Brown, and a bunch of other blackmail victims run around a big house looking for a murderer and debating simple mathematics.
  • Clueless: An overdressed girl goes shopping and gives her new friend a make-over. She's into a guy that is not into her. There's another guy who she cannot stand because he's a total geek, and he's always ragging on her, but he's way cuter than she first thought so it's cool. And it's based on a book.
    • Or: A teenager from the Valley tries to play matchmaker with the people in her life. In doing so, she learns more about herself and what is more important in life.
  • Coco: A kid and a hobo try to cross the border and get a guy canceled in the process. Don't worry; the guy's actually a murderer.
  • Coffee and Cigarettes: Two guys meet at a cafe. Two more people meet at a different cafe. And it goes on like this.
  • Cold Comfort Farm: A young woman is orphaned and goes to live with some relatives in the country.
  • Collateral: A killer and a taxi driver share a life changing trip around night-time LA, and discuss jazz.
  • Coming Soon: A ghost tries to convince a man not to pirate a movie.
  • Coming to America: Rich immigrant tries to trick women into marriage.
  • Commando: Man with peculiar accent helps former co-worker let off some steam.
  • Con Air: Man fights against plane hijackers just to see his daughter. Also known as "Criminals On A Plane"
  • Conan the Barbarian (1982): Man with peculiar accent's life is ruined by the voice of CNN.
  • Conspiracy: A number of German bureaucrats assemble in a country mansion to ratify an unpopular policy. Contains scenes of posturing and fine dining.
  • Constantine: A detective in a parable about the dangers of smoking and not having a good exit plan for your afterlife. Has nothing to do with the comic book.
  • Contagion (2011): Woman visits Chinese market. This eventually makes everyone not leave their homes.
  • Coraline: A girl tries to free her ignorant parents.
  • Corpse Bride: A man finds himself in a Love Triangle involving a dead woman.
    • Alternatively: A ghost comes back to life because a shy groom practiced his wedding vows in the wrong place.
    • Alternatively: A family film about necrophilia.
  • Cowboys & Aliens: Amnesiac loner goes to ghost town. Strange visitors follow him.
  • Crank: A very angry man will die if he stops moving.
    • Better yet: A very angry white man with a shaved head will die if he stops beating up ethnic stereotypes.
    • Drug addict spends last day in orgy of rape and violence.
    • Crank: High Voltage: A very angry man will die unless he electrocutes himself.
  • Crash (1995): A movie producer is drawn into the world of people who are sexually aroused by being in car crashes.
  • Crash (2004): A carjacking helps solve the problems of a lot of Los Angelenos.
  • Crawl: Girl reconnects with her father while facing bad weather and even worse house guests.
  • Creepshow: A young boy reads a comic book in which an undead being searches for cake, Leslie Nielsen is a deranged millionaire (though not the Deranged Millionaire), Stephen King turns into a plant, Adrienne Barbeau gets eaten by a baboon, and cockroaches amass in an apartment.
  • Crimson Peak: Loki and Alice fall in love. There are ghosts occasionally.
  • The Crimson Rivers: Two members of Les Cops Sportif go to a mountain university to look for a killers of Those Wacky Nazis. Only takes 'em one day.
  • Cronos: A grandpa gets stung by a scorpion and gains an odd taste in drinks.
  • The Croods: A family reluctantly goes on a road trip while the father of the clan struggles to accept new ideas... like "fire".
    • The Croods: A New Age: A family reluctantly starts thinking about whether to stop roaming and just settle down, though two sets of hostile neighbors make the decision harder to make.
  • Cruel Intentions: Two step-siblings make a bet so they can screw each other. The brother dies.
  • Cruella: Woman embraces a birth defect and does her best to become a viral phenomenon, while somehow not fully embracing the Freudian Excuse for her story being told in the first place.
  • The Crying Game: An incompetent terrorist fails to notice what kind of bar he's in.
  • Cube: A group of people are stuck inside a giant Rubik's cube where they argue a lot and die gruesomely. Math saves the day, except not really.
  • The Curse Of The Cat People: A dad learns to treat his little girl better after she gets visited by his dead first wife.
  • The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: Elric Penley is a crazy inventor who takes rabbits from people's yards and then tries to track himself down. He and Amon Göth are rivals for the affections of Bellatrix Lestrange.
    • Alternatively, a man becomes a furry and eats everyone's vegetables. Another man tries to shoot him while their dogs fly airplanes.
  • Cypher: In the future, unsubscribing from a mailing list is really complicated.
